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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sharon1964

  1. Sharon1964

    No protein powders?!?

    At the nutrition class I went to (run by a nutritionist who works for my surgeon), we were told that the surgeon isn't really big on shakes, and prefers "real food". I asked how we were supposed to get in our Protein before we were back on solid food, and the answer was that they don't expect us to get protein the first two weeks. So since they "prefer" real food, but don't forbid shakes, I will probably use them to supplement.
  2. Commit these phrases to memory: "I'll give that all the consideration it deserves" "I'll let you know when it's okay to discuss me behind my back" "I'll let you know when my choices are open for discussion" and when someone says, "we've been discussing your wanting surgery...", you interrupt with, "well that is certainly odd. You must have been really bored lately" and then find a reason to walk away or have a topic to immediately change to.
  3. I wouldn't assume that. I would call the member services number on my insurance card and ask them directly.
  4. Sharon1964

    Everyone is an expert!

    At my office on my door, I have a countdown calendar for my surgery date (3 weeks from today, YAY!). People visiting my office who see the calendar ask me if I'm going on vacation as they are assuming that's what it's for. I always say, "I'm having bariatric surgery." Without fail, every single person then launches into "here's what you have to do", and then proceed to tell me how to be successful (whether it's Water or exercise or whatever). It's always about a friend or a relative or a friend of a friend. I've taken to holding up my hand to stop them and tell them that I've done all my research and I'm good to go. If it didn't torment my boss so much, I would take down the calendar. My boss is in a panic over me having surgery; he thinks I'm going to be out for a month (I told him a week). I told him I've taken longer vacations than I'm going to be out for surgery. /end rant
  5. Sharon1964


    I called my surgeon's office to ask about stopping metformin after the surgery. The nurse I spoke to said we wouldn't know until we did a blood sugar level in the hospital. I don't take metformin for high blood sugar (my numbers have always been normal). I take metformin because my A1C is too high. So blood sugar levels aren't going to tell us anything. Is there anyone else in this situation?
  6. Sharon1964

    Everyone is an expert!

    My coworkers are very supportive (or they're too afraid of me to say anything else!), it's the people who drop in - attorneys, vendors, etc.
  7. Sharon1964


    I think some people are confusing FMLA leave with disability insurance. FMLA gives you the right to take off work and have certain protections. Disability insurance may or may not pay for that time off. There is no "FMLA provider".
  8. Sharon1964

    Everyone is an expert!

    @@ShrinkingPeach Now don't you go ruining my rant, Missy!!!
  9. Sharon1964

    Everyone is an expert!

    I think there is a difference between asking and not asking a question. In my case, I did not ask a question or ask for opinions (I mean, in my office, not in posting this here). If I post in rants, I expect people to respond. If I ask a question, I expect (hope!) people will respond. If I make a statement face-to-face with someone, I don't expect them to launch into a speech to try to educate me.
  10. Sharon1964

    Hospital visitors?

    Most people report they sleep the rest of the day after surgery. Since it doesn't sound like you'll have time for visitors (unless you stay more than one night), I wouldn't want to expose people to hospital germs.
  11. Sharon1964

    Odd response from my potential doctor

    He's attempting to have you do this as if he was out of network, which makes me wonder if he really IS out of network. If he is not out of network, he would be violating his contract with what he is telling you. If he is out of network, then he can ask for full payment up front, give you the claim forms and the op report, and have you file your own claim with the insurance company. It would be subject to the terms of out of network procedures, which can be really bad, depending on your plan. If they deny the reimbursement, it would be up to you to fight it. It sounds to me like he wants to avoid the trouble of complying with your insurance and getting an authorization. For non-emergency surgery, you would probably still have to jump through the hoops or risk having everything denied. I would find another doctor.
  12. Sharon1964

    Don't judge me!

    Pictures. This thread needs pictures!
  13. If you don't want to tell anyone, then channel Miss Manners (aka, Judith Martin). She recommends "polite evasion" and/or "shocked astonishment." In your situation, I would go with "shocked astonishment." When you are confronted with a question so horribly impolite you will find yourself at a temporary loss for words. You would say, "pardon me?" in an astonished tone, because the question is inappropriate. If they don't "get it" and repeat the question, you would continue to look shocked and say, "Well goodness, THAT is certainly a personal question" then turn and walk away.
  14. Everyone else is taking the high road. I'm going to take the low road! (I know, some of you are going to be SOOOOO surprised!) "How much have you lost" Response: Actually, I've gained 10 pounds. "You need to be careful" Response: You're absolutely right. I should remember your advice more often. I'm so glad I have you to help me! "So many people gain back the weight" Response: Yes, they do. And I'll probably be one of those people! "You have such a pretty face" Response: Oh gosh THANKS! And you know, you have such a pretty... ummm... ahhhh.... ummmm... EARLOBE! Most people who say nasty things don't know what to say when you agree with them.
  15. Sharon1964

    Aetna H.M.O

    No reputable surgeon should do that. A lot of medical offices now have a paragraph in their welcome packet that says we do not code or bill to get something paid; we code and bill what was done; please do not ask us to do otherwise. Occasionally a patient will ask me to change a code. I pull out their medical record and if the requested item is not there, it will not happen. For instance, if muscle strain is covered but fibromyalgia is not covered, I won't put muscle strain on their claim if muscle strain is not actually documented by the doctor in their medical record. The treatment may even be exactly the same, but we still will not do it. If a patient then says, "well my other doctor does it", I offer to put them in touch with the Medical Board, the Office of the Inspector General, the Medicare Fraud Unit (whichever is applicable in their situation). That usually ends the conversation.
  16. Sharon1964

    PCP rant!

    If you have to see this woman again before you get another doctor, I suggest coming clean with her. Tell her that you are disappointed in your doctor-patient relationship, that she doesn't seem to care about you as a patient, she never suggests any preventive care, etc. Tell her that you've done your research on bariatric surgery and the truth is NOT that most people gain all the weight back, and you don't appreciate her defeatist attitude. Even if nothing comes of it, you may be helping another patient not have to go through the same thing. You never know, she may even apologize and sit down and listen to you.
  17. Sharon1964

    Someone slap me please!

    But when you have it, do you Celebrate??? That was my head-banging moment, more than the food item itself, I think. Celebrating eating something loaded with carbs at two months out. Am I saying I won't have pizza at some point in the future? No, I'm not saying that. But if, when I do, it involves me CELEBRATING that, I hope someone slaps the keeerap out of me.
  18. Sharon1964

    Someone slap me please!

    @jenn1 Thanks! I'll save that for when I'm at that point!
  19. Sharon1964

    Flexible Spending Account

    From what I could find, as long as an item is legal in a foreign country AND legal here, you can use FSA for it. If the item is legal in the foreign country (like certain medicines) but not legal here, you cannot use FSA for it.
  20. Sharon1964

    Shocked and Amazed

    You look great!
  21. Sharon1964

    Someone slap me please!

    I knew it would be you! This post came out of a head-banging moment where I saw someone CELEBRATING being able to eat pizza at two months out. Celebrate that you lost weight. Celebrate that you are in smaller sizes. Celebrate that you are healthier. Celebrate that you can fit into a restaurant booth, an airplane seat, a restroom stall. CELEBRATE! But celebrate that you can eat a piece of pizza??
  22. Sharon1964

    Plantar Fasciitis

    If you can, I'd advise going straight to the cortisone shots. Don't let anyone tell you that they are "dangerous" or they will "make you gain weight." They are not like steroids that circulate in your system...the cortisone stays localized (that is how it works!) and will eliminate the PF inflammation while it heals. What a godsend this stuff is. I've done them twice. Once the PF heals, you can then keep it at bay with all the above PT. But get yourself out of the acute pain now. I cannot understand why people don't go immediately for the proven cure and fool around with all the other methods. *********************************************************** The scientific literature isn't so gung-ho on injections for PF. The risk of rupture of the PF is high, which can make the problem exponentially worse. I asked my boss (board-certified in pain management as well as physical med & rehab) if he would inject mine. He said the lidocaine mixed in with the steroid would give me some temporary relief, but the literature doesn't show it is helpful long-term. I had him do it anyway, because I was in so much pain. And good heavens, did it ever hurt! I called him all kinds of bad names! Unfortunately, he was correct. I'm glad it helped you; I was hoping I would also be one of the few it helped. WEIRD! I edited a sentence at the bottom to fix a misspelling and I lost the formatting of the quoted part!
  23. Sharon1964

    Surgery didn't happen for me

    Sending good thoughts your way.
  24. Sharon1964

    Plantar Fasciitis

    My PF has come and gone over the years. I'm in the second year of "come on" right now. I only have it in one foot, thank goodness. I'm hoping that WLS will push it into the "gone" category. I keep a bag of frozen peas handy. Numbing up the bottom of my foot when it's particularly bad helps me a lot.
  25. Get your primary care doctor to give you a note off work; it can be on a prescription pad. All it has to say is "surgery date: XX/XX/XX. Off work for two weeks afterwards then half time for one week then full duty thereafter."" Or however many weeks you want off.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
