Hello every one!
It all stated back in 2005 with my wife getting her band placed. Seeing the results it was good on the beginning. So then I had mine placed a year later. Lost close to 30 lbs.
the body fat has slowly dropped to 33% diabetes and hypertension and high cholesteral never ever went a way. Constant nausea vomiting getting stuck and not being able to eat some day.
My wife had here revision done in April 2013 losing 95 pounds so proud of her. Now it's my turn.
Im 5'6" 206 pounds 33.9% bf . Diabetes, severe sleep apnea, hypertension, and high cholesterol.
I was approved the first attempt. I was taken off guard. It has became real.
My biggest fear is passing away on the table. Scared.
Good luck to every one on their Journey.