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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Okie54

  1. Well Hello Group, I have been lurking and learning since finding this site. I just got my surgery date of 18 Feb. A little about me. I was recommend to have the VSG by my Heart Failure doc who will eventually do my heart transplant. They will not put you on the list for a new heart unless you have a BMI of 35% or less. Ideally they want you around "30ish"at time of transplant to be a good candidate for a new heart. Well the thing is with Congestive Heart Failure I can not walk to my bedroom or bathroom without getting extremely short of breath and fatigued. So I am unable to exercise and would basically need a diet of sawdust and ice water to get to 30% BMI. Currently I am 5'9" and weigh around 277 with a BMI around 45%. At Integris Baptist in Oklahoma City, the Heart failure people (the ones who do the heart transplants and LVAD pumps) work very closely with the Bariatric Surgery Department specifically Dr. Hamilton Le who is my Bariatric Surgeon. Even though my VSG surgery will be Feb 18, the cardiac team will bring me in three days early to "tune up" my heart and get me prepared for the surgery from a Cardiac perspective. Then after the VSG i am told I will stay another three days to make sure my heart has recovered along with my new Stomach. I have worked in medicine and to me this is very forward thinking. Most Heart Failure patients and patients with heart pumps struggle with their weight. They Oklahoma City Integris Baptist Hospital are celebrating one of their first success stories in a man who already had a heart pump in place (The kind Vice President Cheney had), had the VSG, lost his weight, was placed on the transplant list, got a new heart and is now four or five months post op from his transplant and I hear he is doing well. This is a one way street for me. It is my only option if I want a shot at a new heart. Having spent 21 years in the Navy. I just know I have to report when they tell me and do what they tell me. Nothing more, nothing less. Yes it is hight risk surgery for me but it might be my only chance at livening another decade versus only two years with my current worn out heart. So, asking for prayers and positive thoughts and we as would say as Navy Corpsman, cover me, I am going in. Mark
  2. You have two diagnosis already. Hypertension, even if is controlled with medication you have that diagnosis to get medication for it. Same wth your Hyperlipidemia, your cholesterol is controlled with medication so you have the diagnosis.
  3. Oh HECK YES!!!!! I called it my food funeral. I have a bucket list of food I would never eat again and went out and ate and ate. Gained around 10 lbs. went a pre-op diet lost the weight in time for my weigh in. I am on day two of pre-op for a week from tomorrow February 18, 2015. I did the actual let old self die service. Let candles just before midnight before I started my pre-op diet. Prayed, meditated and let my old self start the dying and celebrated the birth of a new me! That was a great experience. Glad I read the previous post that talked about it.
  4. Okie54


    From the album: Okie54

  5. Okie54

    Open heart surgery?

    Hey Cosmo, I start Pre-Op diet tomorrow for 18 Feb surgery date. I am dong this so I can get listed for a Heart Transplant. You must be below 35% BMI to get listed and they would prefer you be around 30% BMI for a transplant. I was referred to Bariatrics by my heart failure doctor. At Integris Baptist in Oklahoma City heart failure clinic and Bariatric surgeon work closely together. Dr Le has done the VSG on patients with a heart pump and those needing a heart pump. I am hoping I don't need the heart pump and once I loose weight I go straight to transplant. I know there is a hospital in Houston where Cardiac Surgeons and Bariatric surgeons just published a research paper. So yes you can have open heart after VSG.
  6. Okie54


    Hi Sleeve! I am getting my VSG that same day. Count me in your support group. I have my final visit with the Nutritionist and the Surgeon this coming Monday. Go on the pre-op diet I think on 2/8 but I will know for sure this coming Monday. I need this surgery to get my weight down to qualify for a heart transplant. You must be below 35% BMI to be listed and Ideally they want you around 30ish BMI. So this is a one way rode. I am nervous and hope my heart does not act up during the surgery. WE CAN DO THIS!!!
  7. Okie54

    Any February Sleevers

    Just got my date on Friday the 16th. My date is 18 Feb 20014. Get down to 35% BMI I can be placed on the Heart Transplant list! This is a lifesaver for me!
  8. Okie54


    From the album: My Journey

  9. Okie54

    My Journey

    December 2014 only presurgery photos. No surgery date yet.
  10. Okie54


    From the album: My Journey

    Taken in 2013
  11. Okie54


    From the album: My Journey

    Taken in 2012

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
