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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sharon1964

  1. Sharon1964

    Tomorrow's Sleeve Day!

    I showed my 11 yr old cartoon drawings of what was going to happen. She was good after that. After I got home from the hospital, she just didn't understand why I was so tired. Finally, in an effort to stop the madness, I had her watch a video on youtube of an actual sleeve surgery. She didn't bug me anymore after that.
  2. You have a new normal now. And you ARE a normal human being!
  3. Sharon1964

    confused about the approval process

    Pre-authorization for surgery without a surgeon giving your medical information is not going to happen for the majority of insurance. Your surgeon needs to evaluate you to see if you are a good candidate for surgery, and then he will send in a pre-auth request form with your medical information. In the meantime, you can call your insurance company and get a copy of their bariatric policy in writing, so you will know exactly what the requirements are.
  4. Sharon1964

    Husband rant!

    Something about this rubbed me the wrong way. Keep in mind that my vent here this is only a fraction of our life. It speaks nothing to how we've connected and grown as a couple or the life we've made for ourselves. There are many aspects where he's great, this whole WLS arena is new (for me and him) so it means finding our footing. If your life/relationship is pure rose petals and sunshine-- good for you-- but storms can and do come. Everyone weathers them differently. The only scale my husband will be meassred on is mine-- none other turly matter You're the one who said he was a jackass... now we can't agree with you?? Okayyyy.
  5. I'm not a doctor and I don't play one on tv. I have the same thing. The upper chambers of your heart are contracting sooner than the rest of your heart. Notice the use of the word "occasional"... that means it really isn't happening enough to worry about. My ekg report said "irregularly irregular pvc's" - that means when they happen, they are irregular, and they happen infrequently, on an irregular basis. The current literature shows that if you have no other heart issues, they do not treat it, as it does not have a positive outcome on your mortality. Meaning, the cure is worse than the disease. I also had problems with rhythm on one side of my heart (I want to say the right side, but I don't recall). My cardiologist told me that was indicative of sleep apnea, and it should clear up once my apnea is treated. I've had a cpap for going on two years now and my rhythm problems are gone. My cardiologist cleared me for my surgery. So the short answer is, anything to do with your heart can be scary, but from someone who also has pvc's, I say don't worry.
  6. Sharon1964

    Avoiding cooking fried foods

    How about "oven frying"? For instance, for French fries, cut up potatoes or use frozen ones, spritz with olive oil, coat with seasonings and bake until crispy.
  7. Sharon1964


    My surgeon says no popcorn for six months.
  8. My surgery was 4 weeks ago, and all the bills have finally been processed. These numbers are, of course, for my county. These are the fee schedule allowed amounts, not the billed amounts. Hospital - operating room plus two nights' stay: $10,288.00 Surgeon's fee: $1,267.94 Anesthesiologist fee: $778.77 Labs inpatient: $84.74 TOTAL: $12,419.45
  9. Sharon1964

    Authorization denied ...

    If you haven't done so already, get a copy of their medical policy on bariatric surgery, in writing. If those statements don't appear, you have an excellent case to be overturned on appeal. The person reviewing your case can't just make things up on the fly. If you meet every criteria in the published medical policy, and you need help constructing a good appeal letter, just give me a holler.
  10. Sharon1964

    Here I am...again...starting anew.

    Isn't it the worst when you gain weight back, and those pounds invite all their friends to come to the party too? Sheesh! You can do this. We want to see ziplining pics of you!
  11. My nutrition paperwork says: AVOID FOR SIX MONTHS: bread Pasta rice tortillas waffles pancakes muffins bagels dry Cereal crackers popcorn The only hard part of this right now is when a Little Caesers pizza commercial comes on, and the person grabs the crusty cheesy bread and dips it in the warm marinara sauce, my mouth waters and I can taste it. I'm starting week five postop so fear is what is driving me. Fear of complications, fear of pain, fear of vomiting, etc. I'm hoping that with enough time, the lure of bread will lessen for me.
  12. I had a dinner meetup with friends at a place that has a full menu all day. I ordered one scrambled egg. My total with tip was under $2. Previously it would have been $20 to $30 with drinks and dessert. I'm on week 5 postop, which means I'm not on full meats yet. I have one scrambled egg with one triangle of laughing cow cheese for breakfast; 1/3 cup tuna with a little mayo for lunch; and 1/2 avocado with a little mayo for dinner or 1/3 cup mashed sweet potatoes or 1/2 greek yogurt. I drink crystal light. My surgeon wants his patients to keep Protein powders and supplements at a minimum. My food bill has definitely gone down.
  13. Sharon1964

    Husband rant!

    Sounds like you two could use some work with the book "the five love languages". Seems like your love language is "words of affirmation" and he isn't speaking it.
  14. Sharon1964

    Can i eat.....?

    My surgeon said the opposite! Take it easy on your stomach and let it heal... no point in stressing it and making it work harder. I had one week of clear fluids, one week of full fluids (no dairy, no carbonation, no caffeine), then two weeks of purees (including scrambled eggs, applesauce, yogurt). Today I'm moving to soft foods like tuna, which will be for a week, then meat as tolerated.
  15. The rates vary by county. You will need to find someone who lives where you live.
  16. Okay, then ask the hospital and the doctor for an itemized list of charges. They are required by law to give this to you. Then contact your insurer or look at your explanation of benefits (eob) to see what the contracted rate is. Calculate your percentage of that. See if that matches the part of your eob that says "your responsibility is...". That's what your providers should be billing you.
  17. Sharon1964

    Day 2 post op

    My surgeon says no bread, no crackers, no Pasta for six months. Bread makes a gummy ball in your stomach that can block the stomach. My surgeon has had to take people back to the operating room for bread and for ravioli.
  18. Sharon1964

    Workplace drama...REALLY?!

    So when you marched up to them and said, "I heard you talking about me. If you have questions, it would be better if you asked me yourself instead of gossiping about me. If you must know, my husband has great insurance and it didn't cost me very much," what was their reaction?
  19. Since there are so many different eating plans, we'll need to know what your surgeon's plan is to really help you. My surgeon's plan is one week clear fluids, one week full fluids, two weeks puree, etc.
  20. Usual and customary doesn't apply to in-network providers. Only the fee schedule applies. Do you have a "maximum out of pocket" for the calendar year?
  21. The fact that you're using the phrase "usual and customary" is worrisome. That means you went to an out-of-network doctor and hospital. The providers can bill whatever they want, the insurance company can declare an amount as U&C that has no basis in reality, they can then pay a percentage of that, and you're stuck with the rest. ALL of the rest. If you went to an in-plan provider, there are set fee schedules for every procedure.
  22. Sharon1964

    Lunch ideas

    Try this: http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/
  23. Sharon1964

    August Calendar for August Sleevers

    Sorry guys, looks like one month is the limit for editing posts as my edit button is gone now. Here is the updated list: 1 ************ 2 ************ 3 - Tazwella, lohcinlaehcar, sbg224, BrownEyedTxGirl, Missing Me15 4 - soonsleeved, becca2015, swim and climb, Caroline0802015 5 - ladyfrann, KF2007, smallbmi 6 - calee, kblbe98, Nickkibear24, Madtownsunshine17 7 - Frequently_Fantastic, MiamiBlue13 8 - Sharon1964 (yes, Saturday) 9 ************ 10 - jking612, bekah81015, sshellssea, purplegirl20073 11 - mmb2003, jelmomof4 12 - rebornnae, PDX_LDN, KimH_888 13 - BethC (conversion) 14 - LaLaLucy, bonniegold, Sleeved8.14 15 ************ 16 ************ 17 - ylluz, Anumarie, theother_onefoot 18 - GrannyRose, Clementine Sky 19 - Pillar2butterfly, tubabuddha, Imm300missouri 20 - camsmom08, Geron Girls, volgirl 21 - Latina_Diva 22 ************ 23 ************ 24 - haleyk, Fluffypal, dkrause, Shakti 25 - byebyedarkpassenger, Soodoo, Luraine, Less Cushion More Pushin, Dd12 26 27 - tera1982, gabisha 28 29 ************ 30 ************ 31 - JAMuffin45, Litzy, Tya806, dustyateit, khinote, ttdish, PamInWA
  24. no-sugar-added applesauce
  25. Sharon1964


    Do you have insurance? What is your coverage? What is your deductible? What is your out of pocket max for the year?

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