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LAP-BAND Patients
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About billysmom

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/16/1964

About Me

  • Biography
    Mom to one amazing survivor who inspired me to go ahead with this! Native of Az.
  • Interests
    Have a horse..can't wait to lose weight in order to ride him!
  • Occupation
    Foster mom
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  1. Happy 49th Birthday billysmom!

  2. Happy 48th Birthday billysmom!

  3. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary billysmom!

  4. billysmom

    How to handle hunger...

    Ohhhh......yes, I get it! I thought that referred to when things get stuck and it hurts. I should probably drink more teas just to keep the tummy full. I don't expect a restriction feeling really, and I am too afraid to ruin something by pushing foods to hard/fast. I can tell that I will be very sorry if I "chug" a bunch of Fluid, and I certainly have learned NOT to bend over/lean over the last few days. There's a warning for newbies...don't lean over while you are healing!!! It's hard to do housework and yard work without doing that but it can all wait. I guess I need to be grateful I don't have to be on liquids for weeks, like some banders. I will make some more tea and break out the popsicles. I didn't realize I would be such a wimp about being hungry but it really does make me feel icky all over....though I think some of it is the head-game of losing what makes us all feel good...food! Of all the reading I did I just didn't pick up on this first "season" of recovery being as challenging as it is. The general chest pain is manageable so that's good....it's annoying at 3 am but manageable!! Thanks for the replies and encouragement. It feels like every day is so slow, but I need to look ahead to when things are healed and the weight is coming off.
  5. :help: I was banded on Nov. 14 and am hungry, hungry, hungry. I am only supposed to be on full liquids and I understand the Protein connection but still am hungry. Had instant Breakfast and 10 oz of milk for dinner, still hungry. NO feeling of fullness, just the annoying gas pain in upper left shoulder area. Any suggestions? I am getting cranky, just don't feel all that great, no energy. Would be interested in others' experiences this early on. Thanks so much!
  6. billysmom

    Surgery Stories

    Hope all went well for you today!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
