Im not sure the Dr. would have called my band a slippage or not. My symptoms were of course nothing at all eventually passing through. I first started with having a day or 2 of nothing passing and I was secretely happy about it cause I was losing major weight. and about 1 day out of 3 I could eat anything I wanted. well eventually it got worse. I would eat 2 bites and lose it. It almost seemed that I lost more then I ate.I had a 4 cc band with only 3 ccs in it. In the beginning it was fine so I didnt think it could be too full cause why would it have not been too full to begin with. I eventually lost too much potassium and my heart beat had come down to 39 a min. I went in and he immediately put me in the hospital. I had not gotten anything down in 2 weeks almost. Ill be honest I had no pain at all. just couldnt keep any food down. When I had the barium swallow nothing was going through. I think had i gone to the dr. before then i probably could have saved myself some trouble. Now when they went in, he found that the band had dialated , whatever that means. In his office he had tried to remove the saline first but there was none there. he said after the surgery that my band had kept too much pressure on my stomach and caused my stomach to start protruding through my band and causing my band to mess up. If you have no saline in it and still not able to eat then Id insist on some answers from the Dr.
when i look at the pictures of where my old band was , to me it looks like my stomach was only a h air from being completely eaten through. I am no physician but it sure didnt look good to me. Get some definite answers.