I didn't think my surgery date would ever get here. Now I'm a week post op. I realize the 3 months it took me to get to this point is just the tip of the iceberg. I have a long journey ahead of me but at least I've started! I started at 337 pounds. I lost to 282 prior to surgery. After 2 days in the hospital, I came home to find I had gained up to 295; that's 13 lbs. I was so disappointed. I'm taking in about 300 calories a day, have gone through a major trauma to my body only to gain weight! Really? That's when it hit me. This is just the beginning and I will probably have many ups and downs. I think being part of a community going through the same struggles I am will be helpful and that is why I'm here. My name is Cindy. I'm 55 years old and I'm from Oklahoma. It's nice to meet you.