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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    ridingrae reacted to Rogofulm in Totally frustrated and don't know what to do   
    It sounds to me like you'd need to lose about 80 pounds to get to a "normal" BMI. Not extreme at all in the bariatric world. Do you have family health insurance? Are you sure this isn't covered? Your BMI is over 38, and do you have any co-morbidities like diabetes, asthma, apnea, high cholesterol, high blood pressure? Those go into the calculation as well. You might also look into your state laws governing insurance coverage for bariatric surgery.
    As for your husband.... Is he controlling and cruel in other areas as well? Sounds, at the very least, like you guys need some serious counseling. Is there any chance that you can drag him to an information session or appointment with a bariatric surgeon so he can learn about it? Most people who vehemently oppose the procedure don't know the first thing about it. A little education might go a long way. He wants you thinner, and here's a tool to help you get there. Win-win! And why not use tools to make our lives easier? That's what separates us from animals, for crying out loud!!! "Punkinvine" made an excellent and very funny point yesterday about this exact subject that you might want to share with your hubby....
    You know the next time you see a person with a flat tire and you stop to see if they need help. Just think what they would say if you said... "If you use a compressor to fill that tire up you are doing it the easy way. You should just put your mouth on the valve stem and blow!"
    Share that story with him to see if it gives him any perspective. I hope you can find a way to initiate a long-range plan to get your surgery, lose the weight, get a job, and then take your kids and leave this chump if he doesn't get his head out of his a$$!.
    Good luck!!!!
  2. Like
    ridingrae reacted to MountianGirl in 3 days to go and feel like chickening out!   
    I absolutely felt the same way. But I know that doing it my way for the last 45 years didn't work so I had to defer to the experts. When I woke from surgery I was elated-mostly because I didn't have to worry anymore whether to go through with it or not. Not one regret since.
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    ridingrae reacted to marfar7 in OMG. Guess I'm a statistic...(backsliding)   
    Haven't been on BP in a long time. To embarrassed I guess. ^ mths ago I was 10 lbs from goal (140). This am I was 173. How did this happen? I know how it happened. I've been eating too much and too much crap.
    I prided myself on losing more than 100 lbs on eating less but eating everything. Including pizza, tacos, burgers, fries, etc. I thought I was invincible. I couldn't gain weight if I tried. I hought I was bulletproof.
    Then "IT" happened. The dreaded. I fell from grace. This morning I weighed 173. Wow. Never thought that would happen. For all of u that told me I would eventually regret "my way" of eating, u were right. I hang. Hanging my head in shame. I feel a huge amount of remorse. Now that I can eat more than in the beginning, I do.'
    Please accept this post as my cry for help. I know what I need to do. It's just doing it. I refuse to buy new clothes and I have 2 pairs of jeans that fit (tightly however). Been wearing sweats and leggigs. And the backfat in my tops is ridiculous. Today is the day. Making a list to go shopping later. Already have chicken, fish, hamburger, tri tip, and steaks. .Need to buy some veggies, cheese, lunchmeat, avocados, Peanut Butter, almond butter (my fav snack is green apples and almond butter), eggs, , and dark chocolate.< /p>
    I will post on MFP. I will drink lots of Water. I will eat more Protein than usual. I will keep my carbs lower (not low carb but lower than usual). I will not graze while watching tv (which is my biggest downfall).
    Any other tips from those who have walked this same path? I know there's some of u out there. Maybe we can do this this together? Let me know if u want to do this together (share stories, share goals, keep each other accountable?)
    I WILL post my goal weight soon. My 30th high school reunion is in July. My goal is 20 lbs by August. 4 lbs a month is doable. How bout it?
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    ridingrae reacted to fatima.mashaal in Any runners out there?   
    Well I want to be a runner. Im already walking as much as I can. Can't wait to try to run as I get lighter
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Like
    ridingrae reacted to Bob_350lbs in NSV shout outs   
    Wonderful Bob! I absolutely love this thread. My shouts outs so far:

    * tossed all my size 2x - believe me, not even the Goodwill would want them.
    * fit into Liz Claiborn 16WP jeans - tossed my 22WP - see above.
    * able to go 1 hour vigorously on the treadmill and love doing it.
    * rewarded myself w/a Sansun slot radio to keep me going while exercising.
    * have more energy than I have had in years.
    * vow never to wear black again unless it is lingerie.
    * stopped caffeine, diet soda, sugar, flour, but haven't we all!

  6. Like
    ridingrae reacted to BobBayCityMI in NSV shout outs   
    Hi all. I am now down roughly 60 pounds and seven weeks out from when I started my liquid pre-diet. Am also having some awesome NSV moments. Some are:

    No longer wearing 3x shirts. They are packed and ready to be taken to Goodwill. My size 48 (expandable) pants? Gone too. Can button my pants at my belly button. No more "slant pants." I wore a much smaller belt...and it was a new one! Went three days this past week without needing a mid day nap. Three days now without any slimes or throwing up. Joined a local health club to work out. Snoring is all but gone. No more BP meds at all (125/65 is normal now). And BMs much more normal and less stressful. Bought myself an I-touch. That was my 50 pound loss gift to myself. Any suggestions for the 100 plateau? That's a short list, but ones that come to mind.

    Please, share yours!

    Let's look at the fact that this journey is not just about the weight loss, but about all the wonderful things that continue to happen along the ride!
  7. Like
    ridingrae reacted to Olarance75 in sleeve reset was successful   
    I am 16 months out. I never made goal I still need to lose 40 pounds . My lowest weight was 173 in August. I had gained weight and was at 187 at my dr. Visit last week. Needless to say my surgeon challenged me to lose 10 pounds in two months. Told him I thouj my sleeve was broken. Turns out I have been grazing. I kept saying few snack won't hurt me. They have killed me and Im so mad at myself. I'm going to Paris in June and want to look fab.
    This week went back to basics and have lost 6 pounds since monday. I have gone back to basics as everyone on here suggested and it works. 1 Protein shake in morning , greek yogurt for lunch. Lean Protein for snack when get home from work. Additional lean protein around 7 pm. Also have gotten in all my Water something I never did before. Keeping my carbs at 20 grams and my protein at 90. I am so grateful. That I have this forum to see that I'm not alone on this journey
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    ridingrae reacted to Tauruslady5 in 2.5 Months Out & FAIL   
    Sorry to be so blunt: But the surgeon performed surgery on your STOMACH not your BRAIN.
    It is YOUR choice to do what is right and make the good choices. Has nothing to do with the SURGERY. The SURGERY was a TOOL to help you LOOSE weight. If you stretch it back to the size it was before .... YOU did it.....no one else.
    Your stomach has stretchy cells, which means you were given a second chance to make YOU want you want to be. It is able to go right back to where it was before. It is a BABY stomach, you push too much food in it , you become a bigger size. Then you will blame everyone but yourself.
    AGAIN...........STOMACH HAD SURGERY.............NOT YOUR BRAIN..............
  9. Like
    ridingrae reacted to oatmealgirl in One Month Surgiversary!   
    Well, today is my one month surgiversary and I'm happy to say I made it! I'm down 36 pounds and am really just starting to feel like myself again. I've had my share of "WTF" moments but all in all, I do not regret, nor would I change the decision I made.
    I feel great, I've gotten my life back. I jump up in the morning with so much energy and believe it or not, with just 36 pounds lost, I don't hate the way I look anymore so I can't wait until 80 pounds lost!
    I will be honest and tell you that I never expected to do this much work though. This little stomach is like having a baby! You have to take great care regarding what you put in it, you have to feed it every 3 hours, you have to make sure it gets it's liquids, Vitamins, etc. I mean really, it doesn't sound like much but when you can only consume table spoons at a time, this is a full time job! LOL Thankfully, my sleevie is just like her mom was, she's cast iron! I have not thrown up or burped excessively or had heartburn or acid reflux so I know I'm really blessed in this area. But still, this is a newborn baby. It's the first thing I think of in the morning and the last thing I think of at night!
    All in all, at one month, I'm optimistic and hoping that my exercise and good eating habits don't let me down. I can't wait to be a successful sleever. I guess that's my one fear right now. Patience, I know, and time are my friends.
    Thank you for listening.
  10. Like
    ridingrae reacted to SimplySheavon in Post-Surgery Depression   
    I completely understand your concerns, I struggle with depression as well. In my personal experience, the best thing for me is to be seeing a therapist during such a big life change. It gives you an outlet for those emotions. I started seeing one 2 weeks ago who specializes in eating disorders because she has a lot of experience with WLS but she is also a therapist for anxiety and depression, she has been a huge help already.
  11. Like
    ridingrae reacted to MJB55 in Post-Surgery Depression   
    I have had depression for years, i did not find that the sleeve worsened it at all.
    its major surgery.......but i'm better for it. I don't think about food. I see pizza, burgers
    fries on tv.......my reaction, so what. what i do think about, because it has changed (for Me)
    my way of thinking. What will I do this summer, what New things will I do with my life.
    none of this has to do with food. For the first time in 55 years I have a new way of thinking,
    ME FIRST. with saying this, i'm 55 married to the same wonderful guy 32 years, 5 children
    25, 27, 27, 28, & 30.... one grandson 17 months, him i want to do more with. i'm the youngest
    of 6 still call my parents to see how they are doing. inlaws my father in law ......i call them my mother and father
    inlove instead of inlaws because they gave me a wonderful gift , my hubby. I took care of my
    father in love for almost 2 years with alzheimers, he went home to be with the Lord a little over 2 years ago.
    my mother in love, i had her move in with us. No regrets.
    so its BIG when I say it has changed my mindset to ME...... and my new lease on life. Not selfish just putting my
    health first. Depression.....it may be there be it seems improved. its the not thinking about food first that
    has put my mindset in a different place. Everyone is different oh it 4 weeks today i was sleeved, on dec 31, 2014
    down 21lbs. eating and drinking on schedule.
  12. Like
    ridingrae reacted to joatsaint in Post-Surgery Depression   
    I have had depression for years, waaaayyyyyy before surgery. It has not gotten any worse/better 2 years post-op. I am a little happier overall and my self-esteem is much much higher with the weight loss. But the 2 weeks right after surgery, I was pissed at the world an was ready to fight anyone and everyone - for no reason I can figure out!
    But, for everything I've gone though, it was sooooooo worth it to be released from the Fat Suit I was trapped in and to realize the dream of being a normal sized person. But you gotta be willing to commit to the necessary changes it will entail. I was a rock bottom before I committed to surgery.
    You are stronger than you think. You CAN make BIG changes.
    Imagine yourself a year from now. What chances will you regret not taking? What opportunities will you regret having turned down? Certain sacrifices are worth it. I wish upon you the wisdom to know which ones are right.
  13. Like
    ridingrae reacted to bobbyswife in Question about vomiting   
    I'm so scared of puking at work. Not to mention that when I vomit I usually pee. Oh, the fun of growing old...
  14. Like
    ridingrae reacted to kimpossible80 in March 2014 Sleevers   
    Thanks for all the feedback! I'm going to make a list tonight of all the reasons I'm having the surgery so I can read it when I have buyer's remorse! Off the top of my head:
    •I have not been able to lose and keep weight off for 10 years, but I've continued to gain
    •I hate sleeping with a CPAP machine - the last thing my husband sees before he goes to bed and the first thing he sees when he wakes up is either me in the mask or me with a red ring on my face from wearing the nose piece all night
    •I get winded bending over and climbing stairs
    •I want relief for my varicose veins
    •I want to prevent diabetes which runs in my family
    •I do not ever want to not be able to go on a ride with my child due to my weight ever again

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