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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Fordgal88

  1. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    You are still doing good April don't be too hard on yourself. I remember when I could polish off half a pizza, now I can eat 2 small thin crust slices or 1 regular crust. Big difference. I remember going to taco bell and my order would be 2 tacos, 2 burritos and a mexi melt! Now I get a pintos and cheese and a taco. Also try and use the small plate when fixing your plate - it really does work. I clean off a small plate of food and feel like I have overdone it. Then I think about how that would look on a normal size plate and I probably ate half as much. Its gradual, but just keep working on it. It will get better. Kani - Are your fills still covered by insurance? If not can you call and ask them what they think instead of having to go in? I have an appt on January 12, but with this new job, I hate having to ask to leave early, so I might wait another couple of weeks. I did go to the Dr. yesterday, it was the lowest I have ever weighed since I have been seeing her (over 7 years). She gave me a shot and some narcotic cough syrup. That is the good thing about the band, you have an excuse for not getting pills...LOL! I feel 1000 times better today. Hope everyone is doing well and having a good New Year!
  2. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Way to go!!! Keep up the great work! I am fighting a HORRIBLE cold! Who knew you body could produce soo much snot!! (sorry, I know its gross). I have to get better before New Years Eve! I have a baby sitter and I am sooo ready to go out! Im calling my PCP at 8am and seeing if she will give me a shot! Hope everyone else had a wonderful Christmas and is looking forward to a exciting New Year! =)
  3. I would like to set a goal for 14lbs. That will put me at 198 and I have not seen that in well over 10 years. What a rockin Valentine's Day would that be!!
  4. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Kanin it was nice meeting you also. I would say that you definately need another fill. Now I hear of being able to do that once in a blue moon. But if you are feeling hungry more often and able to eat 2 arbys, then its definately time for an adjustment. Like James said in the meeting the other day, sometimes we need a jumpstart! Hope everyone is having a good week! =)
  5. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I had a great time at the meeting also. I love getting to see everyone's progress. Nice seeing all of you again! This time last year I was miserable. I would eat until I was sick. At Thanksgiving and Christmas I would be the first in line to fix my plate and I would inhale my dinner and then be back up for 2nds before you knew it. Now I am still usually the first to fix my plate, but I only have a spoonful of my favorites. I might have a slice of pie at desert, but its usually very VERY small. And I don't take any plates home. My husband hates that...LOL! Saturday, after the meeting I went to get some gift cards for some presents and I went through one of my son's friends checkout lines. I have known this kid since he was in elementary school. I was standing there giving him a hard time about being too young to work and then he looked at me and said "Man, you have lost a bunch of weight!". I was quite shocked/flattered. It was just nice to hear it that way. I hear it from my family, but you know its like they are supposed to say it. But for some reason, kids are more honest...LOL! Hope everyone is staying warm! =) Shawna
  6. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    It might take a few fills before the restriction kicks in, don't get discouraged. I actually gained a pound between my 1st and 2nd fill. In a way I am glad it worked out that way. It gave me an introductary period. I really got to look at myself and understand what I was doing. I went Christmas shopping this weekend. It was so nice I shopped in heels for 13 hours!!!!!!!!! I usually was in and out without really browsing. This time I really enjoyed myself. I bought me some new pants in a size 16!! And guess what - they are a little baggy. That made my weekend. I was just sitting here thinking about how much has happened this year. Then I thought about how this time is so different than any other time I have lost weight. Usually I would lose 25 or 40 lbs and then reward myself with pizza or some other bad food. Now how messed up is that?! Now I reward myself with clothes or something fun. I am telling you - this band is awesome. This tool has tuned up my thinking about why I did this! =) I hope everyone is doing well! I hope to see some of you at the support group meeting this weekend! =) Shawna
  7. Fordgal88

    post-op gas pain 6 weeks out?

    I had the same problem for about 3 months after my surgery. I read somewhere that it could be the band rubbing the diaphram which transfers the nerve pain to the shoulder (or something like that). Anyways - its gone now. I am 7 months out. HTH Shawna
  8. Fordgal88

    should this normal?

    I had this problem too. I read that sometimes its gas and sometimes its a nerve (I think it is something to do with the band being close to the diaphram). If I ate too much my shoulder would ache something awful. It finally went away after a few months.:tt1:
  9. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I did see Dr. Miles on my first visit (Lisa too), but I think they have grown sooo much in the last year because of BC/BS covering the Lap Band that they might have changed their procedures some. They measured me WAYYY shorter than I actually am. They said that I was 5'6" - I know that I am 5'8", but I didn't fuss, since I on paper I appeared to be even more obese than I already was and that would help. Glad your fill went well April. Mine didn't kick in for about 2 weeks. Really weird. The 2nd was the same and the 3rd was pretty much noticable in 24 hours. Hope everyone is well and having a good Holiday Season! =) Shawna
  10. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Di is right. It feels weird more than anything. It doesn't hurt. I have never got the numbing medicine. After its over you might feel like you got a bruise on your tummy, but its not painful. Let us know how it goes!
  11. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Don't worry band, just between us (and the rest of the world I gained 15lbs from my initial visit with Dr. Miles until the day before surgery. I think I gained around 10-12 during my supervised visits. Nothing was said and I was approved. LOL Di am the same exact way about weighing - but for me to update my ticker - it has to stay consistant for more than 2 days...LOL! I weigh in the morning and in the evening. Sometimes I will gain 1 or 2lbs but I believe that it is mostly water - since I retain water like a camel - If I don't take my water pills I will not pee for literally 8 hours. I also have that inner ear thing and I walk sideways after about 2 days of not taking them. Anyways I read that people who weigh daily do better at keeping weight off for the long term and I am a true believer in that. Another big feat for me today. Okay you know we all have them "goto" clothes. The ones that you feel most comfortable in cuz they fit all the time and hide the rolls of fat. Well I have this sweater that I have had for probably 6 years that I wore ALL THE TIME over the last 6 years, well today I wore it cuz its brown and I just bought some new pants. Well we have mirrors all over our office and I looked and this sweater is WAY too big! I am gonna have to move it to my just wear at home drawer. hehe!! =)
  12. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Wow Jason YOU ROCK!! You are doing awesome!! 53lbs is SO GREAT!! You are gonna need a whole new wardrobe soon! We keep missing each other at the Dr.'s office. I thought my appt was on Wed or Thurs.... Luckily I called! I did not get another fill. Lisa said that I was doing great and that made me feel great! I told her my only issues were the starvation feeling I get during PMS (sorry guys). She said that it probably would not go away but try to exercise through it. We will see how that works. Kani my port site gets tender too when I seem to use my ab muscles more than usual. Its really weird. A neat thing though - I used to not be able to feel my port, now I can. =) I agree 2nd I seem to trust this groups advice over others. I think its because we are pretty much on the same plan. Well hope everyone has a HAPPY WEEK!!! =) Shawna
  13. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I didn't lose any weight on my 6 month supervised diet (I actually gained). I think it's an obstacle that bcbs has come up with to weed out those who are not dedicated. Plus its hard to keep those appointments and I am sure that is a plan too. April you are in what they call "Bandster Hell". Don't worry. I promise it does get better. I didn't lose any weight until after my 2nd fill. I think it is also a bad time cuz it is Thanksgiving. Everything revolves around food this time a year. You start to realize that there are things that you are just not going to be able to eat, but remember it is sooo worth not having the dinner rolls when you can feel so much better. This Thanksgiving was my first banded holiday. The last few years I hated the holidays, I hated seeing my family and letting them see that I have packed on more weight. I would usually get up take a shower and go - I wouldnt fix my hair or put on make up. I was just miserable. This year was great. I actually was looking forward to getting ready to go see my family. At dinner I just took a small plate and ate some small servings of my favorites (except the rolls - which I do miss). I was not miserable after dinner - I actually felt good. I was really thankful for just being with my family. My day did not revolve around food. I hope everyone is well!! Oh and Roll Tide! =)
  14. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Glad you had a nice trip Jason. We have not been there in forever! I know what you mean April, it is really sad on what my kids have probably missed out on because of my comfort. Well today was a test run for Thanksgiving dinner. We had our office dinner. I am new so I didn't want to appear "picky" so I took a spoonful of everything (funny how judgements are made about someone just from how they eat). I did not get any desert. Now I sitting here at my desk, I think it is funny that I ate about 1/4 of what everyone else ate, and I am probably 10 times fuller. Overall it gave me a good idea on how to handle Thanksgiving with the family. =)
  15. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I live in Remlap - just over the Blount County line on 79. Not that far. We will have to meet up sometime! =) Shawna
  16. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I had to insurances at the time of surgery. One was through Tim (which should have been cancelled when his plant closed in February) and the other was what I had through St. Vincent's. When his job ended I told Neomi to be sure and use the St. Vincent's insurance for the approval. Well when they made a claim on the St. V's insurance it automatically linked up with Tim's old insurance (that was still active). His insurance paid the deductable (which was cool), but I think somehow they have crossed wires on which policy is actually covering the procedure. Crazy! Both policies cover the surgery and obviously one of the approved it. This is 6 months out! I would call the insurance company and asked why anesthesia was not covered. Have you received a bill yet? If not - it could have been a mistake when they submitted the charges and they are correcting it. Just be sure and know what your policy covers towards anesthesia. That way you know where you stand. CD I was sore for about the first 3 days and got out on the 4th day (which wore me out). I really felt "better" about 5-6 days out. I had my surgery on a Tuesday and went back to work the following Monday. Just take it easy and don't push it. Hope all is well with everyone.
  17. Depending on how the operating room schedules their cases (by time or to follow) is why they tell you no food or drink after midnight. If they do a "to follow" schedule (which most operating rooms do) then you possibly could have surgery earlier than your told time. Surgeries are scheduled on average times for that procedure and sometimes it takes half the time allowed. They don't want to have to hold on your surgery because it hasn't been enough time from your last drink or meal. Hope that helps. (obviously I have worked in an operating room for a long time). =)
  18. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Does anyone have Neomi's email address? I am still having issues with my insurance. GEEZ!! I am sure it was because I was double covered at the time and the insurances (both BC/BS) are confused over which one is the primary. Anyways, if someone could send that to me, it would be greatly appreciated. Glad to see everyone doing well. I did not have an x-ray after my band and I had a hernia too. So maybe they have changed their technique and want to be sure it is working. Debbut - Good luck on your journey - it will seem like forever and then you will be sitting here typing some tips to other future bandsters before you know it (then you will say WOW that really wasnt that long). I see you are from Cleveland... I am not far from you, Im just below Locust Fork. Great area!! Jason - all I have to say is WOW! You rock! You are kicking butt and taking names!! I hope everyone else is doing well and enjoying life! =) Shawna
  19. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Hi everyone. Kani I did not know who you were or I would have introduced myself. I love the meetings when everyone asks a lot of questions. I learn a lot from that. Jason I hated that you missed it. I look forward to the meetings every month. Luckily my husband works Saturday mornings so I don't have much planned if I am not taking pictures (which right now is very very slow). Paul did look great. I cannot believe that he has lost over 100lbs since February. That is great! So what is everyone doing for Thanksgiving. Luckily I dont have to cook a big dinner, I just take some mac & cheese and deviled eggs to my grandmother's house. They are all really good. Its gonna be hard to not sample all the deserts though. We should have a special support group for the night before Thanksgiving ... LOL! Just to give us that extra boost of motivation. I hope everyone is well!! =) Shawna
  20. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Congratulations Di!! I am so happy for you!! I know you are sooo thrilled!! We will miss you at Support Group!! But we are in the south and Football comes first LOL!! I had a little slower month and lost 4 lbs. I know a lot of it had to do with the stress of the job change and another is this dang PMS!!! I swear about 2 weeks prior I am starving all the time. I know that I am really full, but it is soooo hard to stay away from the kitchen. Susan - Congratulations!! I think the 2nd day was my hardest, I was out driving by my 4th. Liquid Tyleonol is awesome! Looking forward to Saturday!! =) Shawna
  21. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Okay I just wanted to ask where is the weirdest place that you noticed losing? Me - My earlobes....LOL - I had these weird earrings that I couldnt wear before cuz my earlobes were to fat and the post wouldnt go all the way through. Guess what! Now I wear them all the time... Just thought it was neat!
  22. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    As long as it is clear and doesn't smell, you should be fine. Just keep a check on it. If it makes you feel better, call the dr.s office for reassurance. Yep Jason, I am planning on attending the next support group meeting. I love the motivation! It's the only place I can be with others like myself...LOL The new job is going great. A lot of new stuff to learn. The campus is HUGE!! St. Vincent's looks tiny now. Another great thing is I get an hour for lunch (I used to only get 30 minutes) and now I can actually eat slow like I am supposed to! Hope everyone else is well!!
  23. Fordgal88

    whats everybody reading?

    I just finished the Sookie books by Charlaine Harris! I loved them! Someone recommened Laurel K Hamilton can someone tell me where to begin? I am so excited to find the joy in reading again!! Any other series recommendation would be greatly appreciated!! =) Shawna
  24. Robert and Garth Davis (Father and Son) are on that show "Big Medicine" on TLC (I think). They appear to be very good at what they do, but it does look like they push bypass more. Since I am from Alabama, that is about the only help I can offer...LOL.
  25. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Hi everyone!! Glad to see things are going good. I started my new job at UAB this week. So things have been pretty crazy! Everyone in my office is sooo nice. My new boss took me to lunch yesterday. I got in the car and explained that I had the lap band and asked her not to be offended if I did not eat a whole lot. I know sometimes people are so weird about people who appear to be picking at their food. Luckily she is very health oriented and we went to some place that had an excellent salad. April glad to see you are making it. Are you too far from LF Ballpark to go walk? The girls could play on the playground while we walked (with Jackson). Let me know if you are interested. I would love to find someone to walk with. I have never had to pay for a fill. I go online and look at my claims and they just bill for an US and an office visit. Insurance usually covers most of it. But they have never billed me. I go again in December and we will see from there. I am now slowing down. But I think that my TOM is really affecting my appetite. For about 2 weeks prior my hunger just doesnt get satisfied. I have to be very careful. But now that I get to wear real clothes to work I have reasons to try even harder. Good to see all the activity on here. Hope all of you are doing well! Hope to see you at the next support group! =) Shawna

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