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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Laurac727

  1. Laurac727


    Head hunger is when one THINKS they are hungry and there is no physical real hunger from the stomach [pouch]. It is the hardest to deal with but it can be done with practice and patience
  2. 48 and wish done much earlier and did not wait
  3. Laurac727

    Protein Powder

    unjury chicken soup flavor protein powder is what I use in my soup and unflavored unjury is what I bought to add to various other things.
  4. Laurac727

    Newbie - Post-op

    sounds very familiar. I had RNY, gall bladder removal and adhesion repair on March 23rd. I too have one incision that developed an abscess and had to be opened back up last week. I go tomorrow and see the doctor for it, hoping they close it finally. I am not on liquid phase anymore, I was moved to soft protein phase and given 80cc fluids and 80gm protein goal a day. So far I have made it with 80 and above fluid but fell shy into 70s on protein a few times. I agree tiring easily but I am itching for them to let me go back to treadmill and working out.
  5. popcorn is one of my greatest addictions preop and I asked the same thing and they told me 6 month post op I could
  6. Laurac727

    April 28th

    there you go life changing dates!! congratulations
  7. Laurac727

    Protein Powder

    Syntax Nectar Vanilla and most all other flavors also is best
  8. How long after bypass did it take others to sleep in own beds comfortably or at least flat comfortably? Signed tired of recliner and miss my bed
  9. Laurac727

    Sleep flat? Post op

    Well I know why now. I had an abscess in site. It burst two days ago. Now I am opened back up with packing changes twice a day so that pressure and pain stopped me from laying flat. Now even with packing it feels so much better. Got a date with my bed Saturday night, I got high hopes in it working now!
  10. Laurac727

    Surgery date

    look out it starts good now
  11. Laurac727

    Post Op Check up/Next Phase Begins

    we have to be right on the same steps, my post op check is tomorrow morning so I can not wait to have that checked out and move forward also!!
  12. Laurac727

    When will I really feel better?

    TRUST ME I am supposed to call report to doc office in the morning and asking for a refill is going to be top of my list, not ready for just Tylenol yet evidently last hour or two is WOW
  13. Laurac727

    When will I really feel better?

    agree I am day 7 today and pain is outrageous in sites. out of post op pain meds and all I have is Tylenol now finally called today due to sharp and increasing so they have ice ing my sites and keeping binder on when up. Still a large sharp pain but better with ice
  14. Laurac727


    sharp stabbing horrible it is!!!
  15. Laurac727

    New Here

    welcome both of you!! mine was last week on Monday 23rd. I am glad finally over with. I started my journey last October so just stay consistent and learn along the way, it is a wonderful journey and I just took off on the next step of it with anew very sore grumpy pouch leading the way she is kind of grumpy this week but I am sure we learn to like each other.
  16. Laurac727

    Hello and welcome to our newest forum!

    @@OKCPirate oh my for someone 6 days post op that laughing hurt. I tried and tried to read it to my husband but kept giggling which hurt the incisions!! Thank you so much I needed that reading!! Wow I am really going to like this open forum reading lol
  17. Laurac727


    good luck Monday, I just had mine on Monday 23rd. you will do great!! Keep us posted
  18. Laurac727

    Enough calories?

    Macro and micro are all zeros in mine
  19. Laurac727

    Enough calories?

    Agree totally ignore it. If u want to complete ur day search and add fake calories to get to 1000 then it will close day and not add other things
  20. Laurac727

    Pre op blues

    well I can tell you what I have used in the past. I HATE the fat people looks, gestures etc they are horrible and people just need slapped when they do it in my opinion. With that being said, I am going to tell you what I used but disclaimer here it was a repeat repeat and repeat to self, those thing still hurt and bothered me horrible. so here you go. YOU are in control of YOU and YOU only not of others or of anyone else. They can do and say what they will but YOU choose how to deal with it and handle it, not them. They can not make you feel bad, only YOU can allow that and allow it to keep hurting and playing on your mind like it does, get control of YOU and show them cause deja vu will visit with karma to their world one day and you can sit and smile while watching, but for now control YOU and what you do and feel.
  21. Laurac727

    Post op day three

    Ok lol I had mine Monday and am going to have to investigate, I don't think I have a belly button incision LOL. I have equal pain on left and right rib areas from each of the two large surgeries, RNY and gall bladder removal. I know I had a third for repair of adhesions and scar tissue from c section in bowel also, but have not been able to check all of them good as we have no mirrors low enough. So hand mirror and flashlight will be in order later tonight lol I shall check this out Great for you on your day two
  22. Laurac727

    March 25th was my day

    Mine was Monday and I have equal pain on each rib cage, one for RNY and other for the gall bladder removal. So I feel both when I move to stand which is biggest part is getting from down to up then seems fine once up or down. Pain is lightening up finally hoping every day is better
  23. Laurac727

    Post op day three

    not too bad, I have had that first BM. Fluids are good and working on Protein as I am allowed. Seems to still be a lot of pain but I had three procedures done at the same time, RNY, gall bladder removal and scar tissue on colon fixed from csection. So I think the getting up and down and pain is my challenge for today. It does seem to be different every day that is for sure. I have high hopes for tomorrow everyday Cause it will always be one step better usually
  24. Here we go all you March 23rd surgery ittes!! Good luck to all of us and no complications. I am up and ready to go to hospital just waiting for time to load the truck. Not scared not nervous YET lol, see you on the other side...............
  25. That was the worst trip home for 90 miles bumpy roads in a 4wd omg I cried it hurt so much. I made him stop three times to let gas and BM out it was shaking me to death. I was never so glad to be home! Pain med and my chair to rest, now I am up and drinking walking etc geesh that was horrible! I feel bad for my husband he could not do anything about it I just had to tolerate it and get by. Much nicer being home to have more room and variety on what to do or walk to or drink. Today my incisions have been terrible sore so dealing with that too today, I just ditched the binder for awhile now

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
