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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by skc72

  1. I use the dannon greek yogurt and add Isopure for a whooping 37grams total. It's good for 2 of my mini meals on full liquids.
  2. skc72

    March 2015 Surgery!

    3/25 here, so I'm a week out. Still quiet sore but tolerable. Coughing is what's rough for me. I'm still on full liquids till the 11 and post op is the 17th. But really hoping to go back to work before then. My WTH day was day 4 and I cried all day nothing could make me feel better.
  3. Yeah I get this extreme bloated feeling after about an ounce....
  4. I'm at 60 grams protein and 64 ozs liquids. Haven't hit any of those goals yet but getting close. :-)
  5. Wow....I'm on liquids and have to hit 60 grams a day..... Dr's are all so different.
  6. Tomato soup sounds so good...did u add protein to it?? If so what kind are you using? I put a scoop of Isopure in my greek yogurt this morning giving me 37grams this moring. Happy with that start!
  7. skc72

    APRIL 6th

    I'm from Lakeland FL and just had Gastric bypass in Tampa a week ago. It was rough at first but just a week out I feel so much better. Good luck and let us know how you do.
  8. Oh I'm awake all day...2nd day no naps. I just feel full all the time. The thought of drinking anything makes me cringe sometimes. Don't think the liquids stay around long. I potty every 30 mins I think. I gained 19lbs of water weight and have lost 17 of it so far.
  9. @@kamcar616 I break mine up I can't tolerate more than an ounce at a time. Getting all my fluids in has been super hard.
  10. skc72

    Buddies (Gastric Bypass)

    I'm on full liquids till the 11th then I can have puree.
  11. skc72

    Buddies (Gastric Bypass)

    3/25 here, also had GB. So far so good. Still quiet sore in places but not pain pill worthy. How are you doing?
  12. Oh I can't wait to get some refried beans...lol
  13. I'm a very visual eater I have never tried cottage cheese cause I can't stand the way it looks....lol Not sure I will be able to get over that....
  14. I'm 6 days post op and have extremely sensitive smell. Not nauseous from it, but I will leave a room real quick. Didn't experience it pre op.
  15. Just the word pureed used to make me cringe....now I can't wait!
  16. I am part of a pilot program at work and get to skip the food logs and insurance wait times. I have had all tests done except for my sleep study which is next week. So all I will have left is the wellness assessment at the hospital then I get my surgery date. This has all happened in the last 30 days. I thought I was ready but now I'm wondering if it's to quick. Anyone else have cold feet??
  17. Had surgery the 25th also...April 11 I get to move to pureed....never thought I'd be excited about pureed foods...lol. My follow up it the 17th. Hoping to go back to work the 20th.
  18. Plenty of pain meds here....80 percocet....guess they thought I was a whimp...lol Still can't get comfortable and today I've been super emotional.
  19. @@valkyrie88 I completely agree with you. I'm day 4 out and still miserable. Can't get all my protein in or fluids. I'm exhausted. And the coughing is the worst!
  20. Surgery was Wednesday and still having lots of abdominal pain. Both gas and incision sites. Walking a lot but can't get comfy when I stop.
  21. skc72

    How to take pills

    I am crushing mine and putting them in warm beef broth.
  22. skc72

    Post op day three

    Day 3 post op and my pain is the tightness in my legs...I came out with a 19lb gain and it seems to all be in my legs. I know it's fluid but how do you get rid of it??
  23. skc72

    One week!

    That's awesome. It's raining here so no outside walking but I put in a out a mile and a half at the hospital. Still taking pain meds. Drinking is good. I drank beef broth today and it was yummy.
  24. skc72

    One week!

    Yes...headed home within the hour. How are you doing?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
