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LAP-BAND Patients
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About tamatee

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  • Birthday 01/09/1952
  1. Happy 61st Birthday tamatee!

  2. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary tamatee!

  3. Hello I am from Australia first time on this site. I was banded on the 5th Novemeber, struggling with my shakes,Prior to banding I was allowed 3 per day and a salad or green vegies for tea, once banded I have to drink optifast shakes for the next 2 weeks (now at the end of my second week) and allowed some vegie juice in between. Some times unsure if I am hungry (tummy grumbling like crazy) or habitual eater. Struggling and unsure of the next phase (mushy food) I have had the past two weeks off work and ready to go back,should make my routine a lot easier. Over all I do need some one to bounce off and discuss how I am feeling. I have lost 8 kgs ( approx 16 lbs ) in 4 weeks.

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