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Everything posted by alyssadietrch

  1. Hi guys, My surgery was November 19. My scars look like they are healing well. I never had stitches or anything, just some clear glue covering them that I could peel off after day 5. Anyway, the scars are red all around them, especially the one by by belly button. And they're so itchy! Is this normal? I'm sure the itchyness means they're healing, but the redness is kinda worrying me. Did this happen to other people? Is there something I can do to prevent this?
  2. alyssadietrch

    Scars are red and itchy

    I went back to my surgeon yesterday and he said the redness was confusing. Lol. He didn't know what it was from. He gave me an antibiotic just in case it was infected, and some hydrocortisone cream which has already started helping ????
  3. alyssadietrch

    Scars are red and itchy

    What do you guys use on them to help with itching? Anything?
  4. Okay so today is week 3 from my surgery so I am able to start puréed foods. One of the things on my list was a scrambled egg, so I was so excited to make one for breakfast this morning. I cut it up really small, and chewed really good before I swallowed it, but after 2 bites my chest started hurting and I don't feel very well. is this normal? Any advice? Thanks!
  5. alyssadietrch

    Started purée diet today. Help!

    I I figured I would share these yummy recipes from my doc for puréed foods! ????
  6. alyssadietrch

    Started purée diet today. Help!

    Omg cereal!! Do you think rice chex would be okay? Or Cheerios?
  7. alyssadietrch

    Started purée diet today. Help!

    The beans and cheese sound amazing. I need to try that tonight lol
  8. alyssadietrch

    Started purée diet today. Help!

    Update: I just was able to eat an entire scrambled egg ???? I made it with a lot of milk this time, it made the eggs a lot softer and easier to swallow ???? thanks for everyone's advice! What are some other foods that are good for the purred diet? This is the paper I got from my doctor.
  9. alyssadietrch

    Started purée diet today. Help!

    Thank you! I noticed my eggs were dry, I didn't mix anything with them when I made them because I thought I should keep them healthy and not add any extra fat or anything. But yes, it definitely makes sense that they easily got stuck. I can't wait until I can have turkey! lol
  10. alyssadietrch

    Started purée diet today. Help!

    What are soft scrambled eggs? Lol and I did go really slow. Maybe my body just isn't ready yet :/
  11. alyssadietrch

    Retaining fluid....

    My doc told me to not weigh myself for at least 10 days after the surgery because everyone gains because of water. Just keep yourself hydrated and make sure you're peeing a lot. You'll be fine it's normal.
  12. So my surgery was November 19. I started my period yesterday. I didn't have one for about 3 months before the surgery. I have PCOS and so I rarely have a period. I suppose my body is playing catch up now, because I have the worst cramps of my life, and I am bleeding so much I can't even leave my house. I have to go to the bathroom like every hour and it's still leaking through everything. Has anyone else experienced this? I hope it doesn't last too long
  13. alyssadietrch

    Ladies only pleasee

    I was told that I was infertile because of my pcos, and the only way to make the pcos go away was to lose weight. This is the major reason I got the surgery. So, I know that I should look at it as a good thing because I am ovulating on my own and hopefully that means I'll be able to have a baby one day... But sheesh!! Hopefully once I start taking birth control my periods will be more regular.
  14. alyssadietrch

    Ladies only pleasee

    Thank you all! If it doesn't get any better today I'm going to give my doctor a call.
  15. alyssadietrch


    I would use this opportunity to see how much weight you can lose on your own! Heck, maybe in 7 months, you'll see such a difference on your own and you won't even want to have the surgery anymore part of me wishes I waited, when I went in for my consultation it got approved right away, so I didn't have much time to think it through. Even if your heart is set on having the surgery, using this 7 months to diet and exercise will make the whole process a lot easier. You'll be able to adapt and get into a routine no problem good luck!
  16. alyssadietrch

    Ladies only

    My surgery was nov 19th, I started yesterday. After not having a period for 3 months before the surgery (I have pcos) I guess my body is playing catch up. I have had the worst cramps of my entire life by far, and it's SO heavy I can't even leave my house. it better end soon because I can't handle this!
  17. alyssadietrch

    When can I......

    It matters when you feel comfortable I started sleeping on my side about a week after my surgery. You could try it with a pillow below your tummy for support. The pain from sitting up went away after about a week as well for me. The feeling of hunger came back after about 10 days. The full feeling, my doctor described to me, is going to be above your ribs, like right under your chest in the middle, instead of in your stomach. Which is kind of hard to get used to! Lol.
  18. alyssadietrch

    Just got my date! 12/15

    Congrats! You'll still be you if you chose to be just more confident and healthier
  19. alyssadietrch

    Psychiatric Evaluation

    I had to have 2 appointments as well. He made me take a test that asked some crazy questions. But he said it was standard and he makes all his patients do it don't worry! It's just precautions
  20. alyssadietrch

    Ready to eat the FURNITURE! @_@

    It gets easier, trust me! After your body gets used to it, you'll be fine. what saved me is sugar free Popsicles and sugar free jello!
  21. alyssadietrch

    Drinking with a straw

    I have my post op appointment tomorrow, so I'm gonna ask thanks everyone
  22. alyssadietrch

    Drinking with a straw

    Hi all, My surgery was 10 days ago, and I know im not supposed to be drinking through a straw. But I keep forgetting! I'm just so used to using a straw, especially if I go out and get a water from a restaurant or somewhere they always give me one. Is this a big deal? Has anyone else used straws?
  23. alyssadietrch

    Drinking with a straw

    Thank you guys. I don't seem to have a problem either
  24. alyssadietrch

    9 days post op, feel great :)

    I couldn't start this until day 7 though, so be careful!! You're welcome
  25. Hey yall so my surgery was nov 19. I had cold feet going in, I wanted to jump off of the operating table when the nurse put in my IV! I started regretting my decision and feeling so guilty about putting myself through a voluntary surgery. The nurse could tell how nervous I was, and she gave me some medicine that made me laugh at everything and I felt great haha. That was the last thing I remember before waking up in the recovery room. I got to see my mom and other family who were there with me. I woke up in no pain at all, quickly after I got up to go pee and walk around the hallways. The compression things they put on my calves annoyed me, so I kept walking and sitting in chairs so I didn't have to wear them The next day, I was able to sip 24 ounces of Water with sugar free crystal light. Slowly, one oz every 10 minutes. After every 6 ounces I would take a walk down the hall. The only time I was in pain was when I would try to get up from sitting/laying. But it wasn't bad. Since I was doing so well, I was able to go home that night instead of the next morning The clear phase of the liquid diet for a week after the surgery was hard. It sucked. I got so sick of Jello and broth lol. But now that I'm on full liquids and I can have Soup and milk, I'm SO happy. Haha. I'm doing great and getting my Protein in without a problem. With a 10 day pre op liquid diet until now, I've lost about 30 pounds. Some old jeans already fit, my scars are almost healed, and I'm so excited for what's to come! if anyone has any questions or advice to give, feel free! I've included before and after pics so far as well

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