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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sharon1964

  1. I have a good friend that I can call or text and all I have to say is "I'm a horrible person" or "it's a bad day", and they will proceed to tell me about all the wonderful things I've done. When I'm feeling very rejected and like nothing can go right, that is what I need - positive words of affirmation. I have another friend, a platonic guy-friend (YEAH, I HAVE THEM!!!), who is good for a serious hug when I need one. He's taller than me, and envelops me and makes me feel delicate and small and protected. Those are my soothing things.
  2. Sharon1964

    Bra math - don't try this at home.

    I know about the cup size vs. band size, but in all my years of yo-yo dieting, I've NEVER lost weight and increased cup size. EVER. I'm 51 yrs old, and I've been dieting since I was 5 yrs old.
  3. I brought super loose sweatpants to wear under my gown for walking the halls. The two-gown thing chokes me.
  4. Actually, real-time eligibility, benefits, and deductible status will tell them that. A few weeks before surgery, my hospital called me and said, as of now, it looks like the remainder of your out-of-pocket will be around $3,300. I said, that's correct, all the other bills have been processed (I looked it up myself). And I said, I don't think there will be much, if anything else, before surgery. I offered to pay $3,000 up front, and they ended up billing me for a hundred dollars or so (can't remember the exact amount). They would much rather try to collect $100 instead of $3100.
  5. This is the new standard. So many people end up not paying their hospital bill that now the hospital wants what they expect your portion to be, up front. When I saw the title, I thought you meant you had to pay 100% up front, not your portion. I was all ready to tell you how to file a complaint about that. But paying your portion up front is to be expected these days. The lab I go to now has the same policy. They told me when I went in yesterday that they expected my portion of the bill to be $19, and they took my credit card info. In their case, it's not charged until after insurance processes.
  6. Sharon1964

    Bra math - don't try this at home.

    These were on sale, plus $10 off for signing up for text coupons, total was right at $20 each.
  7. Sharon1964

    Bra math - don't try this at home.

    I held them up to each other, poked one cup inside the other... they looked exactly the same! It's like the Twilight Zone when you're trying on bras.
  8. With a nod to Super Bowl Sunday... Today, Sunday, February 7, one day shy of 6 months post-surgery, I have reached the halfway point. 130 pounds down, 130 pounds to go.
  9. Sharon1964

    If this wasn't so pathetic it would be hilarious

    Yep, me too. Must haves: teeth that look reasonably good (not all broken off) and brushes them regularly no anger issues a job ability to laugh together regular showers and wears deodorant The rest is a matter of temperament, personality and chemistry.
  10. Sharon1964

    If this wasn't so pathetic it would be hilarious

    Yeah, the date was just too much work.
  11. Things have picked up. Today I'm one day shy of 6 months, and I'm at 273 - 14 pounds for the month and a total of 130 down. I'm good with that.
  12. Sharon1964

    If this wasn't so pathetic it would be hilarious

    Shoe size... I have no idea! I responded, "big enough to keep me upright in a strong wind." Relationship... that's a good question. I think it's like the "fall in love" question. For some it takes one date, for others, no amount of dates is enough.
  13. It's not an emergency. An emergency is when you can't breathe, or you have sudden pain that wakes you from sleep.
  14. Sharon1964

    If this wasn't so pathetic it would be hilarious

    Latest adventure... I talked to this guy on the phone for a couple of hours. Very interesting, funny, had me laughing, all was good. We met for a bite to eat. He talked so fast I kept having to ask him to repeat himself. Okay, maybe he was nervous. He left his phone in his truck then went to get it to show me a photo. That's when he discovered his keys were in the ignition. Again, maybe nervous. He would ask me a question but then answer it himself. For instance, "do you like the food? You must like it, you're eating it." Maybe really nervous. He mentioned I was hardly talking, when I had talked quite a bit on the phone. He had weight loss surgery about 15 years ago maybe. We talked about that. Then he asked me what my weight and shoe size are. I guess he thought that since we both had surgery, those were acceptable questions. Maybe I'm making excuses for him. He asked me if we could see each other again, because when we met it was very last-minute. The jury is still out. PS: I almost forgot... there were some red flags regarding anger, how he reacted to being stopped by the police for "driving while not white" (he's Portuguese), and how he handled a minor traffic accident.
  15. Sharon1964

    NSV shout outs

    I have a hard time believing it's real. Before surgery, I thought I would fail at this. I really did. I would read through all the NSV threads and never thought I'd be posting here!
  16. Sharon1964

    NSV shout outs

    One of the few things I've done for myself consistently since leaving my soul-sucking marriage in 2006 is to have my nails done. Yesterday, I went to my regular place, sat in the regular chair at the manicure table (with arms), and I had a ton of room on each side. WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT! Then I sat in the massaging pedicure chair. Ton of room on each side. All the girls that work there are about 98 pounds soaking wet, if that. They were all oohing and ahhing over my new look. It was awesome!
  17. @@Elode Oh, my dear Elode... sit down, this is going to be a shocker. Now, I don't usually give this kind of news over the internet, but I don't really have any other avenues for it at the moment. Are you sitting yet? Maybe get a nice glass of wine. Something soothing. Turn the lights down a litte. Maybe put on some soft music. Okay? Yes? Ready? GIRL, YOU ARE TINY!
  18. Sharon1964

    How long does it take to fall in love?

    Infatuation and lust are easy. You can get those instantly. Trust me, I know. And they can make you crazy. When the infatuation fades is when the real love begins. Love is both a choice and an action. You can choose to do loving things that makes your partner feel love, just as you can communicate to that person what makes you feel love. Can you tell I've been working on my love languages class since I haven't given the class in 3 years???
  19. Sharon1964

    Protein is protein.

    From the title, I thought for sure this one belonged in the naughty section. Just sayin'.
  20. Sharon1964

    Medicare coverage question

    The question is not really whether Medicare pays (they do, and they have a policy on it), but whether or not Medicare will pay if the primary won't. Instead of calling the regular Medicare number (1-800-MEDICARE for anyone in the states), try calling the Benefits Coordination and Recovery Center (BCRC), at 1-855-798-2627. TTY users should call 1-855-797-2627. The BCRC is usually involved when there is a question of who should pay first, but they are also involved when the primary insurance doesn't pay and Medicare makes a conditional payment on your behalf (so you don't have to pay medical bills yourself). They might be able to tell you what the policy is on this.
  21. Before WLS, I ate as much as I wanted, frequently until I was full or over-full. Going into WLS, I knew that I (not my new tummy) would have to decide how much I would eat (as well as what I would eat). I knew that I could circumvent the surgery by drinking milkshakes all day. But good lord, why have the surgery just to try to get around it??? The surgery is not magic that is going to work no matter what you do. I knew that I would have to make serious changes, with the help of the surgery. At just shy of 6 months post-op, I don't consider myself a veteran yet. I see so many questions about "when do you feel full", and "I can eat xx cups of food at a meal", and "I can eat again an hour later". For "full" question... why are you eating until you are full? Isn't that how you got here in the first place? Why are you not portioning your food and then stopping? For the "xx cups of food"... how on earth would you know that if you portioned your food out first and stopped when you were finished eating that portion? For the "eat again an hour later"... how would you know? It's not time to eat again, so why are you trying? Are you having problems with hunger? I guess I don't get it. Do you veterans (that have been successful) still portion your food? Do you eat until you are full? Maybe these are all rhetorical questions and I should have put this in the "rants" section. But I truly do want to know the answers. I just don't get it.
  22. Sharon1964

    If this wasn't so pathetic it would be hilarious

    But... but... but... mom!
  23. Sharon1964

    If this wasn't so pathetic it would be hilarious

    So today I get a message from a 22 year old in my town, on OKC. Now remember, I'm 51 yrs old. Pup: "You don't look your age at all." Now I know he meant this to be a compliment, so I say, "Thank you." <---- First mistake. Pup: "You are very beautiful." Me: "You're very kind." <----Second mistake. Pup: "I'm just honest. I know what I want when I see it." Oy. I can't help it now, I just can't help it. Me: "You want someone older than your mother???" Yeah, I'm on a roll now. Pup: "Not older than my mother. But older, yes. If you don't want someone younger I get it." Okay, he sounds like he will be reasonable, so I try to be nice. <--- Third mistake Me: "I'm incredibly flattered. You're less than half my age. I jut don't think I can handle that large of an age gap. But again, thank you." Pup: "Can't handle the age gap or can't handle me?" Oyyy. Did he just throw down the gauntlet? Is he challenging ME?? Does he know who he is dealing with??? Me: "Okay stud, how tall are you?" He hasn't responded yet. His profile is blank on the height, which, in my experience, means they're shorter than me (5 ft 7). The questions will get more and more personal. Yes, I'm being a c-u-next-tuesday. I don't care.
  24. Sharon1964

    Feb 03 2016

    From the album: Inspiration Photos

    127 pounds down, warm enough today to skip socks!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
