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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sharon1964

  1. Sharon1964

    August 2015

    Wow 115 pounds what are you doing? I've only lost 65 had my surgery August 25th.Way to go you guys. I started at 403 pounds. The heavier you start, the more/faster you lose (in general, there are always exceptions). I'm also wondering if my sleeve is smaller than average, as I'm still able to eat only 1/3 cup at meals.
  2. I can tell you that laparascopic surgery is just a method of doing surgery. Having prior abdominal surgery will not necessarily have any effect on the method of the next surgery. It is more about the condition of the organs. For instance, I had traditional (meaning I was cut open) surgery to remove my gall bladder about 20 years ago. Laparascopic surgery was just becoming the standard at that time. But my surgeon said according to the ultrasound, it looked like my gallbladder was about to burst, and he wanted to get in there and take it out in one piece before it did so. Now, 20 years later, I have bariatric surgery, and it is done laparascopically. Some people have to convert to an open surgery once the surgeon gets in there, but I didn't. My surgeon even went in thru my old gallbladder scar so I wouldn't have yet one more scar (I still have four others from the lap surgery).
  3. I wouldn't take the work-from-home-for-little-pay job. The reason I say that is I was underpaid for years. Now that I'm being paid appropriately, my life is so much easier. I also enjoy my job very much. Just in the way you describe it, I think you would be happier with a local job with your assistant, even if it is higher pressure.
  4. I have Blue Shield of California, and I agree with what was posted by @@2goldengirl I started on my path a little over a year ago, and after six months of nutrition supervision, I was approved in June 2016, several days before they announced the change. Just my luck.
  5. Sharon1964

    Prescription Drug Costs

    Purdue Pharmaceuticals, the manufacturer, has a patient assistance program: http://www.purduepharma.com/patients-caregivers/cost-savings/ You can also ask your doctor to put you in touch with their Purdue rep and ask the rep for help.
  6. Sharon1964

    August 2015

    August 8 here. Down 115 pounds, although for the past week the scale has been going up and down the same one pound. I swear it's laughing at me! Have donated 16 trash bags of clothes (including a couple of bags of clothes that my kids have outgrown). Still shopping out of the stash of clothes that I always refused to get rid of, thinking "maybe someday." I did go out and buy shoes, as my old ones are too big, and a couple of nice tops to wear to work.
  7. Sharon1964


    Bananas are high in sugar. Trade the banana for Protein. At lunch, you should be eating protein first, and if you're still hungry, then vegetables.
  8. Sharon1964

    Surprisingly clueless people

    Another one of my silly rants. More of an observation, I guess, than a rant. I work for a practicing physician. His specialty is pain management, but like all physicians, he is well-versed in many areas. On New Years Eve, we both went to a surprise birthday party at a nice hotel. They had a large appetizer spread, and I had some meatballs, some bacon-wrapped shrimp, as well as a couple of pieces of cheese. Later the appetizers were replenished with new items (although they kept the meat and cheese trays out). The boss and I walked the line together at that point (I had enough to eat and wasn't really looking for more), and I said, "there's nothing I can eat here". He stopped at each item and said, "why can't you eat this?" Deep-fried spring rolls - no wonton wrappers, no deep-frying (my surgeon doesn't allow bread, Pasta, rice, crackers, Cereal or anything of the sort for 6 months) Jalapeno poppers, breaded and deep fried - no breading, no deep-frying pizza - no bread chips and queso - no chips chicken fingers - no breading, no deep-frying He seemed genuinely surprised that I couldn't eat those things. I told him if I wanted to change my life, I couldn't keep eating the things that got me where I am today (or where I was before surgery 4 months prior). My biggest surprise was that he was so surprised. I figured being a doctor, he would know these things.
  9. Sharon1964

    Surprisingly clueless people

    No, he's not. And he's not sedentary either. He's a brilliant doctor in his specialty and his interests, I was just surprised at this.
  10. Sharon1964

    Healthy snacks

    My program doesn't allow Snacks. Are you on a PPI? My doctor keeps trying to take me off mine, but without it, the acid sure mimics hunger. If I have a very light lunch (like today I had maybe a couple tablespoons of tuna), I might have a spoonful of nut butter (sunflower seed butter) a couple of hours later.
  11. Sharon1964

    Eating not fun

    Why should food be fun? Is brushing your teeth fun? Is taking a shower fun? (I'm not talking about the kind you take with someone else!) Food can take a backseat in your life, as you find more and more things you can do at your new size!
  12. At your stage, pineapple can be very hard on your sleeve, because it is so fibrous. If your nutritionist doesn't allow raw fruit at this point, you shouldn't be eating any of those things. You definitely should not be eating sherbet. It is (generally) a low-fat food. Take a look at this: 1/2 cup of regular sherbet has 1 gram fat, 22 grams of carbohydrates, with 18 of those grams being sugar. Surprisingly, "low fat" sherbet has 2 grams fat, 26 grams of carbs, with 20 of those grams being sugar. These counts vary by brand, but is definitely a no-go for you this early in the game.
  13. Sharon1964

    Tortillas and chips?

    What does your surgeon's eating plan say? Mine says no tortillas, chips, ( or bread, rice, Pasta, crackers) for a minimum of six months after surgery.
  14. Sharon1964

    My soon to be ex changed insurance

    Screenshot of both Higa and Boone on Anthem website:
  15. Sharon1964

    My soon to be ex changed insurance

    Dr. Higa was my surgeon. Both he and his partner, Dr. Boone, are listed as Anthem providers. You may wish to doublecheck your information. If you live in Fresno County, it is a simple matter to file an OSC - Order to Show Cause with the family court and tell the judge he changed insurance when it was not required and now your surgery is in jeopardy. Fresno County Family Court has a lot of information for people without attorneys.
  16. Isn't it wonderful??? I'm almost 5 months out, and I still need to slow down when eating.
  17. I get that a lot too. But you can imagine their faces when I say, "no, actually I don't. I can't take my daily anti-inflammatory so I'm in pain now. Hopefully it will resolve itself." Cue the crickets.
  18. My surgeon says don't worry about Protein until you're on regular food. His program is fluids the first week after surgery (clear juices watered down 50%). So to choose one, definitely hydration.
  19. Sharon1964

    Silly Rant!

    I want a DON'T LIKE button! You little bubble-burster you!
  20. Sharon1964

    Silly Rant!

    On August 8 I had sleeve surgery. That's four months ago today. I went into this with no expectations; I was pretty much convinced it wouldn't work. Then the weight began to fall off. As I passed 90 pounds gone, and got closer to 4 months, I thought, wouldn't it be awesome if I lose 100 pounds by four months???? Did my body cooperate??? Nooooooooooo. I'm at 98 pounds down. The biatch is hanging onto those two pounds for dear life. STOMP RANT FUSS STOMP RANT FUSS!!!!! STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Before: 4 months and 98 pounds down:
  21. Sharon1964

    Silly Rant!

    I ended up with pneumonia, got some strong antibiotics, and strict orders to rest. And I dropped to 288 pounds! YAY ME!!!
  22. Sharon1964


    Mine is no crackers, bread, Pasta, rice for a minimum of six months. My surgeon says they make a gummy ball in your stomach and he doesn't want to have to go in and retrieve it - he's had to do it before. That being said, bread is my weakness. Specifically, crunchy garlic bread. I plan on waiting a heck of a lot longer than six months because of that.
  23. Sharon1964

    Scared because I cheated

    So you're bored with what you're allowed to have now? GOOD! You're well on your way to food no longer being such a focus of your life.
  24. Sharon1964

    ****** after surgery?

    I'm working too hard to get healthy to self-sabotage by smoking. Just because tobacco isn't involved doesn't mean it's good for you.
  25. pneumonia for xmas - yay me!

    1. Sharon1964


      I'm so exhausted... like day one after surgery!

    2. Chelle Bean

      Chelle Bean

      me too Sharon1964 I was just starting to tell everyone how great I felt! I pray for your comfort and recovery!

    3. ProudGrammy


      @Sharon1964 -healing thoughts sent your way

      feel better sooner than later!! kathy

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