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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by AJP1243

  1. AJP1243

    Drinking pain

    The same thing happens to me every time. I hope it will stop!
  2. AJP1243


    Just tell your pcp that you are in need of a change and you have been thinking and researching WLS. Then ask for recommendations of places even though you know of places still ask and then s/he will give you what you need. Then after seminar you will begin your journey. You will find out what your insurance requires 3-6 months of Nutritionist visits, letter of medical necessity, psych eval ect. Then you get started on one then move on to the next. It can't be submitted to insurance till all they need/want is done. But your very very first thing is to find out if your insurance covers it or not by calling your insurance first. Then make appointment with pcp. When they direct you to your dr you have to also see if they accept your insurance at that particular place. Sorry such a long post. Just wanna help!
  3. Is anyone still having gas pains? I had surgery on monday and they are stopping me in my track. They are in my tummy now not in my chest too much. Or is it something else? Really feels like gas though. Anyone still have gas?
  4. I was on this medicine. Lost 60 pounds when 60 pounds would have put me at a kind of semi decent weight. Once I stopped the medicine I gained it all back plus doubled.
  5. I put all I needed in a gallon zip lock bag. Id's insurance card chap stick, medicines I was on gas x as well, water flavor, and my glasses case. Really didn't need anything but chap stick cause I was asleep the whole time and most are sent home once they need anything out their bag. If you are up to using your iPad you are up to going home.
  6. AJP1243

    Dec. 15th anyone?

    I was thinking the same thing. I have no energy. I am constantly sleeping cause of my medicine. Have to take that. I thought I would try walking around walmart today but fell asleep to the idea ha.
  7. AJP1243

    Post pic of your scars?

    Did you have staples in just your biggest incision or in all?
  8. AJP1243

    Dec. 15th anyone?

    Just took the gauze tape up a bit and to my surprise staples. I am not mentally prepared for staples. I can't get myself to take the rest of the gauze tape off because I might pass out if I see the staples. What a day! I am not getting enough liquids either. Trying but my meds knock me out. How is everyone else? One day closer to being better I hope
  9. My back is killing me. I had surgery on December 15th. Everytime I drink my stomach hurts for a few seconds. Everytime it does this does not matter what I drink. I wish i could hit fast forward to get past this point. Trying to stay hydrated even with the pain. We will all get through this. Anybody else have a pain in the stomach area when they swallow liquid clear only?
  10. AJP1243

    Dec. 15th anyone?

    Almost home. 2 hour car ride with the roads torn up and traffic sucks. I hurt more now then when I was just out of surgery. Hahaha. It will get better. Can't wait till I get my medicine. Hope everyone else is having a pain free or just about day!
  11. AJP1243

    Dec. 15th anyone?

    Doing so much better today. The nausea medicine didn't work for the first 2 days. Now it is. Each day getting better. I hope it doesn't get better then get worse like some people. Praying for everyone who has gone and is still waiting to get sleeved.
  12. AJP1243

    Dec. 15th anyone?

    Made it to the other side. The gas pain was so bad felt like so.eone was sitting on my chest. But other than really bad nausea my stomach is fine. I am sleeping alot. Walked 2 laps so far. How long does the nausea last anyone know? It's the only thing holding me back.
  13. Ask him how many surgery ' s he has done. What his surgery plan is meaning what pre/post op diet does he or she recommended. You want your surgeon to be qualified to your standards not to regulation standards that too but more yours. Check a couple out if your gut tells you something is off with one trust your gut. I wish i checked out just one more cause my drs staff are a**holes. Just plain rude and no help and they are the ones you speak with the most so look for decent staff members.
  14. AJP1243

    Dec. 15th anyone?

    On my way to the hospital! I have never been so scared in my life. I just want to make it back to my baby since I'm all she has. Good luck to us all. Prayers heading yalls way.
  15. AJP1243

    Dec. 15th anyone?

    My time got moved from 730 to 955am. Still have to be there at 530 am to do blood work since I am 2 hours away from hospital could not do it during the week. Good luck to everyone! I wish today would speed up cause I am kind of hungry!
  16. AJP1243


    I plan on speaking with mine as soon as the surgery is over. I did not want them to postpone or mess with my surgery time if I complain. But right after I am speaking my mind. They wont want me back after I give them a lesson in manners and respect of a patient who is giving them there paycheck. I hate saying that but without business they would not have a job. If they can't treat people with respect then they should find a different career.
  17. AJP1243


    My doctor us great so far. His staff though need to learn some manners. They are the worst. I can't call the office to ask for help or questions because the insult me everytime. I am apparently bothering them and all questions to them are stupid. I will be going to my primary after surgery and after my 6 weeks check up. I really do not want to step foot into that office if I don't have to.
  18. AJP1243

    Dec. 15th anyone?

    I feel so bad today. I had to eat 6 crackers cause I almost passed out at work and I hope it doesn't mess me up. It was eat the crackers or go to the hospital. I was literally grabbing to hold on to stuff while walking. I stand on my feet all day at work and move non stop. Do yall feel it will mess me up so close to surgery? I have been so good this entire week.
  19. AJP1243

    Dec. 15th anyone?

    How is your preop diet going? The headaches are the worst for me. Today is the first time I have felt dizzy and like I am going to vomit cause my stomach is empty. 1 more day of full liquids and on sunday I have to do all clear. Really hope the next 2 days fly.
  20. AJP1243

    Newbie here in Michigan

    Hello, and welcome to the group. Congrats on this journey. No need to take it alone I am here if you need some encouragement. Welcome!
  21. AJP1243

    Dec. 15th anyone?

    Day 3 of pre op all liquid diet and it is going decent. I am trying to take this time and adjust and break my habit and relationship with food. The only part is I feel like I am losing a friend which I am definitely not cause when is food ever a friend. Lol its getting closer. Tomorrow I go back to work after being off the past 3 days. I hope it is easy to focus and do my job with minimal energy. How is everyone else's diet change going?
  22. I am having my surgery on monday the 15th. I am going to enjoy however long i am there even if i am in pain becaue i am a single mother and i will pretend this is a vaction. I love my daughter this is why i am doing this but it will be nice to know she is well taken care of so i can get the rest that i will need. She is so hyper from the moment she wakes till the fight with bedtime and she accidentally falls asleep. Haha
  23. That is my favorite line from people. Cause it shows how strong I am from knocking people upside the head. I have heard "you have a pretty face if only you would lose a few to match the bottom with it".
  24. AJP1243

    Dec. 15th anyone?

    Oh I am so sorry that you have to go on your own. Is there a friend maybe that you can ask and not have to give all the details too? I hope everything works out for you.
  25. I am in school and I work part time. I wish I had started getting a few protein shakes ahead of time since they are a bit pricey. So if you cant fork out 50 dollars for a weeks not even a weeks worth then I do suggest getting a few packs. I just wish I knew ahead of time cause I didnt have time or the funds to order the good kinds of shakes. Especially with it being close to the holidays. Good luck!

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