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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Fordgal88

  1. Fordgal88

    alabama bandster meet?

    You know I will be there. Jason have you talked to the park about the pavillions? We had a get together there last year and we had a pavillion right next to the kid pool and it had 4 tables in it (3 picnic tables and one round table). I think they are all the same price. Let me know what you need me to do. =)
  2. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Wow - that is great Debbut! 1 week from today you will be a bandster! <sending positive energy your way> =)
  3. Fordgal88

    alabama bandster meet?

    Let me know how much the pavillion is and I will go in on it with ya. I can paypal it to ya or give you some $$ at the June meeting. Looking forward to it.
  4. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Way to go Venzwife! Not long at all. I had my surgery on a Tuesday and went back to work the very next Monday. I also have a desk job and just made sure I took the elevator and took it slow. I just hated missing work cuz nobody did my job when I wasn't there....LOL. Plus I liked showing off my staples...hehe! I go for my 1 year follow up appointment next Tuesday. Lisa told me it wasn't necessary, but when I talked to them about rescheduling, they said that it was, that they do some blood work, I wonder what that is all about??? Anyways I will fill you in after I go. Hope everyone is staying dry out there!! I am so ready for this rain to be over!
  5. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Wow that is AWESOME Jason!! You are rockin! 102 lbs is amazing! Congrats on getting a date Debbut! We will have to hook up at the track this summer sometime! You will have to keep everyone updated on your approval process Venz! You are the first person I have seen on here to use pictures for approval. I am sure others would like to hear how it worked out for you. I probably will not be at the meeting this week. We have a game in Oneonta at 10:30 and my mom is coming, so I have to be there. I HATE missing support group! So be sure to fill me in on what happens! Everything else is going well on my end. Looking forward to getting back into the groove as soon as ball season is over. =)
  6. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    How did your fill go Jason? Tell a difference? Kanina, glad things are good. I hope they stay good. I am really struggling. I really think it is ball season though. I just don't have time to cook. I leave work at 4, get home at 4:45, get Jackson ready, and be at the park by 5:30. Then we are usually there for at least 2 hours. So either I don't make the best of choices or I don't eat at all. We only have about 6 more games in the next 2.5 weeks, so maybe I can get back on track when our life is a little more stable. The good thing is we are undefeated, so it has been a great season!
  7. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    We will keep our fingers crossed for you Ready. BC/BS is so dumb by being soooo picky. You would think they would realize that they would be saving money by lowering the standards a little. Well 1 year ago today I was sitting in pre-op nervously awaiting my surgery. I cannot believe it has been 1 year! I have to say this has been the best thing I have ever done for myself, as well as, my family. I would do it over again in a heartbeat!! I also have to thank this group for being a big part of my success, I really don't think I would have done as well without you! =) Shawna
  8. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    WB from Sin City Di! Time to get motivated. Easy to do with Summer just around the corner. I hope I can go to the next meeting. Jackson has a game at 10:30 that morning and if Tim has to work, then I will have to go. I really hope he doesn't have to work. I HATE missing meetings. Speaking of Margaritas... I will be having a few after work tonight to celebrate Cinco de Mayo!
  9. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    You will go to outpatient and there they will take some blood and an ekg. They will tell you what time to be there and what to expect. Pretty easy. Then you go see Dr. Miles and they will go over everything again and will answer any questions that you might have. Pretty easy. Good Luck!! =)
  10. Fordgal88

    alabama bandster meet?

    Sounds good to me! Hard to believe summer is almost here!!!!
  11. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Oooh how exciting. All this talk about nutrition class and pre-op testing. I remember how excited and scared I was! Glad to see everone on here. I have been soooo busy lately with baseball and activities I haven't had much time to post. This last weekend we went to Talladega and it was so nice not to be so miserable and hot. I don't even think I broke a sweat. I might have "glistened" a little when my husband made us walk 2 miles out of the way to get back to our car...LOL. This Sunday is our high school alumni picnic. I am so excited to be able to feel confident enough to go. I was always so thin in school. Then BOOM - I exploded. I actually missed my 10 year reunion because I was too embarrassed to go and let everyone see me. Not any more. I am still about 40lbs more than my highschool weight, but I am not letting that stop me from seeing my old friends. Hope everyone is well!! Good luck at class tomorrow! Shawna
  12. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    The other day in the Dr.s office she said that she had to have her fluid removed for a test (I forgot what kind) and Dr. Miles put half of what she had back in and she didn't have any restriction. She said that they had mentioned that her port might be leaking and I guess they confirmed that on Monday.
  13. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Hey Kanina! So far so good. I still have some restriction, but I am STARVING...LOL - I think I will really be able to tell after this PMS thing is finished. I made sure to walk before dinner last night and I think that helped curb my appetite a little. I know what you mean about this plateau. I haven't lost anything in a month. It definately gets slower the closer you are to goal! I spoke with Airlean the other day (she works in my building) and she said that she has to have her port replaced! She was a self-pay, so everyone keep your fingers crossed for her! Hope everyone is well!! =) Shawna
  14. Fordgal88

    alabama bandster meet?

    :laugh::thumbup: I love the choices :laugh::laugh: no way i dont want to meet you people
  15. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    How are things Band? Been adjusting well? Keep us updated!!
  16. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I went in yesterday and got .25cc removed. She told me that I should know if it worked by that night. Guess what!! I decided to brave the waters and take a drink before I went to bed and you know what!! I slept through the night without waking up choking!! I was so glad! I feel so relieved that I won't need anymore removed. I saw Airlean from support group in the waiting room and gave her the website, so maybe she will be on here soon! Hope everyone is well! =) Shawna
  17. Fordgal88


    New NSV - I went to the thrift store on Saturday after the support group meeting. I bought a sz 16 pair of Gap Jeans and a shirt with no size. Got home and washed them and they both fit!! Yeah! I would have never bought anything without a size on it before! It was a cute top too!
  18. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    We missed you guys at the meeting. Jason, Veronica really misses when you are not there. You didn't miss too much. She did discuss changing the Post Op Meeting times next year, so it won't be so close to the other meeting and we will have more time to answer our own questions. Next month there is supposed to be a plastic surgeon there to speak. I made an appointment for this afternoon to have some fluid taken out. I was up all night coughing and choking on liquids (not acid). So I am gonna see if an unfill will fix this. Hope everyone is well!! =) Shawna
  19. Fordgal88

    Just Curious

    I think that sounds great! Hey if people are not opposed to swimming - there is a great Water park in Blountsville that will be great to have a get together at. Very nice and they have tons of pavillions (I think they are like $20-$40 a day). Very clean and family oriented. Great for those of us with children. The website is www.springvalleybeach.com. =) Shawna
  20. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Its April 25 at St. Vincent's Birmingham - in the Bruno's Conference Center. I got the info in the mail last week. I think it is $5 a person. I believe they are calling it the Celebration of Life. If anyone would like to meet-up and go let me know. Or if anyone needs to know where to go let me know. From the videos I have seen - it looks very inspirational. =)
  21. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Way to go Stephanie!! What a huge milestone!! That is awesome!! Congrats on the baby Wendy!! I know you are sooo excited! My aunt (who is 3 years younger than me) is expecting a little girl in August. I just love little babies! I will be at the meeting on Saturday! Are any of you planning on attending the fashion show next week? =) Hope all is well with everyone! (=
  22. Fordgal88

    facial flushing?

    I have rosacea. I notice that I have "flare-ups". Seems like after working out, it happens. It feels kinda like my cheeks are chapped. Some times I will get itchy bumps, but they only last for a day or so. I do have some topical ointment (metrocream) for it. But it makes my face feel oily, so I don't use it - unless it gets really bad. The dermatologist told me that drinking will cause it to flare up too. HTH =) Shawna
  23. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I hope everything goes well on Friday Wendy. Please keep us updated. WooHoo Debbut! I would figure about 2-3 months from your last appt until your surgery (if you are using Dr. Miles and Schmitt). I had my last appt in March 08 and surgery on May 6. Hard to believe I am coming up on a year with my band. Don't worry about your food best friend. The band will be your new best friend that will be a positive influence...LOL For those of you that have a hard time with plain water, have you tried the sugar free Hawaiin Punch Singles to Go? These things are awesome. I have had Wild Purple Smash and Berries and Lemons. Mmmm! Way better than Crystal Light. They are $1 for a box of 8! Yummy!! No games next Saturday, so I should be at support group! =)
  24. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    WooHoo Crimson Tide. Glad to hear you are well. You will have to post all about your experience when you are up to it. I would love to hear about the process of going through Mexico. Take care!! =) Shawna
  25. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Way to go Di!! You are rockin!! Isn't it weird looking back and comparing now to then??? I love it that I am no longer a slave to food. I still struggle with the "emotional" parts to eating, but I usually work it out and get through it. I cannot find the protein shots any more either. Seems like the Demand would be enough to keep them on the shelf. Who knows... Have fun in Vegas Di!! We are hoping to go in August. The rates are too good to pass up now! Let me know how it goes! Hope everyone is well!! =) Shawna

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