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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by maggie0210

  1. Protein shakes count towards your liquid intake, can you drink those? Also, if the water doesn't cause pain, still try to keep some down. You can also sip on chicken broth. Or you can suck on ice chips. That's all I can think of.
  2. That's great news! Sounds like your ready to get going on your journey. The pre-op diet is not as bad as it sounds. It's after that is the most work. Changing your eating habits and portion control are very important. Although I was not hungry or thirsty at all for months. So you really have to make sure to eat enough protein so that you heal from your surgery. And enough fluids so you don't dehydrate. I was also extremely tired and napped a lot. I hope I don't scare you because it's the best thing I have done for myself. Also, everyone has different experiences. Message me if you want, I would be happy to help you.
  3. maggie0210

    Getting rid of addictions

    I understand the addictions as far as sweets and soda. Never smoked but my mom does non stop. I know how hard it is to give every bad habit up. One year out and have started sneaking the sweets and soda once in awhile. The soda does not feel good, carbonation I guess. But I can have some sweets without dumping. Hope I don't have any weight gain. So far it's good. My nutrionist wants me to gain 5 pounds but in a healthy way. It will be hard, but I am trying to get back on track. I know you will find a way to stop these bad habits before surgery, it's after that gets hard.
  4. maggie0210

    One more week!

    I only remember waking up in my room with my sister there! They had me on pain meds every 4 hours so I don't remember feeling much pain. Except for the gas pain, which you have to walk a lot to get rid of. Have never had any nausea or dumping. I think you will be just great. Maggie
  5. maggie0210

    What can't we eat...

    FindingSassy, My nutrionist gave me a booklet of each of the diet stages with foods to eat or avoid. I did look online for you and found the following helpful. Go to: ucsfhealth.org>patient education A lot of info comes up so go to this one: dietaryguidelinesafterbariatricsurgery They have a small sampling of diets to follow. Hope this info helps. Maggie
  6. maggie0210

    Protein Question

    Now I know what you mean!
  7. maggie0210

    Happy New Year!

    A very happy new year to you as well, and to everyone here.
  8. maggie0210

    Happy New Year everyone.

    Laura, Have a great new year also. Best wishes to everyone on this journey.
  9. maggie0210

    Finally had surgery!

    Marie, Did your doctor reccomend any vitamins? They told be to take Opurity vitamin and mineral, which I can buy at hospital or online. And 2 hours after that take Citracal, which is in the drugstores. Opurity also seals a calcium supplement. Did you go home today? Hope so, the hospital is so uncomfortable.
  10. maggie0210

    Weight gain?

    I don't think this is anything to worry about. Your body is just adjusting to the new you. It will start dropping the weight real soon. Be patient, you had major trauma to your body and it still needs to heal.
  11. maggie0210

    New to support group

    Tanya, I am so sorry for all that you are going through. Of course he discharged you, he really screwed up and knows it. This is a story that would have scared me so much that I wouldn't have had surgery! I'm hoping some peace and health are coming your way. You still have a great outlook which I find amazing. You are very inspirational to me. Not to nag you, but I worry about the lack of liquids and protein. I know there isn't anything else you can do. Try as hard as you can. I have never heard of this condition but will research it to see what it is. Hoping 2015 will be a turning point for you. Maggie
  12. maggie0210

    New to support group

    Tanya, This is horrific what they have done to you. You really need to find a different doctor for a second opinion. This is the worst case of malpractice that I have ever heard of. You might need a revision surgery to fix size of stomache. I will send my prayers to you and wish only the best for you. You really should not go back to this "doctor" again. Please take care of yourself. Message me anytime, or email to emmafiona0926@gmail.com I would be happy to try to help you. Maggie
  13. maggie0210

    2015 Here I Come!

    Eleni, So today was your first step towards a new and healthier you. It's good to have your mom for all the support you will need. Guess she decided to get healthier too. Hope she is going great, sounds like it. And she will know exactly what you are going through. Can't beat that for a support team! 2015 will be a great new year for you.
  14. Malabsorbtion can be a consequence of surgery. It is why you have to be onvitamins the rest of your life. Because your food doesn't get to go through all of your stomach and intestines all the vitamins are not absorbed anymore. So your vitamins are very important so you ddon't get malnourished.
  15. maggie0210

    16 days post open. Side pain

    Since you had your surgery in October I don't think you should be in pain still. Have you called your surgeons office to ask them? I think that's what I would do.
  16. maggie0210

    Protein Question

    Bobby, I don't know what the 30/30 rule is. But I know the protein shakes counts toward your liquid intake. Does this help at all?
  17. Don't even think about the skin issue. Just concentrate on one thing at a time. Then ask around about plastics. That might not even be a big issue for you. Depends on a lot of factors. Keep skin moisturised, exercise when doctor allowed. Also depends on your age as younger skin has more collagen and bounces back better.
  18. maggie0210

    First Milestone!

    Great job. Feels great, doesn't it!
  19. maggie0210

    Down 105 lbs!

    Wonderful pictures! The amazing shrinking woman! You must be so happy. Great job. I know there is so much more I can do now. I bet you have things you can do now that you couldn't before. Happy New Year.
  20. maggie0210

    Not fun

    Don't get frustrated, everyone has stalls or gains. If you follow the diet, it will start up again. Do not weigh yourself everyday, only once a week. That's what my nutrionist said to me. Give yourself a break, okay?
  21. maggie0210

    Jan 7th surgery!

    No, there you go!
  22. maggie0210

    First dr appt tomorrow!

    Bandabear, What kind of friends are these? Do they try to hurt your feelings or are they just clueless? Just wait until you are thinner than they are. Maybe they can use your old pants!
  23. maggie0210

    Insurance approval steps?

    It was very different for me. My PCP referred me to the hospital in my area. They have a weight loss program. Either by diet group meetings or weight loss surgery. Then they check and recheck for health problems. They submit the paperwork to insurance company. You wait for denile or approval. Then go from there. Very different.
  24. This is a very hard topic. Depends on the insurance company and what your doctor submits. I had health issues that complicated mine, so I had to submit to insurance twice before approval. It took almost a year. If your'e not sick it should go much more quickly. Good luck!
  25. maggie0210

    Got my Surgery date January 21st!

    I think Pammie has the best attitude and advice for you. Wish I had her advice a year ago!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
