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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sharon1964

  1. Sharon1964


    Your post made me think of something. I think a lot of this has to do with your surgeon's eating plan for after surgery. Mine had me on one week of clear fluids, including 50-100 grams of carbs per day in diluted juice (diluted in half with water). Today I'm 11 days out from surgery, and I feel perfectly normal, not tired or anything. I think I would have been more tired if I wasn't getting in those calories every day.
  2. Sharon1964

    Smokers/Sleevers in Maryland?

    Why are you drinking if you know you will smoke then? Find a new hobby.
  3. Sharon1964

    August Calendar for August Sleevers

    I think I got everybody's updates. If I missed anyone, just let me know!
  4. Sharon1964

    Self Sabotage

    I think you need some food variety. Are you familiar with eggface's blog? Tons of good food choices and recipes. Click here.
  5. Sharon1964

    Self Pay Forum

    We have one already, click here.
  6. What are your responsibilities at home? Do you live on a farm and have to take care of livestock? Did you live in the city with a lot of pets? Do you have small children? Or are you like me, where the heaviest thing you have to lift is your bottle of fluids?
  7. Sharon1964

    Question for everyone

    A couple of days, however, the hospital offered to let me drive home on discharge. I did a wtf??, and they explained that if you haven't had painkillers in four hours you can drive. I hadn't had any that day at all, but I declined to drive.
  8. Sharon1964

    Personal Style -- How will I dress as a thin woman?

    You're so welcome. I have spent many an hour pouring through that site. I even wrote to the blogger and asked her a question and she sent a very thoughtful reply.
  9. My abdomen was sore, and I was tired. But not so tired that my life stopped. I just had to rest more frequently. I would classify it as a "non-event".
  10. Sharon1964

    Personal Style -- How will I dress as a thin woman?

    I like The Vivienne Files. She shows a lot of different styles for different ages and lifestyles.
  11. There is an entire subforum here dedicated to sleevers going to Mexico: http://www.bariatricpal.com/forum/486-mexico-self-pay-gastric-sleeve-surgery/
  12. Sharon1964


    5 days - I was sleeved on a Saturday and returned to work the next Thursday. Desk job.
  13. Sharon1964

    Nervous, nervous

    You can make your odds of a good outcome better by doing research, like you've been doing. Investigate your surgeon (I know my state shows actions against physicians on a public database; not sure if they all do), investigate your hospital, investigate the various procedures available. Go to an orientation, ask questions. Go to a support group, ask questions of people who've had it done.
  14. There is no hostility here. Astonishment is not hostility. I am shocked at your program. It doesn't mean it's wrong. You're happy that you have one incision, and you had your leak test while awake. I'm okay with five incisions, and I'm happy that my leak test was while I was asleep. Tradeoff. You're reading things into it that aren't there. It's just comparisons. "I wish you well" means truly that. I hope the program works for you. I hope you lose the weight you want to lose. I hope your hunger stops. I hope you have a long and healthy life. I wish you well.
  15. Well, my surgeon does the leak test while you're still under anesthesia. He says there's no reason to put patients through the discomfort of a leak test while awake. If it's leaking, he wants to know about it before he wakes you up so he can fix it right then. I know that my swollen sleeve can't tolerate food. It tolerate liquids. And yes, I would have signed out against medical advice (AMA). So... East coast best: one incision, solid food in hospital, leak test while awake West coast best: five incisions, liquids for two weeks, leak test while asleep. And yes, I'm astonished. Flabbergasted. Stunned. I wish you well.
  16. I asked because if the hospital told me I couldn't leave without eating tuna or any food, I would have signed out AMA and left anyway. In my experience, that is f-ing crazy. In your experience, it works for you. I, and I'm sure many others, are simply astonished. Your stomach has had no healing time and they're making it do work. Your body doesn't even NEED food at this point, why give it food. It needs fluids. I guess it works for them.
  17. Sharon1964

    2 days post op

    It's just Fluid. No worries.
  18. Sharon1964

    Hospital bag

    Best quote of the day. Just sayin'.
  19. Okay, astonished minds want to know... where did you have your surgery??
  20. You're eating tuna at 4 days postop?? Wow. Just shows you the vast difference in surgeon's instructions. I'm on Clear liquids for one week, all liquids for one week, purees for two weeks... I don't even get tuna until more than a month out from surgery. What IS your surgeon's eating plan?
  21. Are you taking something for stomach acid? Acid can be mistaken for hunger.
  22. Sharon1964

    How long was hospital stay?

    Planned on one night, ended up staying two nights. On day two, got off the IV meds, but started having nausea with Water when I was taking pills (didn't throw up but was spitting in a bucket). The surgeon didn't want me to throw up at home so I agreed to another night. We did stop the water and stuck with watered-down juice, tea and broth and I was fine.
  23. Yeah.... no. If the same thing worked for everyone, then no one would be overweight. Pffffttttttt!!!
  24. Sharon1964

    Should I cancel my surgery? Help!

    I answered earlier but it sounds like you can't see it. I said to ask your daughter what she thinks. Ultimately I would go ahead. What I didn't say, was that I was sleeved on 8/8 and went to work for a few hours on 8/13 (yesterday). Today I went in for about 7 hours. I may continue to leave early for a few days early next week. So, back to work in less than a week. This isn't a surgery that is going to put you on bedrest for six months.
  25. Sharon1964

    Stop it!

    Yes, yes it was. I had nothing to do with it. Nothing. None. Nada. Zippo. ::cough:: Beg your pardon?

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