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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Fordgal88

  1. Fordgal88

    Anti Depresants

    I take Zoloft 100mg. I half it and take it separately. I take it for PMDD. I do take it and then drink hot cocoa. I really think it helps it go down. I LOVE my zoloft!
  2. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Hi everyone. Things are quite slow around here lately, I take that to mean that everyone is out and about doing "healthy" things. Great job Kristie. You are rocking!! You too Lolly. Don't worry you are doing wonderfully! I would say both of you are right on track. I am pretty stable these days. I don't worry about it as long as I am feeling good. I am more focusing on the plastic surgery now. It has been 2 weeks today that I saw the the PS. I hope to hear something soon. They told me it could be anywhere from 4-6 weeks to find out. I forgot about group this weekend. My son has a basketball game in Oneonta at 11:15 an I don't think I will make group. So please tell Veronica that I am sorry. I really wish they would move it to another day. Saturdays are just to busy. Or at least have another choice. I really love going to group, I hate it when I have to miss it. I hope everybody else is good!! We need to do a group photo! Talk to everyone soon!! =) Shawna
  3. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I saw Dr. Benkenstein. I think I read on here before that you didn't like him. I worked with him in Surgery for 6 years so I already knew him. His office was very nice and respectful. He had done a panni for another girl I know and she looked great (he did the tightening and everything). She went back a few months ago for her arms and some lipo in her neck. Another good PS is Dr. Steinmetz, both are at St. Vincent's Birmingham. Dr. Beckenstein's website is www.msbmd.com/.
  4. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Hi everyone!! Hope your year is starting out a good one. So far everything is pretty stable for me - Finally lost the lbs I put on during the holidays. I went to see the Plastic Surgeon yesterday to see about a panniculectomy. He was very informative about the procedure. His assistant took my photos to submit to insurance and she said that based on all the photos she has taken, I have a better than average chance of getting insurance to approve it. So keep your fingers crossed that everything goes through. I am using Viva now and I don't know how particular they are. I did hear from a girl that works in the Plastic Surgery Clinic here that they have gotten better about covering it. If I do get approved, I would like to have it done at the end of June because that is when work is slow and the kids are out of school to help me around the house. Thats all thats new in my world!
  5. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I know what you mean. I think once I reach my goal, then I will tack on another 10 for good measure. We started a plan this week at work. Bringing lunch 4 out of 5 days and eating bfast and snacks in the office. Hopefully this will help with those last few pounds. Hell or high water I will be at the meeting this Saturday. I might have to cut out a little early for a birthday thing. I have an appt with a plastic surgeon on Feb. 2. They will let me know if I have enough skin on my abdomen for insurance to pay for removing it. If I do, then I plan on doing it this summer when things are a little slower at work. Keep your fingers crossed. Hope everyone is doing well!!!
  6. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I noticed the 100lbs lost Kanina!! WAY TO GOOO!!!
  7. Funny thing happened to me yesterday. I was on my way home and had to stop at the quick mart for some drinks for my hubby. Well a man I used to work with walked in and I spoke to him and asked how his wife was and he told me she was sitting in the car outside. So I went out there and talked to her (I used to work with her too and we were pretty good aquaintences). I was just a yacking asking her how things were and she was replying but her answers were kinda short and vague. Well her husband walked out and I told them goodbye and got in my car. Before I could back up they pulled in next to me and rolled down the window. She said "I have to apologize because I didn't know who the hell you were!" She hasn't seen me since the surgery and didn't recognize me. It made my week!! Just wanted to share!
  8. Fordgal88

    Opinions on Shapewear Please

    I have Body Magic shapewear and LOVE LOVE LOVE it. It is quite pricey, but so worth it. It is really well made and sturdy. I got the one that doesn't go down my thighs (because I pee a lot and that snappy crotch would get on my nerves - this one only has 2 snaps). It really makes me have a figure. My boobs are wear they are supposed to be and it makes me look bustier. It also makes your posture better. My back feels so good in it. I paid $107 for it. I think the one that goes down the thighs is $140. I will have to do some before and after pics with it so you can see. =)
  9. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Hmm Good question.... My goal is to (1) get to goal (2) exercise more (3) clean out my closet!!!!
  10. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Was it a good meeting Lolly? I had some pictures to do Saturday and couldn't make it. I plan on being at group next month. How is everyone doing? I am doing pretty darn good. I finally made it into the 170's!! WooHoo!! 4 lbs from my goal and 12 lbs from my BMI goal. I hope everyone is doing well! Merry Christmas!!!
  11. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I hated that I missed the meeting. I took my mom shopping. I always miss the meetings when the plastic surgeons are there!! Dang!! My mom is doing great! Her knees are healing nicely and she has lost 87lbs!! I took her to Catherines and used to she could barely stand for 5 minutes, she was in there for 20 minutes and never looked for a place to sit down. On a side note, it was fun to look and see that there were no clothes in my size!!! haha! I hope everyone has a nice Thanksgiving!! =) Shawna
  12. Fordgal88

    Clothing Advice!!!

    I went through this very situation about 6 months after being banded. I went from wearing scrubs to an office environment. The best store for me was Cato. It has a lot of clothes that are business casual and the prices are really good. I don't think I have paid over $21 per item. I started out with NOTHING. I bought a pair of black pants, gray pants, khakis and brown pants and then bought about 6 tops that I could mix and match. I also told everyone I worked with that until I reach my goal weight they will see me wearing alot of the same thing, so they were understanding. Good luck!!
  13. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Glad you are doing good Deb. Now you can be on your way to your goal. So far so good with the Zoloft. My hunger did seem to subside almost immediately. So now I am back to "normal" (whatever that is). Wow Kanina, looks like you are on a roll! You go girl! 95lbs is AWESOME!! Time to start prepping for Thanksgiving. So for those of you who are celebrating your first "banded" holiday, how are preparing yourself? Just bringing the idea to light, cuz I know that sometimes I forget that others look to this board for advice and information. I can say my first holiday season went okay. I just sampled all of my favorites (maybe a tsp of each). It is funny when I think about how my plates used to look at Thanksgiving. Then to think I would go back for 2nds and 3rds. Well I hope everyone has a great day!! =) Shawna
  14. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Just checkin in to see how everyone is doing? All is well here. Mom made it through her surgery fine. I have been consumed with that for the last couple of weeks. I went to see my primary care physician yesterday to discuss my excessive hunger. I am having horrible issues with PMS. 2 weeks prior I have an incurable hunger that is excrutiating. It didn't start until I hit my 30's and I think that is when I put on most of my weight. Well now it is just torture. She has super-supportive through my lap band journey, so I knew that she would work with me. She has decided to try me on zoloft. She said that your body really does change during "that time" and she has found zoloft to be a good treatment. Keep your fingers crossed. My scale has been dormant for the last 2 months. Does anyone on here take it, if so, does it have any weird side effects? I am only on 50mg. She said I could take it for 2 weeks prior or if I think it works really well I can take it for the whole month. Sorry guys for all the girl talk. =)
  15. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Hey everyone! Kanina - the best I could say is have a consultation and see if you can scratch up any info from previous patients. With you working in healthcare, you can sometimes have a little better insight than others. Let us know how it goes. I am hoping to start meeting with Plastic Surgeons after the first of the year. I spoke with one at the Obesity walk and he made me feel better about the procedure and insurance. I would like to have it done around the end of June, because July is our least busy month here. Great loss ReadyforChange!! You are doing so good!! We will miss you at group tomorrow!! I will definitely be at support group tomorrow (to cold and dreary for outdoor portraits). My husband is coming with me. This will be the first time his schedule has allowed him to attend. =) Looking forward to seeing everyone! =) Shawna
  16. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Wow it looks like everyone is Rockin and Rollin!! I hope to be at support group on Saturday. I am supposed to take some pictures at 8am at the Botanical Gardens that morning, but hopefully it won't take too long. I ordered me one of them Body Magic fat sucker inny things this week. A girl I work with sells them and she wore it a couple of weeks ago and OMG!! She is small anyways, but it really puts things in their place (if you catch my drift). I cannot wait! They are kinda pricey, but appears to be well made and a good alternative to plastic surgery (for now). Glad to see everyone doing well!! Hope to see ya'll on Saturday!!! =) Shawna
  17. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I thought I saw a recipe posted on here earlier for that recipe!! I am really lovin this weather. If definitely makes me want to move a lot morel Ready for the next group meet!!! =)
  18. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Had a great time at the walk today!! Thank goodness the rain held out until we were almost home. It was fun "hangin" with you busdriver. I am posting the link to the pics we got at the walk today. Walk From Obesity Pictures =) Shawna
  19. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I was wondering the same thing. I will show up regardless, but dont know about walking in the rain...LOL I have recruited my 18 yr old stepdaughter and my 9 yr old son to walk. Look forward to seeing everyone there!!
  20. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Hope all goes well with your fill Lolly... Just take it easy for a little bit and it will seem to ease up. My fills always seemed to take a couple of weeks before I really felt restriction. Its funny how much more aggressive the fills are now. The most I ever got at once is 1.5cc. Tonight I went shopping for some new clothes. I have been stretching my wardrobe for as long as I could and I was looking pretty sad. It was so weird. I went to Cato and actually got to shop on the "regular size" side. I felt so weird. Like I was new to the "club" or something. It was kind of liberating. =) I am digging it!! Busdriver - I would definitely try to get in at least 1000 calories a day. I find that I do better when I get in more calories. Your body needs fuel to run efficiently. I will be at the walk on Saturday! Earlier the weather said an 80% chance of rain! I so hope they change it. I don't want it to rain! I am really looking forward to this.
  21. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Debbut? Did I miss something? Is there something wrong with your band???
  22. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    It was great seeing everyone there. It was a pleasure meeting you for the first time Lolly!! You are going to do well! I was glad to get to see you again busdriver - you are looking great!! I am ready for the walk next weekend!! Hopefully the weather will stay nice!! =)
  23. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I am sorry to hear about your granddad. Let me know if you need anything!!
  24. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    That is awesome Busdriver!!! Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting!!!!
  25. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    All is well on this end. I FINALLY broke 90lbs. I am so excited. Funny how sometimes I can't even believe it myself. Like this is too good to be true. But it is! I will be at the meeting this weekend. I actually gave up my Alabama football ticket so I could go. I just feel I do so much better when I go. I will also be doing the Walk from Obesity on the 26th. Jason did you hear anything about your port? Hope everyone is doing well!!! =) Shawna

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