Hi All,
I would definately say I am a food addict. I would be eating one meal and be thinking about the next, go to bed at night and be excitied because I know I had a good Breakfast to wake up to etc. Now that I am 6 months post-op my thoughts on food have changed. I know longer think about my next meal because I don't look forward to eating the same. I eat to survive and that's it. I can honestly say that even if given the chance to eat a McDonalds combo (my lunch of choice pre-band) I wouldn't want it, the thought of that has no emotional control over me anymore. Sure there are days when I eat a cookie or a few chips, but just a few and then I am satisfied. Six months ago I never thought I would be writing something like this, so give it time, you'll see the head hunger gets easier.
I wish you all the best.