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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Proud2BMe

  1. Proud2BMe


    Where I live we have a chain called Mazzios that I order from. They sell a mini pizza that is smaller than a small pizza. It's basically toddler size. I order the veggie mini pizza and a small salad. I just eat the topics off of the pizza and throw the crusts away.
  2. Proud2BMe

    What can I do with...Brussels Sprouts?

    How To Cook Brussels Sprouts Step 1: Throw them in the trash. (-j.k. I love them. I get the microwavable packets that you just heat up, open and eat. But I've heard they are delicious when stir fried in bacon grease. However, that's probably a no-no after sleeve.)
  3. Proud2BMe

    Dumped on Valentine's Day

    I think you dodged a bullet. For all you knew he could have been married and was just looking for a little something on the side. The good news is that there's plenty of fish in the sea and you are at a time where you don't need to be jumping into something serious. You need to experience the joys of just dating and having fun first before you move on to a serious relationship. You will need time to process everything as well as discover yourself after weight loss.
  4. Proud2BMe

    i need some advice/help

    Go back on the pre-op diet.
  5. Proud2BMe


    My 2 week pre-op diet: Week 1 All the Water, tea and sugar free drinks you want All the chicken, beef or vegetable broth you want Protein shakes (2 a day, Breakfast and lunch) Sugar free Jello Sugar free popsicles dinner is lean, unbreaded meat on a bed of greens Week 2 The same as week 1 but dinner is replaced with a third Protein shake. Don't worry about hair loss. It's not permanent.
  6. Proud2BMe

    Weight loss

    You might want to try the lap band forums as this particular forum is for those who had lap band and then had a revision to gastric sleeve.
  7. So I stumbled upon this yesterday. I've never tried it but if it's good then this would be awesome! It's allegedly calorie free Peanut Butter as well as flavored peanut butter spreads. The company also has other calorie-free items as well. https://www.waldenfarms.com/products/spread_peanut.html
  8. Proud2BMe


    Was the meat ball one of those store bought ones you just heat up? Because I couldn't tolerate processed meat. Back then if I even took a bit of a hot dog I would throw it up.
  9. Proud2BMe

    Not feeling restriction

    How many times a day are you eating? I'm trying to remember how much I ate but I assume it was like maybe 4 oz at most at a time. I only ate 3 meals a day, no snacking. No hunger either so it wasn't a problem. Did you do a pre-op diet? How many carbs are you eating? Are you aware of what slider foods are? Are you aware of the difference between head hunger and real hunger? I would definitely talk to your doctor. In the mean time you might want to go on or back to a pre-op diet. Make Breakfast and lunch be a Protein shake and dinner be lean, unbreaded meat on a bed of greens. Or you can do the pouch reset diet which is basically the same thing. Also, how slow are you eating? You should not be eating so slow that you can consume an entire plate of food. I've heard of people taking an hour or longer to eat a meal and in reality all they are doing is making sure they consume the same amount as before surgery. You should be eating at a normal rate and then stop when you feel restriction. Eventually your body will get used to point. If you are doing everything correctly then do speak to your doctor as it's possible they didn't remove enough of the stomach.
  10. Good Luck. My friend tried him but his staff were rude as can be so she is going elsewhere. She called to get directions and they gave her the wrong cross streets. So she was late. Then when she arrived they told her they may not be able to see her because she was late even though it was their mistake. Then her insurance denied her and the woman was like, "You need to pay us $500 today or you won't be seeing him". I was there so I whispered to her that it's not worth it and we should go. My friend didn't know that he was the first doctor I checked into when I was planning on the surgery. I was quoted $18,000 altogether, which is b.s. So I went to Tijuana and only paid $4,500 for the surgery. FYI: I've never seen Dr. Keith but my friend has seen pictures of him and one of his patients told us that he is obese. So if true it's kind of weird that he won't get the surgery for himself.
  11. Proud2BMe

    Not feeling restriction

    How much are you able to eat? Are you tracking how much you are eating?
  12. Any updates? I had the sleeve and in 7 months I've lost 142 lbs. So I would like to compare that to your bypass. I've head that you lose more with bypass. Congrats! Congratulations on your success!!! Sorry, I own a hair salon, so from October to beginning of January, life is crazy crazy busy. So I've not been on here in awhile... I'm down 150lbs in 7 months.. Weight loss has slowed way down, but I'm not complaining.. I'm finally in the 100's now, 198 as of yesterday.. I wish you continued success.. ImageUploadedByBariatricPal1454071356.487491.jpg Congrats! Those pictures are awesome. My weight loss slowed and stopped, mainly because I got addicted to nuts and Peanut Butter. However, I'm back on track and loosing 1-2 lbs a day now. Lost 156 lbs in less than 9 months and should be in my 100s in a few weeks. I'm crossing my fingers I will be at goal by my 1 year anniversary. Keep us updated!
  13. Proud2BMe

    Stretched Sleeve

    From my own research I always believed that the "stretched sleeve" was a myth. It is true that the stomach stretches. However, 80% of it is removed. It will never be able to stretch to the size it used to. The stomach does not regrow. However, what can happen is that the person may get used to eating larger and larger portions. The valve in the stomach compensates by letting food out quickly instead of over time. Eating slider foods makes it worse.
  14. Proud2BMe

    Att: Peanut Butter Lovers

    On of the reviewers said to mix 4 tablespoons of this with 1 tablespoon of real Peanut Butter to produce what tastes like Recees peanut butter. I watched a video on YouTube where a guy said the regular peanut butter is not good but the flavored ones are good. He had a jar of the cinnamon raisin one.
  15. It does sound like either a hernia or scar tissue. I would talk to your doctor.
  16. Proud2BMe

    Att: Peanut Butter Lovers

    I did their calorie-free dressings on my pre-op diet and they left a lot to be desired. I mean... they had some flavor and I guess were better than eating dry salad, but only marginally. I was supposed to be allowed one green salad a day with calorie-free dressing during my 15 day pre-op "liquid" diet. I eventually just stopped eating the salads altogether and stuck to my Protein shakes, sugar-free Jello and popsicles. I was allowed lean, non-breaded meat on a bed of greens for dinner for the first week, then all liquid the next week. So this turned into a salad. lol But I ate it dry. Good to know about the dressing. I really want to try that marshmallow dip and the chocolate dip.
  17. Proud2BMe

    Gallbladder removal during surgery?

    If you know you already have gall stones then go ahead and get your gallbladder removed at the same time. I did. I am so happy I did. I had gall stones back in 2000-2002, sever incidents. They hurt like hell to pass. So glad I will never have to experience that again.
  18. Proud2BMe

    Noisy Tummy?

    Yep. It's as loud as my dogs' stomachs. What's shocking is that a loud as it is I would figure there would be some form of pain associated with it but nope.
  19. It's completely normal. You will feel bad for the first 3-4 days and then you will feel normal again. You may also have headaches and be irritable as well during that time.
  20. Proud2BMe


    I had the glue as well. I can't believe doctors are still using staples. Scary. Hope you don't have bad scars.
  21. Proud2BMe

    Hair loss

    I wish people would stop acting like self rightous keepers of the internet forum and realize that people do have the right to ask questions. Regardless of how many times they've been asked. If you don't want to weigh in, then move along. The forum wasn't set up for only what you deem to be important discussion in this moment of time. So there's a search function. Well holy hell. That would mean that nobody should ever ask any question ever, anywhere. Because I'm sure all the questions you've ever asked have been answered somewhere on google. Right?!?! Only makes sense... And I would wish certain dramatically inclined individuals here would tone it down a notch and stop jumping at people's throats over the slightest perceived offense.
  22. Proud2BMe

    Hair loss

    Never said that doesn't or can't happen. However, with weight loss surgery patients it's the weight loss itself that causes it and not lack of protein or vitamins. This is well documented. If you are not malnourished and are getting in your protein then buying extra stuff and taking extra supplements or using various shampoos, etc., will do NOTHING to help regrow hair.
  23. Proud2BMe

    Hair loss

    Really wish people would actually take the time to read the forum before posting as this is a topic that is posted over and over and over again with each person believing they are the first person to ask about it. There's nothing you can do to stop it. It's not caused by lack of Protein or Vitamins. It's caused by the stress of losing weight. Losing weight actually puts stress on the body. When your weight stabilizes your hair will start to grow back. Don't waste any money on products or vitamins that people may tell you will help you as they won't. What you can do is cut your hair short so you won't notice the hair loss and be freaked out in the shower with hair in your hands after you shampoo your hair.
  24. Proud2BMe

    Am I normal?

    Protein shakes. 2 a day will give you all the protein you need. Skip the fruit and applesauce as well as all other sugars and carbs. Talk to your doctor. By 4 months you should be on regular food. The quantities would still be very small but you should still be eating regular food no less. Perhaps you are trying to eat too much? Overeat and you will vomit.
  25. Proud2BMe

    Sleevers starting at 400lbs

    At my highest I was 380. At the time I decided to have the sleeve I was 370. I was sleeved on May 12, 2015 in Tijuana and now I weigh 218, with 152 lb lost.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
