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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BlessedTwice

  1. BlessedTwice

    6 Month Progress Pics

    I also just had my six month anniversary... I still have not posted any...hopefully I will get the courage sometime soon. Everyone is looking wonderful!
  2. Hello you all, After my long plateau and realizing I could not survive on 400-700 calories I think I have broke through my plateau. I had within two days of upping my calories to between 950-1200 varying my days gained 3 pounds but today, I'm down 5 pounds which includes the 3 lb gain... woohoo :thumbup::wink2::thumbup::frown::tt2::tt2::tt2::tt2::tt2::smile::smile::smile::smile: Thank you all for your advice... I also read somewhere that when you get to a weight that you were at for a significant amout of time...your body will try to stay there. That is where I was at. I'm so happy I've broke through, but I'm going to weigh myself in two days and see if its still the same or lower before I change my ticker. Thanks again, Bren
  3. BlessedTwice

    Six Months gone and halfway there

    Congrats! You are looking great!
  4. BlessedTwice

    the biggest loser (7)

    I just love this show. I lock myself in my room and the boys are all Hubby's for Tuesday Nights.
  5. Hello, I was banded on 2.25.08 and have been eating between 400 -700 calories. I exercise 30 minutes-5-6 days a week. I feel like a failure because I have only lost 3 pounds in the last 5 weeks since my 4th fill. I had great restriction after my 3rd so I had very little put in for the fourth. I'm thinking that my body is thinking its starving. I called my surgeons office and was told to eat just 3 meals a day. That was it...she brushed off the starvation theory I had. I was eating 1/4-1/2 cup every 2-3 hours(more like 1/2) and she just wanted me to do 3 meals and try to take more time and eat more. I'm really doing everything I can to lose more weight but its just not happening. Ok, I do need to add more exercise. I'm so discouraged and feel like such a failure. It will be six months in a week or so, and I feel I should have lost 20-30 more pounds. I'm doing my best not top compare myslef to others... And I feel that when it comes to my diet, I'm following all guidlines...protein, veggies...fruits and very little if any carbs unless I have quaker weight control oatmeal. It really has to be my calorie intake...I don't go back to my surgeon for a fill until the 21st and have anoter call in to the office today to discuss this. Can you all help me out with your suggestions and answers please? I feel that I'm going to get the same answers when I get my return call today. I have been MIA because I have been so depressed about this unusually long plateau. I have also started doing my tae bo dvd (even though I cannot get through all of it) and I hope it helps with my weight loss. How many calories do you eat each day? What is a typical daily menu for you. Thank you all, Bren
  6. BlessedTwice

    I need all of your help...PLEASE

    Thank you all for your advice. I knew this was not all in my head! I will let everyone know what my Doctor says next week! Thanks, Bren
  7. BlessedTwice

    The Grocery Game

    I tried it for a trial period. I then found www.hotcouponworld.com and its just AWESOME! I cannot say enough things about hotcouponworld. If you have anymore questions, please feel free to pm me!
  8. BlessedTwice

    Happy Birthday Ready!

    :ohmy: HAPPY BIRTHDAY :blushing: READY
  9. Thank you both. I have lots of the bumblebee tomato basil ... I will try that. Thanks again
  10. BlessedTwice

    Hello halfway!

    Congrats! You are doing so well.
  11. I had my 3rd fill last Thursday and now have 3.7 in a 10 cc band. Do I ever have restriction...or is it just certain foods??? I now cannot eat the following: Bread Bagels Pasta I started eating solid foods today and these three things came back up today. TMIF...Sorry... Now I'm deathly afraid to even eat tuna or my Salsa chicken that is very tender. I cannot live on Soup and yogurt. I've been on liquids since my last bad episode with the Pasta. I'm going to add mushies for dinner tomorrow. Any ideas... Thanks
  12. This looks so Yummy! I would love more. I was t at the store this morning and I forgot to look for the magazine. I would also love to get a hold of some past issues. Thank you Ezma!
  13. Hello, I just had my third fill yesterday and now have 3.7 cc's in my 10cc band. I have awesome restriction. I'm still going liquids today and plan on trying yogurt for dinner. I'm curious about how many cc's everyone has, what fill they are on and if they are now losing faster since finding the 'Sweet Spot'? I'm really hoping that I have my restriction now. My Doctor said he was a bit more aggressive tis time giving me 1.5 cc's. He told me not to eat bread or meat for a while after returning to real food after going through the stages again. And that if I have problems keeping anything down to go back to liquids and then onto the other stages until I can tolerate regular food. Thank you all for your help. You all are doing so well...I have felt like I'm been stuck in limbo....I go back in 4 weeks... I'm hoping for a HUGE LOSS at that time.:smile:
  14. BlessedTwice

    Changing my approach

    I'm obsessive about weighing myself. I do it everyday before eating any breakfast. I think weighing yourself at home will work out well for you.
  15. What a cute cut! You look great! Congrats on the weight loss!
  16. BlessedTwice

    Four-month check in

    Congrats on your 50 pound weight loss. You have done so well.
  17. BlessedTwice

    Good News, Bad news!

    Hey Jaime, I'm going to try that plan too. Can you share the website? Thanks
  18. BlessedTwice

    My Third Fill...finally good restriction...

    OMG Melanie...22 pounds...that's awesome...How many calories a day are you eating right now? I barely finished a yogurt last night.
  19. BlessedTwice

    Checking In

    Wow, you have done great! My 3rd fill is on Thursday! I sure hope the third on is a CHARM!
  20. BlessedTwice

    Just for Fun

    You can really see a difference. Such cute pics! She is one smart cookie. Congrats to you both!
  21. tighter after a workout? I have been doing strength training and cardio since Monday. Only twice now, but I have my last visit with my trainer/gym owner on Monday and I'm going to do the strength training and cardio M-W-F and then T-TH-SA just the cardio and do a walk with my DH and boys on Sundays. I took measurements and a pic to start today...so I can't wait to see what my results are on July 2nd. Anyway, I ate a light breatfast about a half hour after my workout and my band felt soo tight. I could only eat three bites of yogurt. On another note, my 3rd fill is on the 12th and I'm hoping for a great restriction overall after that. It will have been 6 weeks since my last fill and I definately need one. :cursing:
  22. Hello, I have been MIA.. I've been having issues again about not losing weight and being at a standstill. I have been really depressed adn trying to get out of it! I decided I needed to joing a gym so that I could work with weights and so that I could be more accountable to myself and working out. I had my first session today and meat him again on Wednesday and Friday. I'm hoping to be on my own then. I have been really bloated and retaining Water and have a sore calf. I have been taking water pills for three days. My Trainer/Owner at the Gym told me that the water pills were not a good choice but that it will take a few days of working on stretching the muscle to get it back to normal. I'm really excited about starting this and I hope that by the fourth of July I will be down at least one more size and 10 pounds... Have any of you done better working out at the gym versus at home and on your own?
  23. BlessedTwice

    More pics! my rennaissance life!

    You two are so cute! Thank you for sharing!
  24. Ezma, I'm happy you are enjoying the Salsa chicken. It's just Yummy!:wink_smile:
  25. I bought Biggest Loser Power Sculpt and finally started it. It kicked my butt...I couldn't do all of the moves....Not that Jullian was going fast....she wasn't...It's a great workout. I'm hoping to master the moves by the time I'm done with the beginning phase and on to the second phase.(Three Weeks)... I really hope I can see a difference in 3 weeks. Has anyone else done this or Tae Bo Cardio? What results did you see in inches and pounds. Thank you Bren

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
