The best advice is to find out exactly what your insurance company means. You could spend all day second guessing and wasting valuable time. find out what you need to know/do and then refocus.
As a recently banded patient and an RN, who happens to work for a managed care company I wanted to put in my two cents worth. Losing the 10% should not be an issue, my surgeon required a liquid diet to shrink the liver prior to sugery, during which I lost 20 lbs in about 10 days. The diet restricted me to I think 10 grams Protein a day and less than 700 calories. It gave me an excellent "jump start" and showed that I could lose weight. Depending on how much weight you need to lose, the liquid diet phase may be extended. If so , you gain tthe advangate of more weight loss and therefore a lbigger edge.
:whoo:Hope this helps.