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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BShelmet

  1. Hi; I had surgery in Mexico a 2 years ago Feb 19. It has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. I went to the OCC. Dr. Ortiz, no I don't work for him and have no vested interested in referring anyone to him. I did tons of research about a year and even conducted a background check on him even before I decided to go to the OCC. I was 242 and now am 140 and I've dropped down to 135 a couple times but like myself at 140. I traveled to California by myself and met a friend there who fly in from Florida. We both went over the border together. The hotel they set you up with is great - kind very kind staff. Dr. Ortiz staff are the best, the nutritionist is wonderful and still helps me at times if I feel as if I am falling off the wagon. The surgery for me was not painful, never took my pain medication (I do have a high tolerance for pain) but never felt uncomfortable. Nurses were great - follow up has been wonderful. I have not had any problems since returning to the states with the EXCEPTION of finding a doctor that wanted to treat me since I had the procedure in Mexico. Took a couple months to find once and she is great and I see her once a year. My yearly is coming up and the only thing that is different is I have been experience so reflux which is "normal" for all intent and purposes. You can not even see where he went in and did the procedure. This is just a brief summary of my experience. So if you want further details or to talk my personal email is bas1029@aol.com. I don't have a problem giving more information if you want it! Again, in my personal opinion Dr. Ortiz at the OCC rocked and if I go back for some skin surgery I will be going there!!!! Good luck and please any other questions feel free to ask.
  2. BShelmet

    Scared & Confused

    Good Afternoon, I had surgery at the OCC, with Dr. Ortiz on Feb 19, 2015! I originally started out having plictation, but decided that there was not enough research for me (my personal opinion). So I opted for the sleeve. It was one of the best experiences - Dr. O, Lucia and all the nurses and doctors that you will meet will be absolutely wonderful. The only problem I had was finding a doc who would see me in the US. But, I found one she is wonderful and very impressed with my experience and Dr. O's work. From arriving at the airport to the ride to and through the boarder it was a wonderful experience. From van drive to motel staff. I have no complaints or issues to speak about. I am 100 lbs lighter and feel and look great (my personal opinion :-) If you have a fear once you arrive talk to the doc - he will come into your room before you head into surgery and talk to you - he spent a fair amount a time with me as I grilled him about his credentials and his staff ( I actually paid to have a background check on the good ole' doc). He has a great sense of humor and was impressed with all the research I conducted before taking the plunge. Any questions please drop me a line I will answer any questions I can. I have pictures of me and doc and Lucia (the nut) before surgery if you are interested! Good luck and trust me you will be fine!! I even made some friends while having surgery and we continue to talk and compare experiences and success stories :-)
  3. BShelmet


    From the album: BShelmet

  4. Thank you Kindle - you seem to come when I need that swift kick in the rear. You are correct though = I just need to buck up and do it. The end result is so worth it!
  5. LOL - this is what happens when you read post at 5 in the morning. LOL..I went back and read your post your consultant got rescheduled NOT your surgery date. Glad I caught that! On a side note - I know I have got to kick it into high gear with this diet. I have heard mixed statements on the weight loss - some say your surgery will be cancelled and others say they still do it. I would hate to get their though and have him say sorry not today. So I have set the date for 1/28 no if's ands or buts. just going to start and that is that :-)
  6. Oh NO! Why did you get rescheduled? I'm going to try your idea with the ice. Still struggling with carbs - UUGGHH!
  7. Let me know how your consult went :-) Happy Friday!!!! Oh and I tried that vitaleph stuff they wanted us to buy..yuck..thank god I only got the two for the 15 day stint - I will stick to my Unjury and premier protein..I added PB2 to the vitaleph stuff and it made it a little better..YUCK!
  8. hehe - it may sound as if I am doing great, BUT as you said you can't "quit" the carbs. I made it two days and boom went crazy with Indian for lunch and pasta for dinner - go figure. I have to get myself going. Are you doing the Vitaleph shakes? I am going to do those on our 15 days, but I have heard that they taste horrible. SO not looking forward to that as I said the premier protein to me taste like chocolate milk and since I love chocolate so much it works for me (or maybe I have convinced myself it does :=) I have a small one as well and my fiancé (for 6 years..LOL) is going to stay with our little man. I am trying to convince my friend from Florida to meet me in SAN I have figure it is included in our price so told her she just has to pick up the ticket but food and everything else is on me. Not to sure if that is going to happen or not. I spoke to someone as well who had to drive and she said she did fine and like you said you can stop as much as you need too to either walk or get some sips of water :-) I am so excited - but I am so nervous. I just want to be in recovery and begin my new life.
  9. Yes, I am currently doing the same I have a premier protein for breakfast and a lean cuisine or weight watchers meal for lunch and then a very light dinner. Slowly trying to get myself in the mindset to drop those pounds required. I got some premier protein shakes they are so yummy. Saving the stuff they recommended until the "true" 15 days prior, but have started taking my supplements - it is a lot of dang pills...and I find when I only had a shake for lunch too they made me nauseous so not sure how that is going to work out when we are on total liquids. I think I get some raw or steamed veggies too. UUGGHH.. We can do it - I think as the time gets closer we will kick it in - we will have to support one another. Because I know I am going to struggle the first couple of days! Only 5 hours - that is awesome, wish that were the case for me! I am in VA so flying is the option I have picked. You think you will be good to drive back after? Or are you going to bring someone with you? I have heard that most have been okay with flying and driving so you should be okay and you could always stop if needed! Okay - off to work - continue to enjoy your day!
  10. JillPill Awesome - please share when you can - always interesting in hearing more and more stories :-) I'm sure it went well. Droppinlikeitshot (love it) we will cross paths (or at least I hope)! YAHOO - finally found someone - I arrive the 18 and surgery the 19! We will have to keep in touch as I am sure my nerves will begin to act a fool as we get closer. I am excited for my new journey and have heard NOTHING but good things about Dr. A Ortiz, but still kinda scary coming from VA to MX to get surgery :-) Have you started your pre-op yet or anything?
  11. Hello Jill Pill, I am headed but not until 2/18. I recommend going to read this blog. These individual on here have all been to Dr. A Ortiz and have been through it all and have great advice. The whole blog is about 141 pages and I have read it all. I talk to a couple of them through PM, but reading this blog and talking to them have helped me to "feel" okay with making this journey and choosing Dr. A Ortiz. Check it out. btw I did read some place in the blog that what you are going through is normal :-) http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/261806-dr-ariel-ortiz-and-obesity-control-center/page-127

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