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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by maggie0210

  1. maggie0210

    Drains and stitches are out!

    Hadouni, Tell me, was this way more painful than the weight loss surgery? Some girl in my post-op class said the pain was unbearable but worth it. What was your opinion? Any advice is welcome, thanks.
  2. You are less than 2 months out, give yourself a break. It took me 6-7 months to reach goal weight. After that I lost more, by 1 year at 117 lbs. This WILL happen for you. You sound like your'e right on track to me. You don't want to make yourself sick. Just do what they told you to do and it will get moving. Relax and have a happy new year! Your'e doing great.
  3. maggie0210

    Kidney Stones after Gastric Bypass

    I heard of this, but so far have not had them. Also heard of gallstones. I don't know what the cause is. How do you get rid of them?
  4. maggie0210

    Peanut Butter

    My nutrionist actually reccomended that I eat peanut butter for the protein. She said it has healthy fats in moderation.
  5. maggie0210

    Got my Surgery date January 21st!

    Getting major surgery is very scary. But think of what brought you to this place. Like the rest of us, probably health issues. Not being able to do much without running out of breath. The results are so worth it. Remember how healthy you will be. I hope you can calm down and relax some. I would never go back. And you will feel the same! Great new year to you. STAY CALM!!!! Contact me anytime, glad to help.
  6. maggie0210

    It's getting so close!

    I would never lecture anyone about food. I am 1 year out and still have to be careful about certain cravings. Because of health issues I had to wait over a year! I was denied first time for the sleeve. Then after my doctors resolved some of my health issues, I was accepted, but only for gastric bypass. I was so scared and thinking it was the wrong thing for me. I was so sorry at first. But the weight began melting off! Within 7-8 months I was at goal. Now I am below that at 117 pounds! Last time I was this thin I was in school! So I guess I'm trying to say, don't be scared it's worth it. You will feel so much better without the extra weight. Exercising, walking, running etc....won't even bother you. So enjoy your journey and it will be a great experience!
  7. Sandy, I won't lie to you. The hospital stay and first few weeks are tough. But you will be so happy with the results. This new year will have so much promise for you. I think you will even go lower than your goal. Remain calm and remember why your'e doing this for yourself. It's pretty much textbook because it's preformed so often, so complications are rare. But still major surgery so recovery time is needed. The 2015 year will be a good one for you. Welcome to the club!
  8. Normally my acid reflux appeared in my chest and throat not my stomach. My surgeon changed my omeprazole from 20 mg to 40mg in the morning. If your surgeons office won't see you, try your family doctor at least. But your surgeon's office should take you more seriously and check you out anyway. It could be one of several things. I think I would tell them you need to come in. Just to be safe.
  9. maggie0210

    Weird hiccuping thing...

    I don't have a hiccup issue, I just keep burping! Maybe it's because you can't drink with your food? I used to hiccup if I ate without drinking.
  10. maggie0210

    Dec 30 Date!

    You are going to have an amazing year ahead of you. By the end of 2015 you will be a whole different person! Walking after surgery is the only way to stop the pain from the gas. And to make sure you don't get any blood clots. If the pain meds don't work, ask for something else. I only had pain from the gas, surgery site was bruised but not very painful. Happy and thin new year!
  11. maggie0210

    Head Hunger

    Unfortunately head hunger does return at some point. So remember this helps you lose weight but is not a cure. We have to follow this plan for life and it's hard sometimes. In the beginning it's easier to eat right. But in the long term you will need support from friends and family. You mighty also consider a.therapist to talk to. I have been dealing with this myself. I am having a hard time with cravings. I have been talking with my therapist, nutrionist and friends. I'm getting it under control again. Hopefully I have not done any damage. So change your habits now, it can only help you in the long time.
  12. You have the right attitude! It's for you, and.you alone. Get rid of those ungrateful people and move forward. Glad I could support you.
  13. Once you heal and the stitches are out the swelling will go down. You had major surgery and it takes time.
  14. maggie0210

    meat eaters

    Meat is the hardest thing for me to digest, even now. Try cooking g in some kind of sauce to soften and keep moist. Like chicken Marsala or maybe beef in a stew. Maybe if you marinate it first. I still only eat small amounts at a time. Even pork tenderloin marinated is okay. Hope this helps.
  15. It takes awhile, but yes you can eat other things again. I do still have trouble with rolls, Italian bread etc...but regular bread is okay. Even steak is okay, in small amounts. Everyone has different experiences.
  16. maggie0210

    Help Please!

    Maybe they would accept a doctors note that this is for health reasons and cannot be put off any longer? I think they would have to let you. Try this, let me know if it works.
  17. Your best friends are anything but. It,s good you know that now. If it's anything like what I witnessed, they probably felt no threat from you. You actually made them feel better about themselves. But now they are concerned that you might be even thinner and prettier than them and they don't like it. So, stay with your new friends who know you for who you are becoming and leave the others in the dust! Only your husband and them matter anyway. Keep up the work, and stay true to yourself, no one else. Happy and thin New Year! Maggie0210
  18. maggie0210

    3 weeks post op - Naps

    It,s really a good feeling to eat normal food again! Your doing a great job. How will you spend today? Last year I was a little sad and feeling left out of family time. This year will be good to be there. I added you to my friend list if that's okay, message me anytime. I can't believe he said tough it out. It's major surgery, you need time to heal. Especially if having problems with protein. Would your boss consent to part time for another week? I really can't believe your doctor is that cold. My doctor would have given me a month and then part time. But I am disabled, so no job. Guess in this case I am lucky. Well, I can go on and on and...... So I hope your holidays are wonderful, and that you feel more like yourself soon. Maggie0210
  19. maggie0210


    Denise, I will be more than happy to help you along. You have made the right decision. The hospital I go to have actually stopped doing lap band surgery altogether. My sisters friend says the fills are expensive. I am not against it, just have heard things. I'm sure it is fine for some people. You will be real emotional at first, I was anyway. Plus Christmas eve in the hospital sucks. I think you will do better this time around. Considering how many of these surgeries done, there very few complications. I'm glad you waited until healed from your last one. This will also be a long healing process. The more protein you get the faster you will heal. Plus sleep is neccesary as is your liquids. Don't dehydrate. I put you on my friends list if that's okay. So message me anytime you want to. I hope your hospital stay is short. And wish you a merry Christmas and exciting new year. Get ready to start buying smaller sizes.
  20. maggie0210

    New Member/My Story So Far

    Ashley, Sadly, your story is not uncommon. For people who struggle with obesity life is never easy. There are so many mean people out there. They assume it is our fault, but it's also genetic. My surgeon described it as a switch that no longer works. I think your'e doing a very brave thing for yourself and your daughter. I am 1 year post-op and I think, no, I know that it was the only choice. Health is so much improved. You are doing what is right for you. I wish you well on your journey. Have a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Maggie0210
  21. Gabrielle, I'm sorry you are not feeling well. I don't have heart issues so I can only imagine how scary it is. A heart arrack, whether mild or not must have freightned you so much. On top of recovering from major surgery is just awful. It's so hard trying to get in all of the protein and liquids too. I really feel for you. What a scary time. I only hope it goes nowhere but up for you. Try to get some sleep and relax if you can. I hope you turn the corner soon. Merry Christmas. And the best New Year ever are wished for you. Wish you well. Maggie
  22. maggie0210

    Two Week Post-op Appointment

    You are doing a wonderful job. And so happy already, wait for the next few months! Everything will change for you. Get ready to have to buy a smaller size, or more. Best of holidays to you as well. Great progress.
  23. maggie0210

    In need of a mentor!

    Sorry Emily, I probably did something wrong. It's emmafiona0926@gmail.com Lynn
  24. maggie0210

    My Confession

    Fresh air, You just described my entire life! If I wouldn't eat before school, my grandma would give me cake or pastries. If I didn't want dinner, she would get me whatever I wanted. Pizza and McDonalds were weekly events. Friendly's sundaes very prevalent if I ate dinner. Started gaining most of my weight in junior high. Stress due to bullying in school. Diet after diet, up and down over and over again. I unfortunetly waited until health problems arose in my fifties. You are so smart to get a handle on this while young. You will find the strength to go forward. Your health problems will resolve themselves. And you need a doctor who puts YOU first! I see a therapist monthly and a psych every 3 months. The post-op classes are great sources of information, go to them if available. Your story is a tale of winning over adversity. Thank you for sharing. Maggie0210
  25. maggie0210

    3 weeks post op - Naps

    I'm so glad you cleared that up! I was very.worried about you. I should have figured that out on my own. I couldn't stand protein either. It's very hard to get enough in. To this day I have to make myself get enough in. I'm sorry that you are having the same issue. The protein shakes seem to really upset the stomach after surgery. I am glad you feel a little better. Do you think you went back to work to soon? If you feel like a nap, then take one. Your body heals while you are asleep. Maybe your doctor can give you a note for another week or two. I think you need more time to recover. Also, you did a great job of weight loss before surgery! Just wait until you see what you can do now! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Maggie0210

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