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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BlessedTwice

  1. BlessedTwice

    My "so-far" pics.. nervous to post!

    What a difference! Keep up the great work girl!:woot:
  2. Hello, I have had 2 fills and have another coming up in June 12th. I'm hoping for True Restriciton then. My doctor told me that once you have good restriction you will lose the most weight the following few months.:thumbup: How many fills did it take you to reach restriction ? Once you had true restriction, how much weight did you lose in the following month? Thank you all...:thumbup:
  3. I take split chicken breastseason with mrs dash, brown them, remove the skin and brown again.( I hate touching raw chicken...lol) Then I throw it in a crock-pot and throw in a jar of Walmart Brand Black Bean and White Corn Salsa, turn it on high and its done in a few hours. Its so tender and juicy. Yummy... I also do the same with the chicken and instead of salsa, I add a tiny amount of water and Franks Red hot sauce. I then measure out my TBS of Blue Cheese Dressing and add more Franks Red Hot Sauce and have my version of hot wings. * I don't do the bleu cheese often because of the fat content. I prefer the light and not Fat Free because I do want to enjoy the little amount I eat and I do account for it. I just love the BumbleBee Sundried Tomato and Basil Tuna... Its sooo good. You can buy a 5 oz. peel lid and a 3 oz. that also comes with 5 Ritz crackers. I have to divide both portions because I cannot eat even 3 oz. and my boys eat the Ritz Crackers. I hope you enjoy these.
  4. Hey Ready, I hear you...I was just telling a friend of mine the same things over the weekend! I'm only 5'1" and I feel like I cannot tell or see a difference accept for the fact that I'm finally down 1 size. I have lost 27 pound and have struggled to get to that. (See a few of my posts) It will happen for us also.
  5. BlessedTwice

    Snack ideas?

    I also like light laughing cow cheese and kashi crackers. Fruits and sliced veggies....My boys usually dip all of their veggies in Light ranch...I've learned to skip it.
  6. BlessedTwice

    Snack ideas?

    I buy the bag of individual snack sized Quakes in Caramel Corn for sweet and a cheese popcorn rice cakes. They are both wonderful!
  7. After my last time of the month around the week of April 15th I gained 7 pounds of water weight after losing 24 pounds. I then lost 2 pounds making my new loss 19 pounds. I then, was at a standstill for 3+ weeks and had no loss. I had been only eating 400-700 calories as of April, so I upped my calorie intake to 1000-1100. So I figured once my body realizes its no longer in Starvation Mode, it will let me lose more. Today was that day...WooHoo... I lost 8 pounds this week.... So I'm now 3 pounds from my first goal.... I also have a special Thank You to all of you who told me to quit weighing myself every day... It helped me so much... I've been doing a happy dance all day!!:smile:
  8. BlessedTwice

    I'm in Onderland...

    I have been so excited about breaking through my plateau that it didn't hit me until I was journaling my journey....I'm in Onederland and I'm NEVER going back! WooHoo!!
  9. BlessedTwice

    I'm in Onderland...

    YES! I cannot wait to not have any nines on the scale. My niece is graduating and i want to be in the 8's by the middle of June for her party...And another size smaller...that would be awesome!
  10. BlessedTwice

    What the hell...I'll post some pics

    You look awesome! Keep up the good work!
  11. BlessedTwice

    I busted through my plateau...

    I was so frustrated. I kept waiting and waiting...I was also OCD about my scale. I weighed myself whenever I was in the bathroom, when I brushed my teeth, when I helped my sons brush their teeth, when they took a bath, before I got in the shower, after the shower, when I cleaned the bathroom, etc....I almost threw it out in the yard...since I was so frustrated. If I had not spend alot of money on it...It would have had a new home....lol You all with bust through soon!
  12. BlessedTwice

    I'm in Onderland...

    You are going to be there before you know it! :smile:
  13. BlessedTwice


    I'm a slow loser too...I need to have a loss any day now. It is discouraging when you do everything you are supposed to do and the scale won't budge! I hope you are feeling better! Colds are never fun...they kick you in the behind everytime! Typing cannot be easy either!
  14. BlessedTwice

    is there anyone like me?

    I do eat a few carbs, but they are limited,I workout and make sure I get all of my water in.
  15. BlessedTwice

    I've lost my ever loving mind!

    Good for you, it sounds like lots of fun!
  16. BlessedTwice

    Time span

    A few days shy of three months!
  17. Today is my two month bandiversary. I have still not lost the 5lbs I gained after that TOM and switching from 500-700 calories a day to 1000. I've been really depressed about this and I really need to get back on track. I have my next fill on the 1st. Lets hope that helps. I'm just wondering how many calories all of you eat a day! Thank you for all of your help!
  18. BlessedTwice

    List your lapband confessions here.

    I ate too many carbs yesterday...I really have to get out of my mood since gaining the 5 pounds that I thought I would lose because of TOM..wrong..they stayed:(
  19. I've been having lots of issues with my weight loss the last two weeks....I've been using dailyplate, exercising, and limiting my carbs. I was only eating between 500 and 700 calories, realized was probably in starvation mode so I upped my calories to 1000-1100, started my period, had a 7 pound Water weight gain and now I've been drinking water like crazy trying to get rid of the extra weight fast. Well my period is over and so I decided to weigh myself last night. Before my period I was at -24...then I stepped on the scale...-31.5...I ran into the living room and excitedly told my dh. Then I thought...I will weigh myself again before putting my jammies on...I will probably weigh a pound less......... I pulled out the scale an stepped on it...My scale had lied...my digital scale that has NEVER read wrong...had....I was up 7 pounds still. How could this be?? I cried and cried...I thought everything was going well since my fill except for the low calories, which I had just changed days ago. Was my water weigh going to go away... I just don't understand! I certainly ton't want to go down to my second fill appointment with a weight gain on the 1st. So now I'm just disgusted and second guessing myself. The scale thing...I may have had it off center of where I usually have it, but I weighed myself twice and our home is only 5 years old so it would not be because the floor is uneven... Should I up my water intake again? Take water pills? Exercise moring and night? I'm just disgusted. I make great food choices and have been right on track with healtheir foods and such. This water weight gain is really bringing me down again. This is my second period since surgery and I lost the other water weight relatively fast after my period. I really need to get out of this Funk I'm in.... Any ideas.... I'll have my 2 month bandiversary on Friday!
  20. BlessedTwice

    Elated before the big letdown... :(

    Thank you all. I'm going to put the scale in the closet for a week or so, keep my calories up to 1000 and add another 30 minutes of exercise. I've been wanting to start my Tae Bo DVD...I just might start that in the Morning!
  21. BlessedTwice

    My awesome NSV!!

    Awesome! Doesn't that feel great!
  22. BlessedTwice

    For the ladies *TMI*

    I know exactly what you mean. I've had 2 periods since surgery and I gained 5 lbs the first month and 7 lbs this month:( I has severe bloated feet and ankles so much that it hurt to walk for close to 5 days last montha nd then this month it's my calves...I don't understand that at all... I'm going to up my water and I'm thinking about adding a water pill to my diet, but I'm going to ask my doctor at my next fill on the first.
  23. I have one too..very generic...no pics yet...I have a friend who thinks I HAVE to have my boys pics on there. I don't yet and don't know if I will...I just feel weird about it. I'm going to pm the two of you about being added. Please do the same!
  24. BlessedTwice

    tracking workouts/weight loss/nutrition

    I love dailyplate...Its wonderful!
  25. Hello Barb,


    How Funny, I have a small mouth too. My dentist comments on it everytime I'm there lol My throat was just dry after surgery and I just ate the ice chips with no problem. I would also get some Gas-X strips and remember to walk walk walk after surgery. I walked every hour. The strips melt in your mouth...better than tums because of the restriction IMO.

    Bring a pillow for the ride home...for the bumps. You will feel like the car hit every one on purpose...lol

    I didn't do the baby food, but the plastic baby food container (square) are great for portions when you get on mushies and solids. I have a daycare and save the ones from the 8 month old I have right now. They are wonderful.

    You look like you are pretty well prepared. Your date is the 24th right?

    Keep me posted...

    You talked about a support group in our area...that would be wonderful. If we can't get enough, I thinkit would be great to carpool to the meetings in TC. It would save on gas for all of us. My cousin would like to go too. She's hoping she hears form Angie this week. What town do you live in? I'm in Harbor Springs...

    Keep me posted!

    Maybe we can do the May meeting if you are up to it by then.




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