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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to MrsSugarbabe in Excellent article to read.......   
    Excellent article to read:
    food and exercise. This is the time when it is actually easiest to do and to not do so wastes a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to begin a great new life with positive momentum.”……………
  2. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to VSGAnn2014 in I don't know if this belongs here, or "rants and raves"!   
    Dating is VERY hard work.
    It's not just you. A lot of people do not enjoy it at all.
    But the magic can sometimes happen. And when it does it's all worth it.
    And you sure as heck won't find someone sitting at home all the time.
    Don't forget -- you can also find Mr/Ms Right in a grocery line, a shoe store, a restaurant, or standing at a crosswalk. A nice smile and a friendly "Hello!" is all you need to start the conversation.
    Good luck!
  3. Like
    LisaLouBop got a reaction from Babbs in I would give anything for a Diet Coke...   
    Diet coke junkie here too. I haven't had one in over two years . I'm now a water-oholic. I've faced it, all my positive changes are forever. (Sigh)
  4. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to VSGAnn2014 in Worst Restaurant Food You Ordered?   
    I've been eating healthy (and a lot less) for 13.5 months now (have lost 90 pounds and am below goal). These eat-all-the-crap-you-can-gobble restaurant offerings now make me ill to even contemplate!
    I certainly wasn't a binger pre-op, but I ate so much more than I can now because (of course) I had a bigger stomach that held more, but also because I ate so much faster and chewed my food so much less than I do now.
    Completely aside from my new stomach's restriction, eating for 13.5 months the way we all should eat has helped me build a lot of strong, new habits.
    Hubby feels the same way -- we both eat far less than we did prior to my having WLS. All chain restaurant potion sizes are just too large for normal people. I'm old enough to remember what restaurant portion sizes in the 1950s and 1960s were -- MUCH smaller than they are today.
  5. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to jane13 in Worst Restaurant Food You Ordered?   
    I eat out a lot because hubby likes to go out to eat. Since I began this journey I have lost about 59lbs. Hubby has been losing weight since I seriously began my journey in January 2015, when I weighed 282. I asked him shortly post-op how he felt about ordering a la carte or sharing. He is super cool about it and just Saturday night at Fridays he said you aren't suppose to drink while eating and I find that if I drink before I eat - I get full quicker. He gets a take home box as well. I finally weigh less than him after about 8 years. I couldn't imagine doing this without his support. We eat out 4-5 times a week.
  6. Like
    LisaLouBop got a reaction from MrsSugarbabe in Mammograms - where a cup is turned into a saucer   
    Mine is scheduled for Monday, I will be sure to let them know. Thanks for the info.
  7. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to VSGAnn2014 in What to do when no one supports ... Your decision   
    Yes, that sucks.
    But no, you can't change others or their opinions. Only they can do that.
    Look to yourself and those who DO support you. Stop expecting support from those who have shown that they aren't on your side.
    Grieve if you have to. But please do NOT let their negativity influence you. If their nastiness upsets you too much, don't be around them.
    Be strong for yourself. Care for yourself. That's why they call it "self care."
  8. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to SHELLYROCKWELL in What to do when no one supports ... Your decision   
    You have to do what makes you happy. The surgery was the best decision I have ever made. Im down 82 pounds after almost 9 months. You do need support from friends and family to get you thru the ruff stages, so im so sorry to hear your family is not helping your decision. Remember you have forum friends how are here to help you through this.
  9. Like
    LisaLouBop got a reaction from Alex Brecher in No Wonder I Wasn’t Skinny!   
    Great topic.
    I was looking back on my fitness pal log this time last year. (6 months prior to my VSG). I could not believe the amount of carbs I was eating. No Wonder I Wasn't Skinny. Daily intake of carbs, was 150, 160, 180. My Protein was low and the fat, sugar and especially the carbs were crazy, just the opposite of what we should be eating.
    It's amazing to look back and see exactly what I was doing wrong.,,,, EVERYTHING!!!!
  10. Like
    LisaLouBop got a reaction from Alex Brecher in No Wonder I Wasn’t Skinny!   
    Great topic.
    I was looking back on my fitness pal log this time last year. (6 months prior to my VSG). I could not believe the amount of carbs I was eating. No Wonder I Wasn't Skinny. Daily intake of carbs, was 150, 160, 180. My Protein was low and the fat, sugar and especially the carbs were crazy, just the opposite of what we should be eating.
    It's amazing to look back and see exactly what I was doing wrong.,,,, EVERYTHING!!!!
  11. Like
    LisaLouBop got a reaction from Alex Brecher in No Wonder I Wasn’t Skinny!   
    Great topic.
    I was looking back on my fitness pal log this time last year. (6 months prior to my VSG). I could not believe the amount of carbs I was eating. No Wonder I Wasn't Skinny. Daily intake of carbs, was 150, 160, 180. My Protein was low and the fat, sugar and especially the carbs were crazy, just the opposite of what we should be eating.
    It's amazing to look back and see exactly what I was doing wrong.,,,, EVERYTHING!!!!
  12. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to jane13 in Fat Related Routines You Won't Miss   
    @ - I loved your reply I have heard I am sorry we don't carry that in "YOUR" size. You will have to go on-line and see if that size is available.
    @@The Candidate - you must know my aunt! she bought me this pajama "outfit" to wear to the hospital for WLS that had zigzag capri pants in hot pink and turquoise and a pale pink top with a damn kitten wearing a knitted cap (with the ear muffs and strings that hang down)! Granted she meant well and knows I love cats (haven't had one in years). It was marked down at Kohls (I am guessing from Christmas??? I live in Florida) and she wanted me to have something to wear at the hospital. I didn't take it. I started to just because I figured I would never see anyone from there ever again. I only wore the provided gown with my undergarments and a robe (that she also bought).
  13. Like
    LisaLouBop got a reaction from Alex Brecher in No Wonder I Wasn’t Skinny!   
    Great topic.
    I was looking back on my fitness pal log this time last year. (6 months prior to my VSG). I could not believe the amount of carbs I was eating. No Wonder I Wasn't Skinny. Daily intake of carbs, was 150, 160, 180. My Protein was low and the fat, sugar and especially the carbs were crazy, just the opposite of what we should be eating.
    It's amazing to look back and see exactly what I was doing wrong.,,,, EVERYTHING!!!!
  14. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to Stevehud in Things you just dont expect at a milestone!   
    Hello all, So yesterday morning I awoke, got on the scale and hit the 212 pound mark. which puts my weight loss at 150 pounds down. I was stunned to say the least. It really makes for a great day. The weight loss numbers are wonderful, but i also just bought some new shorts and fit into a size 36 , or a mens medium, now instead of the 56 and a 4xl last summer. Now that really makes for a great day.
    This morning i logged into Facebook and the folks over at Si03.com aka the makers of Syntrax Protein products, sent me a wonderful message. They are starting a new social media campaign, called Transformation Tuesdays. They asked me to be their first subject, and would like before and after pictures of me and the link to my blog to be featured on their Facebook site and twitter feed.
    I almost came to tears just reading their message. So tomorrow, if you would like, feel free to check out the syntrax facebook page and see me there lol. just kidding you don't have to go, But I wanted to share this bit of a success with so many here who have helped me along the way. And to show anyone who hasn't got to where they want to be yet, that we can do this.
  15. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to VSGAnn2014 in Terrified I can eat to much   
    It's exactly those kinds of sharp observations you made about the contents of your bowl that will lead you to success.
    I think you're going to do great.
  16. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to VSG_Hopeful in Terrified I can eat to much   
    @@LisaLouBop, thanks, I had already found this thread and read through it after your suggestion. It seems that there are 2 schools of thought on being able to stretch your sleeve.
    It would seem to me that the further out you are the more pliable and stretchy your sleeve can become. Maybe it can't stretch in the beginning due to the tightness caused by the initial swelling from surgery.
    I'm 6 weeks post surgery, I really feel that I should not be able to hold 6ozs of food. But I noticed yesterday and today that I was eating ribs and chicken and could only eat a little over 2ozs.
    All I can conclude from that is that the contents of the burrito bowl is just not that dense. In total I think it only had 2ozs of chicken in it and I only ate half the chicken the first time, the rest of the meal was cheese, Beans and guacamole.
    I know I'm stressing for nothing. I just feel like this is my last shot at getting my life back on track and actually being in control of my weight loss for once. I really don't want to mess this up.
  17. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to Healthy_life2 in Fat Related Routines You Won't Miss   
    @@The Candidate
    Shaving my legs and arm pits was a chore. My shower is a small vertical coffin.Now I fit in it and I'm hairless! thanks sleeve
  18. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to Chrystee in Usually, I'm pretty even keeled, even on the Internet, but some questions...   
    What is a lie? I was that patient.. eating 300, 400 or 500 calories and working out like crazy and stopped losing. I had to increase calories..
    HAHA, I remember posting one of those.. You KNOW that it will work.. You KNOW you will get there, but there is that panic, that maybe, just maybe you are the % that the surgery won't help.. It is scary.
  19. Like
    LisaLouBop got a reaction from Inner Surfer Girl in Go Outside And Play   
    My elderly neighbors are loving me, and keep me hydrated.
    We have had more than our fair share of thunderstorms this year, several times a week. I've been cleaning up mine and my neighbors yards 2 -3 times a week for the past month +. Trees, branches, sticks abound as well as small flash floods washing out around our yards.
    It doesn't feel like I'm working that hard but at the end of the day I'm soaked through from sweat, and have the "good" aches and pains. My fitness tracker is very happy too.
  20. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to TammyDTM in Tears of joy   
    @@minniegirl What a difference a sleeve makes!
  21. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to minniegirl in Tears of joy   
    40 pounds and 8 weeks has already truly changed my life! I feel like it is a miracle that I never REALLY thought would happen!!
    I have a way to go still but I am already living the life I could only dream of for so many years!! sniffle sniffle

    This was taken yesterday while we walked 5 miles in Atlantic City!!
  22. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to Rogofulm in How to be Successful?   
    Hi @MarceMonster. Here’s the formula I used to get to goal weight:

    • Start every morning with a Protein shake for Breakfast.
    • Eat 60–80 or more grams of Protein daily.
    • Drink 64–120 ounces of fluids daily. (I drink tons of Crystal Light, or generic, sugar-free/decaf iced tea.)
    • Do not consume any starches or sugars.
    • Get all carbs from green veggies, legumes, and dairy products.
    • Do not consume empty liquid calories/sugar (fruit juices, ice cream, etc).
    • Try to avoid alcohol. It’s empty liquid calories that turn to sugar in your body and can lead to poor choices.
    • All Snacks must be protein-based (Jerky, nuts, cheese, Greek yogurt, deli meats, etc.).
    • Get some exercise 4-6 times a week.
    • Never leave the house without a plan for what you can eat and drink while you’re out. If necessary, bring food and drink with you.
    • Restaurant eating is not hard: 1) skip the bread; 2) order a meat (or legume/bean) dish; 3) replace the starch with a second vegetable; 4) skip the dessert. You’ll probably end up taking some of the meat and most of the veggies home for another meal.
    • Beef/turkey Jerky is my secret weapon. It’s saved me more times than I can count, so I try to always have some in the car for emergencies. You can buy a bag of jerky almost anywhere. It’s kind of expensive and not great for sodium-restricted diets, but it’s also high protein, low fat, okay sugar, and a 3.5-ounce bag is a meal by itself!
    • If you fall off the horse, get back on immediately – at the next meal. Not tomorrow, and definitely not next Monday. That’s what got us here!
    • Go to Bariatric Support Group meetings in your area, if possible.
    • Participate actively in online forums like BariatricPal.
    • Read as much as you can about the process and the journey; and especially, read posts and articles from those who had their surgery a few years ago. Try to understand what lead to their successes and/or struggles.
    • Share your story and reach out to help others who are behind you in their journey. By helping them, you’ll help yourself as well.
    • Have a goal weight in mind and strive to get there. (I weigh myself every single day.) But also set lots of smaller goals. It’s fun and inspiring to achieve them.
    • Always be looking forward. Don’t look back over your shoulder waiting for the heavier person to drag you back. Let that person fade into history.
    • Believe that the slimmer person in the mirror is the real you.
    • A little vanity is okay. Enjoy how you look. Accept compliments graciously and don’t deflect them. Have fun trying on smaller-sized clothes that fit now. Compare before and after pictures. Take pride in your accomplishments!
    • Accept that this is a somewhat selfish process. That’s okay, too. You don’t have to apologize for it. And don’t let other people interfere with your progress. We have to make our weight loss program a priority in our lives.
    • But at the same time, recognize that your journey affects your friends and loved ones as well. Be sensitive to their reactions and their emotional needs, without allowing it to derail your program.
    • And finally, try to have fun losing the weight and getting healthy!

    Hold onto your determination! That's what'll keep you going during the difficult times and the stalls. Good luck!

  23. Like
    LisaLouBop got a reaction from rosieuk in Calorie intake?   
    I'm 6 months out and I use My Fitness Pal to track everyday. I can give you my goals; Remember these are MY PERSONAL goals, sometimes I'm over, sometimes I'm under, so they are just what I try to shoot for.. (I'm trying to break a stall)
    Calories 800 kcal
    Protein 100 gr
    Fat 27 gr
    Carbs 40 gr
    Sugars 38 gr
    I find it very hard to stay within 40 gr of carbs, so I go over that a whole lot with vegetables and fruit.
    But I do my best most days.
    Hope this helps.
  24. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to VSGAnn2014 in Shame in sharing WLS with friends/family?   
    LOL! I think it's funny that your psychiatrist is angry with you.
    You should ask him, "What do you think that's about?"
  25. Like
    LisaLouBop reacted to VSGAnn2014 in Shame in sharing WLS with friends/family?   
    I told only my husband and two close friends who live 1,000 miles away -- in different directions.
    I knew beforehand, based on things both family members and other close friends said, that they knew nothing about WLS and weren't supportive of it. Just imagine how much time you've sunk into educating yourself about WLS and then consider whether you want to put that much effort into educating every Tom, d**k and Harry you know about WLS.
    For the record, I've lost / gained weight many times in my life. This time around, my friends / family think I've just finally "succeeded." I've lost 90 pounds in the last year and am 5 pounds under my weight loss goal. Doing great. Feeling good. Looking good. And not having to field any goofy, snarky comments from anyone either.

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