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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sharon1964

  1. Sharon1964

    California Sleevers

    What's your max out of pocket?
  2. Sharon1964

    Am I being a dishonest Christian?

    There was a time not that long ago where people did not ask such intrusive personal questions of others. Sigh. Now I feel old.
  3. Sharon1964

    Silly Rant!

    I was down one more pound today.
  4. Sharon1964

    Silly Rant!

    I started off a lot heavier than you, which means I lose faster than you (generally speaking, there are always exceptions). Three meals a day, no Snacks. Each meal is 1/3 cup (measure unless it's something like an egg, then it's one egg). No Protein drinks (this is how my surgeon rolls). He doesn't worry about protein until you're eating regular food. 90 ounces of beverages per day (usually crystal light). sugar free popsicles (I like the tropical flavors) also counts as liquid. Pureed... no-sugar-added applesauce, greek yogurt (about half a container), mashed potatoes, hummus (eat with a spoon), half an avocado (mash it in the shell, add a dab of mayo, salt and pepper, and mix it up). I think at that stage I could have scrambled eggs (well, one egg). Wedges of laughing cow cheese.
  5. Sharon1964

    Silly Rant!

  6. Sharon1964

    No Sex? WTF

    @@winklie I live in a no-fault divorce state - you don't even have to have the other person's agreement (which is why it makes me crazy when movies use the "he won't sign the papers" line). I forget sometimes that it's different in other states.
  7. Sharon1964

    No Sex? WTF

    I was going to suggest this, but I would be even more direct, "do you want to be married to me?" If he says yes, ask him why. What does he get out of the marriage that he wants to continue getting?
  8. Sharon1964

    I can't go....

    Strong coffee may help. Or a fleet enema.
  9. I've been selling candy bars at work for a while for a fundraiser for my daughter's field trip. They really haven't tempted me at all. Until today. Today the doctor was out of town, so there were no patients and few phone calls. Mid-afternoon, I was bored. That used to be a trigger to eat. So here's how this conversation went down: Me: Mannn, I just really want to lick that chocolate bar. Girl#1: Yanno, I used to lick stuff and spit it out, it's not as good as when you swallow it. Girl#2 (who couldn't stop giggling): Yeah, it's never as good if you just lick it and don't swallow it. Girl#3: Y'all are GROSS!
  10. Sharon1964

    In the naughty section for a reason...

    I aim to please!
  11. Sharon1964

    In the naughty section for a reason...

    I know, right??? I'm so close to 100 down I can taste it, and it does NOT taste like a chocolate bar!!! LOL!!!
  12. Sharon1964

    Proper Meal size at 3 weeks

    My program says 1/3 cup of food at each meal. Most of a scrambled egg. Half or so of a container of yogurt.
  13. Okay, stick with me here, there's going to be some math. According to the nutrition guide from my surgeon: 1. at my height my Protein goal is 64-70 grams per day. 2. you can only eat three meals per day. 3. most protein sources that they list as "good" contain 7 to 10 grams of protein per serving (except tofu, which is 20). 4. most of the serving sizes are 1/2 cup. 5. at six months, they expect you will be eating 1/2 cup of food at each meal. 6. protein supplements are discouraged. 7. they don't expect you to hit your protein goal until you are out of the liquid stage. So, with all that, 7 to 10 grams of protein per serving times three meals per day is 21 to 30 grams of protein, not 70. What am I missing? My pre-op is on Tuesday, so I will be bringing this up then. I figured I would ask here first in case there was something glaringly obvious.
  14. Sharon1964

    Intro and some questions

    Most people with sleeves don't have dumping problems. You're not going to be eating high-carb or high-sugar items for a very long time, if ever.
  15. Sharon1964

    Stick a fork in me

    You don't HAVE to have Protein shakes after surgery. My surgeon discourages them. He says not to worry about protein until you're at the regular food stage. Perhaps your surgeon can modify his typical program for you.
  16. Sharon1964

    Feeling ashamed

    You're not a hog. You reacted to stress the way you have for years. It takes a while for the old habits to be replaced by new ones. Tomorrow is a fresh start. You'll be fine.
  17. Sharon1964

    Living with this long term

    Have you checked with your insurance company regarding a therapist that specializes in weight loss issues? Their provider list should have specialties. If not, if you PM me your city, I can probably help you find someone. I worked in mental health for about 14 or 15 years before switching over to pain management, so I may have a trick or two up my sleeve to help you out.
  18. Sharon1964

    What’s Your Restaurant Secret?

    I don't order that much differently than I did on Atkins, I just take a whole lot more home for several more meals. Had awesome filet mignon kabobs at a work get-together last week, took the leftovers home for 3 more meals. I asked for extra vegetables instead of the bulgur they were serving with it. Oh yes, we also had Oysters Rockefeller for an appetizer, and I had a couple of those. Last night my mom wanted to go to her favorite Chinese buffet. She hasn't been there since right before my surgery. I tried telling her it would be silly to pay for me to eat there since I could hardly eat anything, but she said she didn't care, she wanted to go and would pay for mine. So I had four baked mussels, one roasted chicken wing, and a little bit of miso Soup. I thought the honey walnut shrimp would be hard to resist, but it wasn't. It used to be my favorite thing there. I already have my annual summer birthday trip with my best friend planned for next year, and it usually involves several nights of all-you-can-eat crab legs and sangria. I plan on just ordering an appetizer or an individual order of crab legs and taking the rest back to our hotel and cooking it up in an omelette for breakfast (our hotel room has a full kitchen).
  19. Didn't you all get handouts of what was allowed at each stage?? The first real food I had was mashed potatoes but it definitely wasn't in the clear liquids phase!
  20. Sharon1964

    Shakes: liquid or puree?

    liquids have little to no calories. Anything else is food and is not unlimited.
  21. Sharon1964

    Hospital Stay Day or Days?

    The hospital will contact your insurance company with the information necessary to get approval for the second night. I would not worry.
  22. @@WLSResources/ClothingExch I gotcher back, jack!
  23. @@WLSResources/ClothingExch Ah, I get it now. That group is restricted to those 50 and over, and either you are too young or you don't have your age in your profile.
  24. If you're talking about the Social Groups, you have to click on the PORTAL link in the group description.

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