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Everything posted by pumpkin07

  1. pumpkin07

    harder than i thought....

    I totally regretted it the first month. I had a harder time emotionally and I was very scared b/c I think I was in shock at what I'd done/how much of a change it was. So you just have to know you can't go get your tummy out of the trash (I thought a lot about that). So instead just be very nice to yourself and very patient and take it a day at a time, or warm green tea at a time. I boiled a LOT of chickens in filtered Water with a little celery/onion and very little salt and was more comfortable with that broth than the powder broth. I remember I was cold a lot and I kept a heating pad in the bed near me and that helped me be comfy all night. I didn't have the spasms, I guess everyone is different. I was very cold, cold feet without food in my body I guess. So for me it was definitely the warm broth that got me through and a little cottage cheese here and there. When I was ready to get off of that it came natural. Just don't try to do everything everyone says but try to think what your body wants. It might change from day to day for a while. I cried too - one day I cried a LOT it was about a week out. Then on and off for a few days. I just kinda let it rip. My husband is still a little freaky about that part he got really scared when I was crying, truly mourning the loss of my fatty stomach parts. But I survived and eventually the positive changes started outweighing the fear and doubt. I wouldn't say I'm thriving at 2 mos. out b/c i am more tired than I want to be at times. But I do feel better now than I did BEFORE the surgery. And I look a lot better I think.
  2. pumpkin07


    You all made laugh. TMI hahaha
  3. pumpkin07

    What is this pain? Help!

    I am 2 mos out and still have problems with 'thick' foods.
  4. pumpkin07

    Hypothyroidism and me...

    I haven't had my levels checked yet, but I have no thyroid hormone in my body without my Armour - my thyroid does not work at all. I've had this since I was 12 and it gradually got worse. I still take the Armour, but I lowered my dosage on my own b/c after I lost some weight I could tell I didn't need as much (heart palpitations). I figured that would happen b/c with less weight less would be needed to support my shrinking body. I'm going to get my levels checked soon. But actually like other hormones, once you lose some weight your thyroid might start working differently. I would think it would maybe work better. Something good to monitor - don't ever just stop taking it b/c that could put stress on your thyroid if it is struggling to produce. And it could slow your weight loss down.
  5. pumpkin07

    Tea and Pasta

    I tried making green iced tea in the beginning and it was just not as great as hot green tea to me. So I gradually switched to regular iced tea and just kept it kinda weak. I sweeten with agave, but most people here recommend Stevia. I drink tea a lot. I never had the Water aversion issue, thankfully. Mine was apple juice which made me nauseated. I really don't like juice unless it is fresh squeezed. I guess that is good though - extra calories. I order hot green tea a lot at restaurants.
  6. pumpkin07


    I hope you feel better soon. I too didn't have a BM for a long time and OMG it was just scarey. Nice to know the plumbing works, eh?
  7. When I came to this board I only saw the upside to the surgery. Lately things are more 'real' and that is fine by me. First or second hand stories, if true, are good things to know.
  8. pumpkin07

    Today I heard something

    I think that is so cool!!!! It is fun to lose weight.
  9. I am still looking for our friend "Loser" who went to a certain doctor in Mexico, had complications that were severe but undiagnosed last time we spoke to him here in US, and never posted again. He was having complications and disappeared after previously posting 144 times. Yeah, these things scare the crap out of me.
  10. pumpkin07

    Scared and need some support!

    I remember someone on obesity help with a bad abcess. Definitely you need excellent care and lots of prayer. We'll all be here for you!
  11. pumpkin07

    Bag of Cheetos & a Can of Dr. Pepper OMGoodness!!

    I think we are still who we are. Even skinny people like cheetos and a Dr. Pepper or something similar. ENJOY IT. I mean, of course if we live like that then we will not be eating nutritiously. Today I had a bitch of a day at work and I didn't take the time to eat right. Tonight we went to dinner and I still couldn't get much down, but it was better. I hate missing meals with this sleeve.
  12. Hmmm....it could be a lot of things. Maybe he worries you will knock him over the head with that pizza box and run away with the pizza boy when you are able. It happens. Or maybe he won't have anyone to tease and he worries you are upsetting the balance of power in the house. To be honest since I have started losing weight I have been happy I may now live as long as my husband, but now I worry that because he doesn't live on calorie restriction he could go before me. I worry about his eating b/c it was healthy compared to mine, but now not as much. My husband has enjoyed watching me lose weight with this surgery, although he does worry a little more about if I love him, would I ever cheat, etc. I think that is normal. He also still wants attention that I am too tired to give...but he'd still vote for the weight loss and having a hot wife rather than no weight loss surgery. Just like we have little anxieties, so do they. But just don't base your decision on what he says. I mean the bottom line is if we did everything right then we wouldn't have a weight problem, but we have it b/c we couldn't. I admit WLS is the easy way out of a weight problem, but what does it matter if it works? Isn't the point to get the weight off. I feel it is more natural than popping pills to lose weight. And more long term, hopefully. The smoking could be an issue I think, just b/c I have noticed that people with a history of smoking seem to sometimes have more trouble healing. You might talk to your doctor about that. Sounds like you are trying to be as healthy as possible going into surgery, so something to look at. Best wishes.
  13. pumpkin07


    Well, I had my surgery the day after you did and you are ahead of me by a couple pounds. But from what you wrote, it is hard to see what you are saying exactly. How many ounces can you get down? What kind of variety can you eat now? I think everyone is different, but I can eat half a 4 0z hamburger if I don't eat the top bun - just eating small bites with a fork with a couple tomato slices. So that is about ummm...probably 2 oz of meat and a couple tomato slices. That is a few bites, right? I could maybe eat one taste of a potato but I know fries are not my friend in ANY way. They sort of 'over fill me'. I had this burger easter Sunday when we went out to Breakfast b/c I don't like eggs, couldn't really eat a pancake, I did not know what to order - we were at a diner. So I split a burger with my youngest. Or I can eat a 2.5 oz piece of fish with steamed spinach very easily. Last night I ate a steak and spinach taquito at home with some leftover ribeye. Oh and I did eat ribeye on Easter Sunday with no problem. Chewed well with a potato. OF course I probably only ate 2.5 oz total, maybe 3. But I can eat a pretty good variety of meals now, so it is hard to see from what you are writing how limited you are. I 'can' eat pretty much everything now but 'prefer' (by way of comfortableness factor) to not eat bready stuff, NO spicy stuff (big change for me). Not much fast food at all, more like homemade food. Eating out can still be difficult but I do it sometimes. No green Beans or many vegetables that I used to like. I find the most satisfying meals have 2 items in them - a Protein and a fresh or cooked green or red veggie. I ate a whole homemade crispy taco a few times and was too full... So I don't feel limited in what I can eat anymore. I feel what I can eat now if it did not change would be okay. I still will put more on my plate than I can eat if I'm really hungry, and if I over eat creates a tightness in my throat that I hate. Is that about what you are talking about? Or is it worse than that?
  14. pumpkin07

    Meeting the guidelines

    That is right Katt - don't be afraid to not use artificial sweeteners. I think when you are healing it is best to stick to nature not chemicals. Think of how many antibiotics we were given, nausea medicine, etc. I drank weak Kool Aid with sugar b/c I felt I needed it. If something sounds horrible, why do it, to me it is important to listen to your body. After I drank my big kool aid every day (20 oz with half sugar) then after a few weeks I didn't want it anymore. Then I switched to a touch of agave b/c I don't have Stevia and didn't like it once before. Slowly just learning to drink with less sweetness. I will go to McD's and get an iced tea and get unsweet with a tad of sugar. For me, moderation works. I get so pissed if you ask them to mix it in the drive through b/c they always give me syrupy sweet tea. YUCK.
  15. pumpkin07

    Spring cleaning and fear

    I know, it is hard when it is something you bought that is NICE and good quality. I keep trying to wear stuff that is too big and I look ridiculous. I haven't bought much either. I've tried to look at how to cut stuff down, but I'm clueless too. I guess eventually you'll get rid of it. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Maybe start with the bigger clothes. OR MAKE A QUILT...you can give it to a quilt maker and they can make you some nice things.
  16. pumpkin07

    Dating 2 guys is getting complicated

    It really tickled me to read your post. But I know what you mean...dating is hard work. I remember when I met my husband and we went out a lot initially, well actually for a long time. It was hard work to have the right clothes ready, to not have time to watch all my TV shows, etc. I was having so much fun, but so tired. I just wished for breaks sometimes. I still miss my leisurely life with my simple schedule. Work til 3 - Oprah at 4 - taking a nap - going for an evening swim - maybe out to dinner with a friend - keeping a journal - and off to bed. Makes me yawn to think about it. No kids, no huge worries. Now I'm busy busy with kids and husband, cooking for other people. Craziness. I think you called it though, since you are not sleeping with either one then to me it isn't at the level that it should be an issue. I wouldn't make it an issue until you see someone getting more serious. I think in a dating relationship when someone is feeling serious they should communicate that and ask to be exclusive. And then you may be faced with a choice. But you are not there yet. Now if I were on the other end of the equation, yeah, that wouldn't feel great. But they could be dating or looking around too, or not looking for a serious committed relationship. So we shouldn't assume that they are looking for that. But did this happen before you lost 102 lbs? hmmm....maybe. But I have lost enough weight lately that I see people treating me differently too. It is so weird how our society is towards fat people - it is hard to be taken seriously when you are very overweight. At least that is how I feel. Often ignored. I've been up and down with weight enough in my life to know the difference in how people treat me. I have sure had a lot more people wanting to talk to me lately in public, and the landscapers are starting to look my way at the gas pumps. Thats when you know you are losing weight when you go to the gas station and the trucks full of lawn guys are all starting to look. haha The first few times I was like, OMG, do I know that person? Why are they looking at me? Is my car on fire? heehee But then I remember no, just passing down to a decent weight and they are noticing a cute chic. hahahahahha This weight loss surgery really is a blessing. Not that I want people looking, but it feels good to be in the mainstream of society again.
  17. pumpkin07

    No longer obese

    Cajun that is soooooooooooo terrific. You are doing so well. I'm not morbid, but still OBESE. But looking forward to OVERWEIGHT. haha. I guess we all look at those same charts. You are doing great.
  18. pumpkin07

    Tortillas are No Go!

    I can make a list I think I've tried it all... I pretty much eat like I used to, but less. However, that said... some things I eat seem to go straight to my stomach, but a LOT of times after I eat something I love like a true comfort food I don't really feel full in my stomach but have a tightness or uncomfortableness in my THROAT. Does anyone else get this? Maybe from overeating sometimes, but also just from what it is and maybe from also not being able to chew it down enough. The worst part is it takes away the satisfying feeling of the meal b/c it is like it is just stuck up there and I can't feel whether or not my tummy is happy. Even if well chewed, just the type of food I think. And things that do that throat thing to me are Chinese food (any I think b/c I love it and overeat or b/c I try to eat Soup first which doesn't agree with my sleeve); any tortilla other than a crispy prefried tostada, breads that are not very well toasted, eggs, refried Beans, tuna salad (ooooh not a good experience for me), fish that is a little tougher, rice and probably Pasta although haven't done that yet. Oh and FRENCH FRIES - they are a meal killer for me. But the great news was I had 3.5 fried shrimp at my FAVORITE boat, and it went all the way down. I haven't had any in 2 mos, but was so excited it made it to the stomach and happily skipped by the throat. But promise you if I ate even one of those darn french fries I would be all chokey like in my throat for a while and not feel really satisfied. Mashed potatoes do well, but a lot of thick things don't do as great. Fresh steamed spinach is great, crab cakes are great too...the best with spinach. Pairing the crab cakes with spinach is MUCH better than pairing with something thick. We eat a lot of eggs with refried black beans and bread b/c my husband is from Mexico. And salsa But I can toast the french bread well and eat it with the beans and tiny bit of salsa and be fine. But kind of like french fries, eggs change it all up and make it a not satisfying meal for me. Liquidy Soups just don't work for me. Feels like the next thing I eat floats up into my throat. Creamy soups do better for me. Beef Jerky and sunflower seeds are what I eat when I just need to chew for a while. Frito Lay brand sunflower seeds are not as salty, but I don't eat the shell, be careful.
  19. I know it is real scarey. I am sure an RN might respond, but I'd say make sure you get your Water both before and after surgery. I got dehydrated, perhaps was dehydrated when I went into surgery, which made my IV difficult and can lead to clotting. Also you could just make certain you truly have an excellent doctor. They can be Centers of Excellence and not be excellent. You should be able to see a lot of reviews on line.
  20. pumpkin07

    My stall has broken!

    Oh that is so funny. I absolutely have an aversion to those pork rinds big time, BUT I have my own little addiction...sunflower seeds in the shell (SALT CITY). I'm growing tired of them, thankfully.
  21. I can't add anything, I just hope all goes well for you.
  22. pumpkin07

    Anyone getting grumpy?

    When pre-op on liquid diet I was a total bitch. I hated that. Then the week after surgery, or sometimes 2 weeks I was in my own little pity world. You are entitled.
  23. pumpkin07

    When can VSG be claimed on taxes?

    seems like the surgeon could write it as he is a doc, just backdate
  24. pumpkin07

    Texas won't approve these surgeries?

    Interesting....b/c my husband works for a Texas company and we have United Healthcare and ALL weightloss surguries & complications are excluded. But someone close to me also has United Healthcare and she can get the sleeve, bypass, or lap band covered but their employer is not based out of Texas, I think it is California. I don't know. I was mad but didn't know what to do so I just paid for it. Frustrating b/c we pay a ton for insurance. And scarey, because what if I have complications?
  25. Too funny. GO buy you those pants today girl. Wow you have had fantastic weight loss ASH!

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