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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sharon1964

  1. Sharon1964

    Inspiration Photos

  2. Sharon1964

    need emotional support

    Go to counseling by yourself if he won't go.
  3. Sharon1964

    Maybe a silly question....

    Same here. The pulse ox was more like a bandaid that wrapped around my finger, not a clip-on pulse ox. Although, we do have a pulse ox at work that is clip on, and we haven't had any problem with patients wearing polish or acrylics. Maybe the technology has improved sufficiently, I dunno.
  4. Breakfast choices: one scrambled egg with cheese, sometimes with bacon bits one greek yogurt one smoothie made with greek yogurt, torani syrup, handful of frozen berries, milk (haven't had one in a month or so) Midmorning snack: Only when I have yogurt for breakfast, I have a laughing cow cheese or a teaspoon of nut butter (I currently have sunflower seed butter), otherwise no Snacks Lunch: 4 small meatballs (from Costco) sautéed kielbasa leftovers from dinner (pot roast, chicken, fish, etc.) tuna with mayo, on celery or cucumber slices chili (all servings 1/3 cup) midafternoon snack: sometimes I'll have a sugar-free chocolate pudding, particularly if I what I had at lunch was heavy on celery and light on Protein, or I'll have one of those protein packs with cheese, nuts, and dried cranberries Dinner choices: steak puffy chicken (chicken baked with a mixture of mayo and parmesan on top) pork chops fish (swai fillets) pot roast barbecued ribs chicken wings (all servings 1/3 cup) plus a few bites of a vegetable like broccoli or cauliflower or avocado after dinner: sugar-free popsicle I drink about 90 ounces a day of crystal light and/or Water
  5. Sharon1964

    If this wasn't so pathetic it would be hilarious

    @@CowgirlJane It was at 2:00 in the afternoon. We were in the parking lot of a large mall that is up against the park. And we were sitting in my car. There is a regular police patrol throughout that parking lot. But thank you for your concern!
  6. I started at 403 and today I clocked in at 277. With one week left to go to hit the six month mark, that's 126 pounds down. Looking at my chart, I really only had one plateau. Then I got pneumonia and the pounds dropped off. Not that I would recommend pneumonia to anyone... I haven't had any cravings. I have had WANTS, but not a craving. I don't give in to them because for me, it's not only a slippery slope, it's a greased-lightning slope. I eat a sugar-free popsicle after dinner most nights, tropical flavor. I still can't eat more than about 1/3 cup at one meal.
  7. Sharon1964

    How Do You Like to Be Complimented?

    What's funny is I get the opposite, and it irritates me. I get, "don't you feel so much better now?" If I'm in a snarky mood (no, not ME, EVER!), I say, "actually no. I can't take the anti-inflammatories that I used to so I'm in pain now when I wasn't before." I hate the notion that every fat person must feel awful all the time. Some do, some skinny people do. I know, I work in pain management. Not all of our pain patients are overweight. If I'm NOT feeling snarky, I say, "it's nice to fit into the world."
  8. Sharon1964


    If you've been cleared for chicken. Remember that you can't drink at the same time, so can you handle the hot sauce without a beverage?
  9. Sharon1964

    OK Ladies, kinda embarrasing question for you all

    @@Babbs Hijack alert... DAYUM GIRL, YOU ARE LOOKING FINE!!!!
  10. I'm 5 ft 7 inches tall, and my high weight was 403 Day of surgery (8/8/15) 395 - down 8 pounds Month one (9/8/15) 357 - lost 38 pounds, total 46 pounds Month two (10/11/15) 340 - lost 17 pounds, total 63 pounds Month three (11/8/15) 321 - lost 19 pounds, total 82 pounds Month four (12/9/15) 304 - lost 17 pounds, total 99 pounds Month five (1/13/16) 287 - lost 17 pounds, total 116 pounds Today, one week shy of 6 months: 279 pounds - lost 8 pounds, total 124 pounds So 38 the first month, then averaging 17 pounds each month for the next 4. Things are definitely slowing down now, but they're still going in the right direction, so I'm good with that.
  11. Well, you could always wink and say "voodoo". Or "I've decided food is overrated". It sounds like the way you are responding is negating their compliment, which is why you get "oh". You could also ignore their question and just say, "thanks! I feel great!". And smile big.
  12. Sharon1964

    OK Ladies, kinda embarrasing question for you all

    There isn't even any hair on the urethral opening, which is where the catheter goes. This requirement boggles the mind. Heck, most obstetricians don't require shaving for childbirth, which actually involves that general area! And if any of my obstetricians HAD required it, I would have dropped them like a hot potato!
  13. Sharon1964

    If this wasn't so pathetic it would be hilarious

    Another update: 40-mile guy moved back to Kansas City without having met me. Hah! You lost out buddy! EH is still without matches. Meh. Match is still throwing spammers at me right and left. OKC has very few new people. However, a guy who asked me a question a few days ago followed up with another question. He doesn't have a pic, which would usually make me ignore him, but I was intrigued. We traded messages for a while on Thursday, while I was killing time at work (I was going to a meeting that didn't start until 7 pm, so I was hanging at work). As I was leaving for my meeting, he sent me his phone number and on impulse I called him. We were going to meet up Friday, but things kept getting in the way (I was delayed at work and he had some meetings we were working around). Finally I said meet me at this park, and we sat in my car and talked for a while. And... ummmm... made out like teenagers. He is in a poly relationship. He has just his primary partner now. I thought about this for quite a bit (I've been in this kind of relationship before), and I think it's okay with my current lifestyle and living situation. Or I could just be trying to justify the whole thing, who knows.
  14. Internet Explorer. Just started happening tonight. Every time I go to a new page, on forums, a "share" toolbar slides in from the left (facebook, twitter, etc.). It covers up things I'm trying to click on. Browser isn't do it on any other site, so I'm guessing it's this site.
  15. Sharon1964

    At the ER with burning pain

    How are you doing?
  16. Sharon1964

    If this wasn't so pathetic it would be hilarious

    Another update: the two guys closest to me closed their accounts. Haven't chatted with Mr. 40-Mile since Friday, when he was going out of town for the weekend. I'm back to square zero.
  17. Earlier this week I met a guy, and he wanted to take me to lunch on Friday. About my age, professional, works near me, owns his house, has a car, divorced with two adult children, etc. He's a civil engineer, so his thinking tends to be pretty linear. Not necessarily a trait that works with my sense of humor, but I figure what the hell, why not give it a go. Because, well, the guy I really have the hots for is unavailable. Anyway, we're talking, and he wants to take me to a sushi place on Friday. Prior to surgery, I loved sushi. Oh heavens, YUM. When I started hemming and hawing, and he noticed, I told him I had a little secret. And then I told him that I had gastric surgery in August, and I couldn't eat rice, bread, or Pasta for now, so no pizza, sushi, or Italian food. He gets a look on his face, and says his cousin had that, and that she looked "really gaunt". He follows that up with, "I hope you don't end up looking gaunt." I tried to laugh it off and said it would be the first time in my life. He said he would think about a place to eat near work, and call me. Any enthusiasm I had to go to lunch with him has kind of fizzled out. He's the first person who has said something really negative about the surgery - I think everyone else was too afraid of me. I'm finding that I don't care if he bails. He doesn't even know what he's missing.
  18. When it is on the screen, it covers up the button that lets you jump to the first unread post. I can click a little arrow to make it go away, but as soon as I change pages, it's back.
  19. Just wanted to clarify that links to blogs (or any links) are not allowed in signatures, correct?
  20. Sharon1964

    Clarification on Signatures

    I tried to add a link to my offsite blog and the system popped up a message and wouldn't let me. I think it said "no html in signatures" but I'm not sure.
  21. Several people have mentioned how much I make them laugh, and I should write a book or a blog or something. Confession time... I've had a blog, albeit a private one, for years. http://sharonslife.blogdrive.com/ I went through and removed a couple of things that were a little too explicit for public consumption. The first couple of pages will be familiar to you guys, because you've seen it here. I suggest you go all the way to the beginning (just keep hitting NEXT at the bottom of the page), and read it in the order it was written.
  22. Sharon1964

    Jan 25, 2016

    From the album: Inspiration Photos

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
