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Tori Loukas

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Tori Loukas

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 09/07/1960

About Me

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Art, music, animals, computers.
  • Occupation
  • City
    Oak Island
  • State
    North Carolina
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  1. Below goal weight now. SW, 332 lbs., now I'm 155 lbs. in just over 15 months! Woot! Haven't weighed this since the late 80s!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mini_me007


      You are the bomb! What an inspiration...congratulations!!!!

    3. _Kate_



    4. Djmohr
  2. REACHED MY GOAL TWO DAYS AGO and still find it hard to believe! YAY for my sleeve and me! :-)

    1. OutsideMatchInside


      OMG congrats on all the hard work!

    2. ShrinkingPeach


      Congrats! Way to go!!

  3. And the countdown begins. One more pound to go, the scale says this morning! I can't believe it--could this be real??

    1. Cervidae


      congratulations! :)

    2. OutsideMatchInside


      Wow, so amazing. Drink lots of water and flush that pound out

  4. 6 more pounds to goal at almost 15 months out. 207 lost total so far!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. magtart
    3. jane13


      207lbs!!!! yee haw!!!

    4. Tori Loukas

      Tori Loukas

      Thanks, everyone! make that 208, Kathy, I lost another pound yesterday! Woot!

  5. 9 lbs. from goal at 14 months out on the 9th. Can't believe it. The best thing I have ever done for myself and my family! :-D

    1. _Kate_



    2. Cervidae


      Congrats! That is wonderful.


  6. 9 days from my "Surgiversary" (one year) and today I'm at 180, 20 lbs. from goal--and have lost 193 lbs. so far! I'd cry if I weren't smiling so much :-)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JessRN


      amazing, congrats! Be so proud.

    3. Tori Loukas

      Tori Loukas

      Thank you, everybody! :-) It feels great to be here!

    4. msmathis


      Wow Congrats!!!


  7. Reached 185 lbs. this morn. 147 pounds lost in 11 months---this stuff WORKS!!! Lost 9 lbs. just this past week, amazed it's still coming off... :-)

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Tori Loukas

      Tori Loukas

      Thank you, everybody!!! It's exciting to be here, and I can't wait for y'all to get here, I'll be waiting on ya! Thanks for all the support and great energy and cheerleading. We can ALL get there!! :-)

    3. lealor
    4. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      I just looked at your before and after pics. I can't believe its the same person !!!! Wow ! You look so happy and healthy ! Who says " older chicks " cant look great ? Not me, and apparently, not you !! Congratulations !

  8. Welcome, Bill, and best of luck! I hope it's okay, I friended you here.
  9. Good message and good advice. Never mind the judgments here, writer.
  10. At 5'10", and 198 pounds, it seems I have officially joined the ranks of the Cute ;-) Not one, but three handsome guys have told me I am looking great in the last 48 hours! This is rather exciting for this single lady who had all but given up on guys....best of all is I am feeling attractive again~ for the first time in 25 years :-)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tori Loukas

      Tori Loukas

      Oh, never mind, ssflbelle, I think I figured it out! Thanks for the suggestion. Hope it helps to inspire somebody... :-)

    3. lealor


      omg...that is fantastic tori, very happy for you....but btw, ...guys are the same...lol

    4. Tori Loukas

      Tori Loukas

      Lealor~ guys are and will always be visually oriented! Lol


  11. I am in ONEDERLAND AT LAST!!! Weigh 198 lbs. this morning! It feels amazing, an I'm in a state of disbelief! I've lost 134 lbs. in 10 1/2 months, and 175 lbs. in one year. Thank God for this surgery!!!!!! :-D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tori Loukas

      Tori Loukas

      Thanks, everyone! I'm still in shock. Only 38 pounds to my goal. samuelsmom, can't wait for you to be here, too! :-)


    3. peaceout


      Congrats! What a great accomplishment!

    4. Djmohr


      Wow! That is a great accomplishment. You should be very proud of yourself!

  12. I'm almost in "Onederland"! 200 pounds today, down from 332 10 months ago... Woot!

    1. ShrinkingPeach


      Great job!! I started at 331 and cannot wit to be where you are!


    2. Stevehud



    3. Tori Loukas

      Tori Loukas

      Thanks Guys!! :-)

  13. 170 pounds lost from this time a year ago. 129 lost since surgery. 43 more to my personal goal, 4 more to my surgeon's goal for me. I am without speech! I am so grateful for my surgeon, the surgery, and my support system of friends and family. :-)

  14. Tori Loukas

    Spicy foods tomatoe bases and acids!?

    I ried regular tomato sauce soon when I was on solids and did fine. I'm 9 mos. out, though, and I still can't eat even mild salsa. I tried it again the other week---nope. Terrible heartburn even though I'm on Nexium. Guess I just can't do salsa!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
