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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by motherkittie

  1. It is good to hear that others are having the same thoughts as me! I have found in my research that the surgery is much much cheaper in Mexico! I am from the midwest so I think I will stick to my roots and have it done in my state. Curious if any of you have had it done in Mexico and how you are doing. Two more weeks until my consultation appointment and I can't wait.:)

  2. I am researching the lap band system, I have a BMI of 39 with other health issues. I am a RN and know all of the bad things that can happen with any surgical procedure but I want a better life! I want to live life and not watch others living life. Please tell me I am not crazy for considering this surgery. My family thinks I am NUTS except for my hubby who just wants me to be happy. Any advice and if you know of any good surgeons in Kansas that do the Lap band procedure please let me know. Thanks,:( Motherkittie

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