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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sharon1964

  1. Sharon1964


    Look at my sig! Look! I'm in the two's now!
  2. Sharon1964

    Food Addict ready to strangle her husband

    I'm pretty sure no jury would convict you... especially a jury of women. Just sayin'.
  3. Sharon1964


    Awww shucks, thanks! Psst! I'm 292 today! I credit the fever I have.
  4. Sharon1964

    Silly Rant!

    To show just how very silly my silly rant was, Friday I was 301. Now five days later, I'm at 292. Still have a fever, but hey, I'll take it.
  5. I use the Keurig for instant hot chocolate for the kid, instant noodles, instant cider, even Theraflu instant.
  6. @@Fatty McFatster Have a Hunt's brand sugar free pudding. The chocolate is good. It is thick like homemade pudding. Don't get Jello brand, theirs is thin and just not worth it. Now, don't just "have" the pudding. EXPERIENCE the pudding. Peel the lid off slowly, smell the pudding, inhale deeply. Take a small bit on a spoon and put it in your mouth and turn it over, using your tongue to get it off the spoon. Move it all around in your mouth, feel it, taste it, sense it. Swallow it. Repeat. Or smear it all over your wife and lick it off her. Now isn't that better than popcorn and a movie???
  7. Sharon1964

    Do You Eat Breakfast? What Do You Have?

    One scrambled egg with cheese. One homemade smoothie Greek Yogurt (about half to three-quarters of it is all I can eat)
  8. Sharon1964

    NSV shout outs

    My boss, today, in astonishment, when seeing me walk down the hall towards him... "YOU'RE SKINNY!" I'll take that.
  9. Sharon1964

    NSV shout outs

    We cannot have a haut, faux, internet romance if I show you everything at once, now can we???
  10. Sharon1964


    Normal BMI 19 to 24 Overweight BMI 25 to 29 Obese BMI 30 to 39 Extreme (Morbid) Obesity BMI 40 to 49 Super Morbidly Obese BMI 50+ Hey! I moved down a category and didn't even notice!
  11. @@sketcher709 I'm sorry you had that experience.
  12. Sharon1964


    Okay, I have to credit this to the fever I had Saturday - 102.9 degrees F. Friday I weighed 301. Today (Monday), I weigh 294. I think the fever burned off fat. Wonder if I can get another fever?!?!?!
  13. Don't pull a hamstring jumping to conclusions.

  14. No, that wasn't what I said. What I was referring to was that a patient comes up positive for a drug that is not on their Dept of Justice report. We do make exceptions to the "all controlled substances from us" rule for psychotherapeutic medications. I wasn't trying to give every protocol we have as that would take a novel. As long as we're here, I'll say we're not treating people like criminals. We're trying to keep them alive. For instance, we recently found that we were prescribing Norco to a patient and they went and got Tylenol with codeine from someone else. What's the problem with that? Norco has Tylenol in it and now they're double-dosing on Tylenol which can seriously harm their liver. My boss is well aware that long-term use of opioids can make pain syndromes worse. We try to move people to agonist-antagonist drugs when appropriate, sooner rather than later. @@Huggies123 and also while we're here, do you get this problem resolved?
  15. I was going to go with "douchecanoe" but "asshat" works also.
  16. Tell us what you're eating.
  17. Sharon1964


    Awwww. Four and a half months ago I was 403. Today I'm 297.
  18. Sharon1964

    Did you say "what did I do" !

    Are you kidding? I was asking myself that in the recovery room! But then I just kept reminding myself that this was a huge leap off a very big cliff, and I was going to fly! That, or it could have been the good drugs.
  19. Sharon1964

    My Mother, The Queen of Tact

    Yesterday was a busy day. It was supposed to rain in the afternoon, so we started early and got the tree and the decorations out of the garage (my garage is not attached to my apartment). We also pulled out a lot of bags filled with clothes that either I or my older daughter had grown out of, and some winter clothes I had put away in the summer. After putting up the tree, I started going through bags of clothes, keeping whatever would fit my younger daughter now or in the near future, and donating the rest. For my clothes, some of them I would now fit in, and some were too big. My mom was folding the clothes for donation and putting them in new bags. At one point she holds up a dress that was a size 30/32, the largest size that Avenue carries. She says, "OH MY GAWD! THIS IS HUGE! THIS NEVER FIT YOU!" :: :: "Mom. Not only did that fit me in the past, but I got too fat to wear it." A few minutes later, she holds up a 6x top. "Okay, there is NO WAY this ever fit you!" Sigh. "Yes Mom, it did. Do you want to see pictures???" Now remember, this woman lives with me and has for several years. After I gave her the stink-eye, she says, "I guess I don't remember, I only see you as you are now." Good save, Mom.
  20. Sharon1964

    Are the insurance requirments the same?

    The only one who will really know is your insurance company. Since it's been five years since your last surgery, I would expect you would have to start over. However, your insurance company might have different requirements for a conversion surgery than for someone who has never had one before (I'm assuming you have the same insurance). The only one who can answer about your deductible is your surgeon and/or your hospital. I had to pay the majority of it up front.
  21. Sharon1964

    They won't help themselves...

    Sometimes, the universe whispers in your ear, "save your breath." I try to listen when it does that.
  22. Sharon1964

    Why sleeve and not bypass?

    My surgeon recommended sleeve because you have more medication options later. I have some joint problems that require meds. After research both bypass and sleeve, I was more comfortable with the sleeve than the bypass.
  23. Sharon1964

    Feeling blue

    It will take a little while, but food WILL lose the hold it has on you. It will be a strange feeling; it was for me. You're only a week out, your body is being flooded with hormones. Know that this is normal, and it too shall pass. Hang in there!
  24. "Ever seen John Carpenter's 'The Thing'?" No - "Good, let's talk about something else" - said with a weird smile. Yes - "Well there you go. Now let's talk about something else.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
