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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Fordgal88

  1. Fordgal88

    walk for obesity

    I did mine yesterday! I am looking forward to it!
  2. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Glad everyone had a nice vacation. Looks like this summer will be a lot of staycations for us. Just too hard to get the time and everyone together to go anywhere... Well I went to the Dr. today because I had another bad stomach ache on Monday night. I just went to see my PCP since I didn't feel that it was a band issue. I explained my symptoms to her and she is 90% sure it is gallstones. She said that this occurs a lot with weightloss patients. So they are gonna call me to set up a time for an ultrasound (they better not find a baby in there JK). I hope they can find out for sure why I keep having these episodes. The cool news is, when I weighed I was down 6lbs from my last visit. I am so used to them having to add weight to the scale and this time they kept going down. When she told me 186 - I was like "NO WAY! Your scale has to be wrong!" she looked and gave me "I hear that all the time" look and then I told her it was too low and that surprised her even more! She assured me that they were new scales and they were right...LOL At least it made my appt a little better!
  3. Fordgal88

    Love/Hate Relationship

    I spoke with the lady over our plastic surgery clinic the other day (who is a bypass pt) and she looked awesome. She had lost 125lbs and looked awesome. She told me that if you are planning to have excess skin removed, that you need to start getting your PCP to start documenting skin problems now, so it will be in your medical record. She also had the new lipo that they do on her back. She said its done with a laser. They kind of liquify the fat and then suck it out, so it is the less brutal... She also said that it tightens the skin. Pretty cool. She said that she had it done at lunch one day and was back at work the next. Pretty cool!
  4. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Just checking in and seeing how everyone is doing? Everyone planning on attending support group next week? I will be there! I sure do miss it. Of course now that weight loss is getting a lot slower, I need all of the help I can get. haha! Hope everyone is well! =) Shawna
  5. Fordgal88

    alabama meet and greet!

    Went to Spring Valley Beach yesterday and saw the pavillion you reserved Jason. It is the very first one on the side of the kiddie pool. Great location! Not too far from the restrooms and easy access to the pool. I will bring some hot dogs. (sorry yall - but I am picky about my weiners...LOL! I only eat beef weinies!). So if anyone would like for me to pick up a pack of turkey or chicken weinies, just let me know) I am looking forward to it!!
  6. Fordgal88

    My stepdaughter and me

    From the album: my family

  7. Fordgal88

    My mini me and me

    From the album: my family

  8. Fordgal88

    my family

  9. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I can definately relate to you!! I had a defective machine and it was so frustrating (you can go back to the beginning of the board to read about it). I was compliant and the machine said it wasn't. Turns out the stupid machine was defective and had been recalled. I didn't know until day before my surgery if they would even do it or not. BIG HEADACHE!! Hang in there! Venz!! Where are you? How are you doing? We are all wondering how you are doing!! Give us an update! Hope everyone is well!!
  10. Fordgal88

    Phantom Fat

    Interesting article on MSNBC.com `Phantom fat’ can linger after weight loss Losing pounds doesn't automatically shed larger-than-life self-image Duane Hoffmann / msnbc.com Even though Kellylyn Hicks has lost about 85 pounds over the last year and a half, and gone from a size 24 to a tiny size 4, she still worries she won't fit into chairs. While out shopping, she fears that she’ll bump her hip into a shelf and break something. A few years ago when she was heavier, she accidentally knocked over and broke a wolf figurine and had to pay $60 for it. And every morning when she looks in the mirror while getting ready for the day, she sees her former, heavier self. “My brain says, ‘Yep, still fat.’” “It's been really hard to change my self-image,” says Hicks, 37, of Chesapeake, Va. “I still feel like I'm this enormous person who takes up tons of space.” While many people are thrilled when they lose excess weight, not everyone is as happy as they expected to be — or as society assumes they surely must be. Body-image experts say it’s not uncommon for people, especially women, who have lost a lot of weight to be disappointed to some extent to discover that they still aren’t “perfect.” The excess fat is gone when they reach their goal weight, but they may have sagging skin, cellulite or a body shape that they still deem undesirable. Like Hicks, some even continue to see themselves as though they are overweight. Some specialists use the term “phantom fat” to refer to this phenomenon of feeling fat and unacceptable after weight loss. “People who were formerly overweight often still carry that internal image, perception, with them,” says Elayne Daniels, a psychologist in Canton, Mass., who specializes in body-image issues. “They literally feel as if they’re in a large body still.” Daniels and other experts suspect this may happen because the brain hasn’t “caught up” with the new, leaner body, particularly for people who were obese for many years and then experienced rapid weight loss. “Body image is a lot harder to change than the actual physical body is,” Daniels says. 'Waiting for the other shoe to drop' Another contributing factor, especially for yo-yo dieters, can be fear of regaining the weight, says Joshua Hrabosky, a psychologist at Rhode Island Hospital who studies body image and counsels obese people undergoing bariatric surgery. “They’re still in the back of their minds maybe waiting for the other shoe to drop,” he says. People who’ve gained and lost and gained again may be less likely to embrace a new image that they worry won’t last. Hrabosky co-authored a research paper in 2004 that discussed the notion of a phantom fat phenomenon. “We were kind of playing on the concept of phantom limb,” he says, in which people who’ve lost an arm or leg feel like the limb is there and even causing them pain or itching. In his study, published in the journal Body Image, Hrabosky and colleagues questioned 165 women who were grouped into three categories: those who were currently overweight, formerly overweight (and at an average weight for at least two years) and never overweight. Both the formerly overweight women and currently overweight women were more preoccupied with weight and had greater “dysfunctional appearance investment” — telling themselves, for instance, that “I should do whatever I can to always look my best” and “What I look like is an important part of who I am” — than women who were never overweight. Still focused on the fat The findings suggest that “people who undergo major weight loss may experience improvements in satisfaction in appearance, though still not necessarily as much as someone who was never overweight,” Hrabosky explains. “But they are also still more invested or preoccupied with appearance than someone who was never overweight.” Though she’s lost 50 pounds, Nell Bradley, 25, of Atlanta, says she’s more weight-conscious now than five years ago when she weighed 200 pounds. “I’m so afraid of being that size again,” says Bradley, who exercises three to four times a week and watches her diet to keep her weight in check. She’d like to lose about 10 more pounds. Even five years later, she still hasn’t shaken the image of her heavier self. “Now I’m down to 155 to 160 and I still feel like I'm at the weight that I was before,” she says. “It's weird because sometimes I'll shop and immediately look for clothes in my size when I was nearly 200 pounds. I always have problems seeing myself in the mirror or in pictures.” Experts say part of the problem in our body-obsessed culture is that many women — and increasingly more men — have highly unrealistic expectations of what weight loss can do for them. Too often, they think hitting their ideal weight will make them look like a swimsuit model in a magazine, and they’re disappointed when that’s not the case. People who expect perfection can “get stuck in dichotomous thinking that you’re fat or you’re perfect, and there’s no gray area in between,” says psychologist Leslie Heinberg, who counsels bariatric patients at the Cleveland Clinic. “So if you’re not perfect, you’re ‘fat.’” 'Blind spot' about own body Heinberg says a lot of her patients who’ve lost large amounts of weight know they have a “blind spot” when it comes to their new body, so they really have to work at believing they look the way others see them. “It can take years after surgery, after losing weight, for people to really buy that,” she says. Think of getting a dramatically different hairdo and then doing a double-take upon seeing your reflection in a store window, Heinberg says. “Losing 80 pounds is much more of a cognitive shift than getting new highlights,” she explains. Some people will adjust naturally and more quickly to the weight loss than others, experts say. But it’s time to get help when people are experiencing significant distress, sadness or depression, they say, or their feelings are interfering significantly with their normal activities (such as not going to parties or children’s events, always looking in the mirror or avoiding intimacy with a partner). Counseling may involve challenging distorted ways of thinking about one’s appearance (by studying before-and-after photos, for instance, or bringing out the “fat pants” and seeing the difference in the mirror), learning how to think about oneself in a more positive manner, and working to engage in activities one’s been avoiding. “You have to look at retraining your brain and understanding that you have been reinforcing this negative image for probably a long time,” says Adrienne Ressler, a body-image specialist and national training director for the Renfrew Center Foundation, which has several eating disorder-treatment facilities around the country. “We become numb to how mean we’re being to ourselves,” Ressler says. “We need to learn to appreciate our bodies,” she says. “If we could all look in the mirror and say, ‘Hello, Gorgeous!’ I just think the world would be a better place for women.”
  11. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Thanks Kani and Jason. I really think that it was my gall bladder. My mom had gall bladder problems and she described her symptoms to me and it sounded exactly the same. Lets just hope that it doesn't happen again. I have had 3 kids and I have never experienced pain like that before. BTW - our tournament went good last weekend. We finished 4th and are headed to the Area tournament in Fyffe this weekend. If we finish in the top 3 there we will be going to State. It has been so nice to actually enjoy ball this year!
  12. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Well everyone I have to share my experience... Okay - I noticed that I have been kinda tight for the last week or so. Well this weekend - I was REALLY tight. I just chalked it up to the heat and retaining water (as I usually do in the summer). Well last night I woke up around 11 and noticed that my stomach/chest was hurting. I laid there for about an hour with no relief, so I got up and went to lay down on the couch hoping that the change in position would help ease the pain. Well it got progressively worse. I was getting really scared. I went and woke up my husband and told him that I think that I need to go to the emergency room. You would have thought I was a woman in labor at his reaction. As soon as I woke him up - I REALLY started hurting bad. I couldnt even stand up. I got in the car and we had to stop twice on the way to the hospital for me to attempt to throw up. We got to the hospital and as soon as I signed in the pain went away - just like that. So I was there for about 4 hours for them to be as perplexed as I was about what had caused my pain. They gave me a shot of anti nausea medicine and told me to follow up with Dr. Miles today. So I did. They sent me for an upper GI to check the restriction and position of my band. You would not believe how scared I was that something had gone wrong. Luckily there was no slippage or erosion. He did say that it looked like my hernia was back "a little". Lisa removed .5cc from my band and told me to let her know if the problems continue. I am glad that I decided to go to the ER and get checked out. I am just taking it easy today. Just wanted to share that if you think something is wrong it doesnt hurt to make sure that everything is okay. Go with your gut (litterally) and make sure everything is good with your band.
  13. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    LOL I love the looks I get when I only eat a little bit of my food. Its that worried that the food sucked and they won't get a tip look. Well wish us look on our tournament! If we finish in the top 4 we will play in the state tournament in Fyffe next week and if we do good there we will go to the World Series in South Haven Mississippi! Have a great support group tomorrow! Keep me updated on how it is going! Let Veronica know I am not bailing! LOL Have a nice weekend everyone!! =) Shawna
  14. Fordgal88

    How do tattoos fair through weight loss?

    I have 1 that I got when I was thinner and then gained 75lbs. Now I have lost 85lbs and it still looks good. In fact I just got a new one for my birthday (on my lower back) and I cannot wait to show it off!! =)
  15. I thought I didn't have any before pictures.... But I found some that were taken on New Years Eve 2007-08. That is the only way I could get in front of a camera, with a few drinks in me.... The other was taken in June 2007. The current pictures have all been taken in the last month (alcohol free :blushing:).
  16. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Happy to see everyone doing good on here. I am still tied up with baseball most nights. The good thing is they have decided to start practices at 7pm and that gives me time to come home and cook something good and not just grab something out of convenience. The scale is starting to give some too (finally!!). The other cool thing was I went to walmart on Friday and bought a pair of sz 14 shorts! Not granny shorts either, some cute shorts! Right off the rack and not in the "womens section" and they fit perfectly!! Please keep me updated on the meeting on Saturday and I promise I will be at the next one that is not on a baseball weekend. Looking forward to the get together in August!
  17. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    My energy is WAY up from a year ago. I actually hate to just sit around. I am also loving not dying from the heat. It is sooo weird, I just don't get hot. I used to sweat something awful. I would break a sweat putting on my makeup in the morning and would dread even moving knowing that I would be soooo hot. Now I see why skinny people like the summer...LOL! I actually want to get outside and do things! Sucks for my husband though, he is always burning up cuz I am always cold! I think the walk around the hospital would be great. Just to get our motors going. I hate to say that I will miss this month's meeting too. We will be at a little league tournament in Albertville. But at least I am missing it for a good reason! Debbut - I had shoulder/gas pain for about 4 months after surgery. It was tolerable, but annoying. It did eventually ease up and go away. Hope everyone is well. =) Shawna
  18. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Glad you are out and well Venz!! I burp ALL the time still...LOL! I never used to burp before... Things all get better from here!! Hey Kanina - I got a new tattoo! I will have to get a good pic of it. Its a sun and moon (to represent my husband and I and four stars for our kids). It was a birthday present from my son and husband. Looking forward for Spring Valley Beach! I also am excited about shopping for a new swimsuit, for the first time ever!!! Hope all is well with everyone!! =) Shawna
  19. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Goodness. I have been soo busy, I don't get much time to get on the computer these days. I am sorry Amanda. I agree that you should appeal. Keep trying. Glad you are feeling better Jason. Well I thought we were through with baseball - but Jackson was picked for allstars... But I am hoping that it won't be as time consuming as the regular season. At least practices are later, so it will give us time to cook. I will probably miss this month's support group meeting too! Depending on how we do in the tounament. If we go out Friday night - then I will be there! If not - I won't... Hope everyone is doing good!! =) Shawna
  20. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    any word on Debbut? Just wondering how everything went? I am so ready for the weekend. My stepdaughter's bachalorette (sp) is on Sunday and then my Birthday is on Monday! My mom is giving me $$$ to get some new clothes!! WooHOO! I have no summer clothes! I hope everyone has a nice Memorial Day Weekend! =) Shawna
  21. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    ~~~~Sending Positive Vibes Debbut's way~~~~ You guys just wait! My son and stepdaughter are 18 and the time just flies by! My stepdaughter will graduate next week! I have been incredibally lucky! They are such good kids! Now my 8 year old on the other hand - He is gonna be the cause of my demise! Hope everyone has a great day!!
  22. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I cannot wait to get serious about reconstructive surgery. I will probably be ready next summer. I know I have so much skin on my abdomen that I have a horrible time with my pants fitting right. I will probably use Dr. Beckenstein at St. Vincent's Birmingham. Since I worked in surgery for the last 6 years, I got to know a lot of the surgeons there, and he is by far my favorite. He has done several of my friend's adminoplasty's and they look great. Well I went in for my 1 year check-up yesterday and let me tell you - don't waste your time! It is completely unnecessary. First I got there and didn't have me on the schedule (where they had rescheduled it) and then Dr. Miles came in and asked why I was there and I had explained to him that the girl on the phone told me that I needed to come in at one year. I had told her that I was a lap band pt and she said that it was still necessary and they would do some bloodwork. Well the girl was obviously wrong. He told me that they do that for bypass patients, but it is not necessary for band patients since they are in so much more often. Oh well. C'est La Vie! Hope everyone is well!
  23. Fordgal88

    July 4th Challenge - 120 days

    Name.......................... Start Wt....... Current....... Goal....... To Go 3ShotRoc..................... 345.............. 263............ 220........ 43 Alabubba..................... 464.............. 464............ 400........ 64 Alleycia....................... 255.............. 217............ 198........ 19 Annieemmm................. 200.............. 198............. 170....... 28 Ashleyrenee................ 240.............. 240............. 199........ 41 Barb12590.................. 173.............. 156............. 155.......... 1 Betelnut..................... 295.............. 262............. 245........ 17 Bklyn1984................... 317.............. 238............. 230........ 8 Blaze21...................... 200.8........... 184.6............. 170....... 14.6 Blklab70282................. 241............. 241.............. 220........ 19 ChickyAbby................. 314............. 314.............. 270........ 44 Clcort......................... 236............. 200.............. 200........ 36 CountrygirlNY.............. 253............. 217.............. 182........ 35 Crzytchr.................... 237.............. 229.............. 210........ 19 Ewiedbingcott ............ 215.5.......... 207.9............ 198........ 9.9 Fab by 50.................. 215............. 204............... 175........ 29 Fordgal88.................. 199.............. 175.............. 193........ 18 Hdsantoni.................. 252.............. 198.............. 190......... 8 Htaylor1021............... 210.............. 203............ 185......... 18 itsjustducky................368...............368...............328... .......40 Jazma....................... 261.............. 261.............. 235......... 24 Jeni 85...................... 170............. 170............... 158......... 12 Jennyt71................... 245............. 197............... 170......... 27 Keepingfaith08........... 225.............. 225.............. 190.......... 35 Lalaredd................... 240.............. 190............... 150......... 40 LessJess................... 228.............. 199............... 199......... 0 Letsgetitstarted......... 229.............. 211............... 199......... 30 Libbyjane1976........... 283............... 283.............. 250.......... 33 LilMissDiva................ 251.6............ 247.6............ 227.......... 20.6 Liz_hager................. 158............... 151............... 145.......... 6 LisaRT..................... 254............... 248............... 225.......... 23 Long2BThin.............. 192............... 183............... 169.......... 14 Loveislovely............. 191............... 187............... 169.......... 18 Mair....................... 222............... 215............... 199........... 16 Mamacj.................. 316............... 269............... 233........... 36 Melody_Mary_42f..... 277............... 231............... 170........... 49 MsNickelback.......... 172............... 161................ 149........... 12 Nicolerose.............. 365............... 288................ 260........... 28 Nursemelly............. 245............... 203................ 185........... 18 Onehotmama.......... 272............... 237................ 210........... 27 OneHotMomma........ 285.............. 275................ 250............ 25 Pbpuniser............... 212.............. 212................ 182............ 30 Peachwood............. 251............. 251................. 230............ 21 Picklesix................. 197............. 175................. 170............ 5 Sexylips................. 238............. 238................. 199............ 39 Sadie77................. 277............. 250................. 220............ 30 SillyGoose.............. 258............. 234................. 228............ 6 Simone.................. 182............ 176.................. 160............ 16 Ukcatsfan.............. 340............. 340................. 300............ 40 Workingmom........... 214............. 214................. 175............ 39 ZiggyLove.............. 226............. 202................. 180............ 22 Health4life..............279.............222.2................195..... .. .....27.2

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
