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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sharon1964

  1. Sharon1964

    Anyone else with high BMI to start?

    This. We need some special glasses that allow us to see what the mirror really shows, and not what our brain thinks is there. The closest I got to that was trying on colored contacts. The person looking back at me from the mirror wasn't ME, it was like seeing myself for the first time. Amazing what a simple eye color change can do,
  2. Sharon1964

    I'm 3 wks post-op and had a beer

    Your husband needs a big ol' whack upside the head with the clue-by-four. If that doesn't do it, catch him again on the backswing.
  3. I didn't even have to stop carbs. Just one day of liquids.
  4. @@Alex Brecher Thank you!
  5. So I'm a very visual kinda gal. I like to look at my progress, in the chart view. However, the dates in the chart view are about a month different (later) than the dates in the list view (the list is correct). So for today, the label is 11/19/15, not 10/19/15. Just sayin'.
  6. Sharon1964

    end of year surgery and insurance coverage

    Your authorization will have a "valid from" and "valid to" date on it. Should it be 30 days, for example, and you cannot get it done within that time frame, it usually only takes a phone call to get the auth extended.
  7. In November of last year, I told my doctor I wanted weight loss surgery. In December of last year, I met with the surgeon. Over the next six months, I met all my pre-op requirements. In June of this year, I was approved by insurance. Next available surgery date was 8/8/15. My weight was 403. Now, three months after surgery, I am down 82 pounds. EIGHTY-TWO. Never, ever, thought I would be where I am. Thought I would be one of those people that would struggle endlessly to lose one pound a month, if anything. Or, worse, thought I would lose ten pounds then nothing after that. Thought I would be standing outside the clubhouse and not be allowed in. Never thought I would lose so much interest in food. Never thought one-third of a cup of food would be enough. Vowed never to whine about not losing weight, that if I failed at this I would keep it to myself. And people who know me in real life would silently shake their head and wonder how I failed. I kept all my negativity to myself (for the most part). Sometimes, I have a hard time believing my new reality. Four large garbage bags of clothes donated out tell the story. Being able to fit easily into chairs that I used to struggle into tell the story. Having to move the drivers seat in my car higher because my butt doesn't take up as much space anymore tells the story. Being able to get into and out of my car easier tells the story. Not being able to wear my ring anymore tells the story. I'm looking forward to where my story is after the next three months!
  8. I'm in the Fresno area. The armpit of California.
  9. So I've noticed that I can't open any threads that have an emoticon anywhere in the title. Elode started one that say "help" with a smiley face, and all I get is "can't display this page" when I click on it. It happened with another thread before and I thought it was just a glitch, but now I see that ANY thread with an emoticon in the title is no-go for me. Any thoughts? I've tried explorer and firefox, and it's the same. Oh noooooo... now y'all know the secret to keeping me out of a conversation!!!
  10. Sharon1964


    At any other time in your life have you lost ten pounds a month? The larger you start, the more you tend to lose at first. Not as large, not as much.
  11. A teaspoon of unsweetened cocoa stirred into a spoonful or two of cool whip. A sugar-free popsicle (I like the tropical variety). A spoonful of ricotta cheese with some sugar-free torani syrup stirred in. A strawberry dipped in cool whip. Heck, one spoonful of frozen cool whip. Eggface also has a number of Desserts, including Cookies made from Protein bars. A teaspoon of unsweetened cocoa stirred into a spoonful or two of cool whip. A sugar-free popsicle (I like the tropical variety). A spoonful of ricotta cheese with some sugar-free torani syrup stirred in. A strawberry dipped in cool whip. Heck, one spoonful of frozen cool whip. Eggface also has a number of desserts, including cookies made from Protein Bars. A teaspoon of unsweetened cocoa stirred into a spoonful or two of cool whip. A sugar-free popsicle (I like the tropical variety). A spoonful of ricotta cheese with some sugar-free torani syrup stirred in. A strawberry dipped in cool whip. Heck, one spoonful of frozen cool whip. Eggface also has a number of desserts, including cookies made from protein bars.
  12. HA! I got in on Chrome! You can't keep me out now! I woke up with a cold today. I've had some beef broth, and a sugar-free popsicle. Just don't want anything else, my throat hurts so much. I wouldn't be surprised if I hit 83 before the end of the day! Seriously though, I am shocked and amazed at my progress. I was just certain this wouldn't work for me and I would be disappointed and be losing a pound a month or something.
  13. Here is the forum where that thread is: http://www.bariatricpal.com/forum/386-general-gastric-sleeve-surgery-discussion/ I can preview the thread, but I can't open it. I've tried on both my laptop and on my work computer.
  14. Elode's thread I can't open: http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/354979-help-no-its-not-really-that-dramatic���/ On my screen, I see little question marks inside of a diamond instead of the emoticon symbol. When I preview before posting this, I see little boxes instead of question marks.
  15. Sharon1964

    Sloow weightloss!

    Are you exercising? What are you eating? How much and how often? What are you drinking? How much and how often?
  16. Are you allowed mashed potatoes at this point? I'm pretty sure I was. Yes, they're all carb, but you're only eating 1/3 cup for a meal, so it's okay. You can make them with garlic, or with cheese if you like.
  17. I would think if you were standing next to someone who looked young and strong, you could say, "could you grab that bag for me please?" Also, if someone were to approach me and say "I just had surgery (or "I'm injured"), could you grab my bag off the carousel?", I would be happy to do it. Make sure it's on wheels.
  18. Sharon1964

    What is your most embarrassing NSV?

    Why, why, WHYYYYYY does no one listen to me when I say a thread is nothing without pictures????
  19. Celiac disease damages the lining of the small intestine when you eat gluten. When you stop eating gluten, the small intestine will start healing, and complications will improve (like joint pain, brain fog, malnutrition). You seriously won't be eating gluten for at least six months. I would think your celiac disease would improve after surgery if you are having trouble now avoiding temptation.
  20. For those who don't know, a hemoglobin A1C test is an indicator of diabetes, and it measures your blood sugar levels over the past 3 months (simplified explanation). Over 8.0 = severe. 6.5 or higher = diabetes. 5.7 to 6 = prediabetic. less than 5.7 is normal. I had an A1C test the week of my surgery, and the level was 6.8, which was down from previous tests. I was taking metformin at the time. I haven't had any metformin since my surgery three months ago. My A1C has dropped to 5.9 now! My fasting blood sugar was 82 (65-99 is normal). Yayyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Sharon1964

    Lactose Intolerance?

    What remains of your stomach isn't making enough enzymes to digest milk. Go with almond milk, or lactaid milk for a while. It also happened to me after I had my gallbladder out. That took close to a year to resolve.
  22. See what happens when you don't keep up???
  23. Sharon1964

    Has anyone ever had someone.....

    "I liked you better before. Funny that." Exactly what I was going to suggest. EXACTLY. (I'm a little afraid now, just a little, that @@LipstickLady is in my head)
  24. @@Dub Can't wait to hear how your first day back went!

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