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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by fordgirlalways

  1. fordgirlalways

    Thiamine Deficiency

    For those that are post-op have any of you experienced a B1 Thiamine deficiency? I found out that I am a few weeks ago after the front of my body being numb from my shins to my chest, which started two months ago. I've been taking Thiamine injections for a few weeks now and slowly getting better. It's very frustrating though. Just wanted to see if there was anyone else that has dealt with this and could share their story. Thank you.
  2. I'm 3 months postop now and ever since February 3 I've had this numbness. It started out in my legs and moved it's way up to my chest. So from my shins up to my chest is just numb. The numbness is only affecting the front of my body, not the back. Yet. All my blood tests have came back fine, so that rules out vitamin deficiencies. Also had a CT scan of my head, which was normal. I'm starting to wonder if it's surgery reated, but really hoping it's not. Anyone else experience something similiar after surgery?
  3. Question for those that are post-op- Did you ever deal with B1 (thiamine) deficiency? If so, would you mind telling me a little bit about your experience? Thank you!
  4. fordgirlalways

    Anyone else experince numbness after surgery?

    @Nurse_Lenora I am seeing one tomorrow. Had my B12 level checked and it was within normal range.
  5. I'm scheduled for the 19th of this month. 10 more days to go!
  6. fordgirlalways

    Anyone else having Gastric Bypass this month?

    @@Janie80 So far, so good. Today was better than yesterday. Hoping each day will improve. I feel the most pain when I get up or lay down. The pain is starting to last less. I haven't taken any pain meds today. I have the pesky drain too and hear things get better once it's removed. I'm courting down to the 30th as well to get it taken out. I'm also required to drink 64 ounces of liquids a day using a medicine cup to measure things out and that takes 16 hours to do. I've had no nausea at all while drinking because I'm really taking my time. I also make sure to walk every hour. I think I over did it a little from getting up a lot because my legs are somewhat sore like how you feel the first time after you go to the gym and it's been a long time. I took a shower for the first time today and washed what I could without hurting. It was nice to just clean myself up. Made me feel better. It's also a little hard getting pants on right now. I've read people saying that they stop hurting after a week, which would be nice because I'm a side sleeper and can't really do that right now because of the pain it causes. I'm sure that will get easier as will everything else as the days pass.
  7. fordgirlalways

    Anyone else having Gastric Bypass this month?

    @ I'm 3 days post opt now. I think I'm doing better than I thought I would too. Getting all your fluids in is hard as it is an all day thing. It's crazy how much weight we gain in the hospital from all the fluids. I gained 13, but I've lost 8 since I've been home. Good luck with your recovery as well! We're well on our way to healthier, better lives!
  8. fordgirlalways

    Anyone else having Gastric Bypass this month?

    @@turbomom22 Hope it goes well for you. Good luck!
  9. fordgirlalways

    Anyone else having Gastric Bypass this month?

    @@Maraki I think I'm doing good so far. Just being really adamant about getting my fluids in and walking. I'm supposed to get 64 ounces in a day, which takes me about 16 hours. It's crazy! The pain also isn't too bad and I've been fortunate not to have too much gas pain so far. I mostly just feel pain for a short time when I stand up or lay down. I hear that'll feel better once my drain is out. Really looking forward to that. Most people only have theirs in a week, but since Thanksgiving is a week from when I had my surgery I'm stuck with it for a bit longer!
  10. fordgirlalways

    Anyone else having Gastric Bypass this month?

    @@Janie80 Good luck with your surgery! 8 more days!
  11. fordgirlalways

    Anyone else having Gastric Bypass this month?

    @@countrygirl That's awful! What surgery did you have in 2013 if you don't mind my asking?
  12. fordgirlalways

    Anyone else having Gastric Bypass this month?

    @@Rdy4ANewLife Thank you. I think I am doing good. I was discharged the day after my surgery. Just sipping my fluids and walking a lot. The most pain I feel is when I get up or lay down, but not for too long. Good luck with your surgery! I'm sure you're counting down the days!
  13. fordgirlalways

    Anyone else having Gastric Bypass this month?

    @@Sajijoma I'm 3 days days post-opt now. I know all Doctors are different, but have you tried unsweetened Almond Milk? I mix it with my Unjury Protein shake. It's pretty good and have no issues keeping it down as it is soy and lactose free. I can't wait to get my drain out. It's so gross! It's hard for me not to weigh myself to see how much I am losing too.
  14. fordgirlalways

    Anyone else having Gastric Bypass this month?

    @@silkouj That's awesome! I hope everything went well for you. And I know what you mean. I've got 8 more days now and can't wait. @@Melissa1987 One day before mine! We're almost there! @@JessM. Good luck! I'm sure you can't wait!
  15. fordgirlalways

    Anyone else having Gastric Bypass this month?

    @@Sean Morrison That's great! I hope I feel good too one week post opt! @@ShelMarie Good luck to you too! We're almost there!
  16. fordgirlalways

    IVC Filter

    @@Dar200 No need to apologize. I appreciate everyone's input. My doctor is supposed to call me tomorrow regarding the IVC filter. I just want to see if I have any options other than the filter. Of course if there is no alternative then I'll definitely be getting the filter as I really want the surgery.
  17. fordgirlalways

    IVC Filter

    Hi everyone. I found out that I have to have an IVC filter put in before the surgery due to my high BMI. I'm not liking what I'm reading online and just wanted to get some insight from those of you that have had it done. How did you do with the procedure and did you have any complications from it like deep vein thrombosis? Did it help with blood clots you may have gotten post-opt?
  18. fordgirlalways

    IVC Filter

    @@Dar200 I think I'm going to ask my doctor if there's something else I can do. I feel like the IVC filter is a Kaiser thing. I know someone that had Aetna that had the surgery with a higher BMI and they took Heparin shots. I would much rather do that. On top of the research I've done on IVC filters I saw a commercial this evening for lawsuits filed by people who had it put in and had major problems.
  19. I will be done with my six month program through Kaiser Permanente next month and wanted to know if anyone has been to Dr. Cantor at Holy Cross. If so, how long did you have to wait until you had the surgery after first meeting him? Thanks!
  20. fordgirlalways

    How long is the wait?

    @@MaureenVA I would also like to join this group. You're welcome. I'm so excited for you too. @@brittneywlsj
  21. fordgirlalways

    Surgery date

    Got a call from the scheduler this afternoon and my surgery date is November 19!!!! I'm so happy right now. November can't come soon enough.
  22. fordgirlalways

    How long is the wait?

    @@brittneywlsj At the appointment I filled out some paperwork to give to the nurse. The nurse took my vitals and just asked me some questions like if I smoke and how often I drink alcohol. She also gave me a true and false quiz to do to make sure I understood the surgery and what I need to do afterwards. Then I met with the case manager. She just asked me if I had any questions and gave me her card if I wanted to reach her. The nutritionist came in after that and verified what vitamins I was taking. She also went over the pre-opt liquid diet and recommended I buy a book called The Emotional First Aid Kit: A Practical Guide to Life After Bariatric Surgery by Cynthia L. Alexander. She said it's written by a psychologist and the book is supposed to have other people's stories and what you should expect to happen after the surgery. I'm definitely going to buy it. It sounds like it will be really helpful. Then Dr. Mcarthur came in and asked some questions about medications and health history. She went over what medications to stop before the surgery and what not to take for a certain amount of time post-opt. She also went over the risks and possible complications (what they went over at the seminar) and drew a picture explaining how the surgery will work. After that she did an examination of my stomach and felt around. She also went ahead and put in all the prescriptions that I will need, expect for one that I'll need to drop off. That is pretty much it. I'll see her again before the surgery at the end of October.
  23. fordgirlalways

    How long is the wait?

    I had my appointment today with Dr. Mcarthur. I was told the scheduler would call to set the surgery date in one to two weeks, but she called me this afternoon and set it up for November 19!!! Hope your appointment goes well next week. We're almost there!
  24. After six months of classes, nutrition visits, and completing all the other requirements I found out today that I've been approved for the surgery! Later on I got a phone call from the surgeon's office to schedule my consultation. I can't even begin to describe how happy I am right now!
  25. fordgirlalways

    Kaiser approval!

    @@quiltermom65 Thank you! I've heard of it being 3 months in places in California, but it's a requirement for 6 here in Virginia. 3 months would have been great though. I was told upfront by my pcp how long this would take before I started the program. Good luck with everything!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
