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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Fordgal88

  1. I was banded on May 6. I got there at 6:30 and they took me right back to the pre-op area. There the bariatric coordinator came in and made sure I was ready. She answered a few questions that I had. I was in there for probably 2 hours. Then they took me back to the holding area. There they started my IV and gave me my versed (I love that stuff). They then wheeled me back to the OR. They gave me another shot of versed and then I went to sleep. I woke up in recovery and they were asking me if I wanted some pain meds, well duh! It hurt when I took a breath. Well they kept asking and I kept saying yes. BIG mistake. I was so out of it. I couldnt hardly wake up. I finally got back into my room and was still half asleep. The nurse came and walked me down the hall to the bathroom. Then I got back in the bed. They wanted me to drink 12oz of liquid before I left. I just couldnt wake up enough to get them drank, I probably drank about 8oz and they said that it was fine and that I could get dressed and go home. So my mom helped me get dressed and drove me home where my husband helped me to bed. I was way more sore than expected. Turns out that I had a very large hiatal hernia and they had to repair that, so that is why it hurt more. Well the pharmacy didnt have the liquid loratab and couldnt use the generic because the Dr. had specified name brand... So the first night I drank Tylenol. It worked better than I thought. I stayed in bed most of the next day and by the 4th day I was ready to get out some. I drove to a friends house and visited for a little while. It really wore me out. I am 3 weeks out now and mostly back to normal. No real pain and slowly learning to eat again. Knowing what I know now, I would have gotten my prescription filled before I got home though. =)
  2. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I played with my WiiFit last night. I love it. I did the balance games, yoga, hula hoop (I only got 2 hoops, I didnt know I was supposed to catch the ones they were throwing at me LOL). Hope everyone is doing well! =)
  3. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Great to see you are doing well Diane!! Let me know if you need anything!! Today is my birthday and my husband got me a Wii Fit! I am watching my 7 year old try it out and it looks GREAT! I think it will a great exercise program. I am starting tomorrow. Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day! =) Shawna
  4. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I got my staples out on the 13th. I was really surprised that it didnt hurt at all. BUT I am sooo allergic to adhesives and those steri-strips just ate through my skin and fell off after about 3 days. I have bigger sores from those than from my incisions, in-fact you can barely see my incision scars. I started mushies earlier this week. It has been great. But I feel like I am eating so much (I keep reminding myself that this is normal). I am using smaller bowls and plates (like we learned in that class) and it really does work. I have just got to get in more water. How are you doing? When is your first fill? Are you excited? One day we will have to meet up in Huntsville for tea or something.
  5. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Di4AU How are you feeling? How did everything go? Its funny, as each surgery date comes that I know, I really think about how everyone is doing. Let us know!! =) Shawna
  6. Fordgal88

    Before and DURING pics

    Great Job Wendy? You look great! How are you doing? How is the mushies goin? Are you handling them any better? I am feeling about 90% Did pictures for a Pageant on Saturday and didnt even hardly break a sweat! I also spent the rest of the day at the ballpark! Which was tough with all those ballpark foods around! But I made it! =)
  7. Fordgal88

    Amazing story--

    It really is not unusual to have the rep in the O.R. during surgery. Usually they are there to answer any questions that the surgeon/staff might have. I work in the O.R. and see this a lot. They will probably take the band and inspect it to see if it was product or procedure related. HTH Shawna
  8. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I am just now starting to be able to take deep breaths. I think it must be because of working close to the diaphram. I actually just noticed I was breathing better yesterday. Just keep working on taking deep breaths. HTH Shawna
  9. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    LOL! yeah I am pretty proud of these staples. They are coming out tomorrow (Tuesday) at 2:30. The pain is much better. I still have the shoulder pain, but I just suffer through it. Its only at certain times, so maybe I can find a trigger for it. But I did 8 hours today at work with no problem, I even took the stairs (I always take the stairs - but I was afraid that I would still be too weak - It is so embarrassing to get on the elevator to go up 1 floor with a dr.). But I went through the whole day without ever getting really hungry! How was your weekend Wendy? I hope everyone is doing well! =) Shawna
  10. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    LOL there are no silly questions!! I do not regret it at all. I am 5 days out and still just a little bit sore. But honestly it has not been hard at all. My husband has been great. He even took the kids out to eat last night so I wouldnt smell the cooking...(at least that is his excuse). Funny thing is, I have showed my stomach to more people than I can count...LOL! They didnt ask me about my port. I am assuming it is on my left side, because that is where I have more pain, I cant feel it yet though. HTH =) Shawna
  11. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    LOL - No they did not use my cpap - in fact it stayed in my moms car for the duration! What a crock! They told me at my preop testing that I just needed to bring it and leave it in the car, so I did. Several people asked if I had it and I just told them it was in the car and they were like "ok" and that was it. I am feeling some better today. I am still sore and I did end up having that gas settle in my shoulder. Though it is not unbarable, its just uncomfortable. The pain meds do help and I fine that it eases up if I lay on that side. I am trying to get up and walk around every so often to loosen up. I think I will be okay to go back to work on Monday. I have 7 incisions. One big one in the middle - I am guessing from the hernia repair. I showered yesterday and took off all the bandages and they look good. Im just itchy where all the tape was (I have an allergy to the adhesive on tape and bandaids). So Wendy when do you start mushies? Tell me how that goes. Also can you give me an idea what you did for full liquids? I will start those Saturday. I am really surprised that i have not really been hungry at all. I drink tea and crystal light and eat popsicles and jello. I am ready for some soup or something not "sweet" tasting - I was never a big sweets person. Hope you all are doing well!! =) Shawna
  12. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    I am back... In a lot more pain than I expected, but I am here. I got to Same Day Surgery about 6:30 and they took me straight back to pre-op. Veronica came in there and went over everything with me. She is so awesome. They gave me that shot in my stomach. I didnt even feel it. Then I went back into holding. The put in my IV (which did not hurt at all). Then they rolled me back to the OR and the last thing I remember was moving over to the operating table. I woke up in recovery and I was in some really bad pain. They kept asking if I wanted pain medication and I would say yes. Well they gave me 4 doses of morphine....ICK!! Morphine makes me sick. Well I get back to my little room and my mom tells me that I was back there for a long time because I had a huge hiatal hernia and Dr. Miles fixed it. That explains all the pain!!!!! But I got up and walked down the hall to the restroom and was trying to eat the ice chips and apple juice. They didnt make me drink it all (I drank a little over half - but it hurt to move). So they then gave me a shot of phenergan. So I slept the whole way home. I got in and went to bed. The pharmacy did not have any liquid loratab, and the prescription specified brand name so they couldnt feel it. I got my husband to get me some liquid tylenol. It helped a little. This morning I am still sore, but I can move a little better. I have had some tea and a popsicle. Thanks for all the well wishes! And thanks for the text Wendy, that really made my morning! I hope all of you are doing well!! Shawna
  13. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    They told me today to bring my cpap, but I could leave it in the car. She said it just needed to be available.
  14. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Im home from my preop appt. It was pretty easy. The girl did great taking my blood (I am always impressed with anyone that can get my blood on one stick). I went on to Dr. Miles office. My son's friend's mom works for Dr. Miles, so I talked to her nearly the whole visit, which put me at ease. Dr. Miles was great. I felt like a heel, cuz I had no questions, but I could not think of anything. Oh and I was super excited cuz my copay was only $100 for the surgery!! I did not know what to expect there, so I used my Kentucky Derby winnings to pay for it - HOW AWESOME IS THAT!! I got home around 3 and drank that AWFUL fleet stuff! I really thought I was going to throw up! I just laid down and let the feeling pass. Now I am just waiting...LOL! The girl from Midsouth is on her way out with my new CPAP machine, how much you wanna bet me that - that thing stays in the bag tonight....LOL. Well as soon as I am able I will update yall on how it was! =) Shawna
  15. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Thanks so much Missy!! I am so glad you had a nice weekend!! Happy Anniversary!! 16 Years is such a feat these days! We are celebrating #10 in August! Well GREAT NEWS everybody!! I just got a call from Neoami and my surgery is on for TOMORROW! I was worried that they didn't get the information from Dr. Schmitt in time. I went ahead and started the Clear liquids this morning just in case. Good thing! She is supposed to call me back with my preop appt time this afternoon. I am so happy and nervous and scared all at the same time! Oh OT - This was a great weekend. DH and I have a tradition of betting on the Kentucky Derby every year. Usually I do not win (I am so not scientific - I pick by names). But I did hit an exacta and won $141!! WooHoo! Sad about the philly though. Just wanted to share!! I will post as soon as I learn anything! =) Shawna
  16. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Thanks for everything! I live in Blount County close to Locust Fork. Snead is about 45 minutes from us, that was a long drive for a little league game, at least we won!! Where are you located? Are yall going to the next support group meeting?
  17. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Update!! Great news! First Jessica called me back and told me that my machine was in fact defective. Turns out Midsouth looked up the serial number and mine was one of several with bad blowers. So at least I am not crazy. She told me that she was going to take the information I had and give it to Dr. K Schmitt and she would call me back by 4pm. Well it was 4:30 and we were getting ready to head to Snead for a ballgame and my cell rang. I couldnt hear her (I live in the boonies) and told her to call me back on my home phone. So I ran in the house and answered the phone and she said "Do you want the greatest news ever?!!" and I was like "DuH!!" She said that Dr. Schmitt released me and that she was going to walk up to Dr. Miles office and hand my release directly to Neaomi. I dont know if I will still get to keep the Tuesday surgery date, but at least all this mess is over! I am going to call Neaomi Monday and ask her if it was too late. I am so relieved to know that I was not crazy and that my machine was really broken! Thank you all for all your support! I really looked forward to your support everyday! =) Shawna
  18. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Congrats to your friend Di!! I think it is great that you will have someone right there with you banded. I do not have any co-workers with the band.... yet! I am sure that when I have mine there will be others, a lot of people do not realize that BCBS pays for it yet. Wow Wendy! 1 week already! I hope all goes well at your appt. Keep us updated! Okay now my update! Looks like my surgery will be postponed.... You are not going to believe this! I took my card (with machine - just in case) to Midsouth this morning for the download. She prints it out and makes a copy for me, doesnt really say anything, so I am asking her about the data. Then she tells me that it is only showing 1 day of usage!!!!!! So WRONG! I told her there has to be a mistake. She shows me the bar graph and it shows where the machine was on everyday, but only used the first day! I told her that is impossible, because I have used it EVERYDAY just like I was supposed to. She said that they data showed otherwise - by this time I am in tears because I have honestly done everything I am supposed to do and now faulty equipment is standing in my way. She did test the machine because I told her that the power had went out yesterday and it must have kicked the machine on, because it was running by itself when I got home from work yesterday and I thought it was supposed to cut off without the negative pressure. She tested it and ran it for 5 minutes and it never cut off. She still said that there was nothing wrong with the machine, but I insisted she send it back to the manufacturer, because there is something wrong with it. I left there AGAIN in tears and extremely upset. I get in the car and call Jessica at Dr. Schmitt's office and explain to her what has happened and I think it pretty obvious that I was very distraught. She said that she would talk to Dr. Schmitt and Neaomi and call me back. I still haven't heard from her and when I do, I don't expect there to be good news. So who knows when this will happen. Anyways I talked to my husband a few minutes ago and it made me feel better because he knows that I have been compliant (it just feels like they think I am trying to pull one over on them). I hope everyone has a nice weekend!! =) Shawna
  19. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Can I just say that all of you are totally AWESOME!! It is so nice to feel like I have someone on my side. Update First I got an email from Neaomi saying that there were not enough hours on the CPAP machine and that they would have to reschedule my surgery - I was HOT! So... I talked with Jessica at Dr. K Schmitt's office this afternoon and she agreed to let me take the card to midsouth on Friday (Im taking the machine too - just in case). She said that she would let Dr. Schmitt what was going on. She also found the note that said that they only wanted 5 days with 5 hours - She would also bring that up to the dr. So... I emailed Neaomi back and asked if I got the release on Friday - could I still do this on 5/6. She emailed me back tonight and said that would be fine, but she had to have it by Friday. I am a BC/BS pay. The sucky part is I work for St. Vincent's and I can only use St. Vincent's for the surgery cuz its their insurance. So I am kind of limited to Dr. Miles and Schmitt for the lap band. Word of advice to anyone looking at this and going to use Dr. Miles or Dr. Lee Schmitt for their lap band. Do not use Dr. Kim Schmitt for their sleep study. I recommend you use a person not directly related to the practice to get a more fair evaluation. So everyone please keep your finger's crossed that they will give me my release for surgery. =)
  20. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    Girl if you only knew! I have no idea what to do, I am so frustrated I could cry! Okay before my vacation they told me 5 days of 5 hours. Well I called Dr. K Schmitt's office yesterday to see what could be done, well they told me to call Midsouth and have them send what they had. So I did. Well no one called me back. So I called Dr. Schmitt's office back this morning. Of course the girl I have been talking to was not there. They said that they would have someone else call me back. Well I finally broked down and emailed Neaomi and explained to her that I was extremely frustrated and that I needed to know what was the absolute last day I could have this to her before they would postpone my surgery. She emailed me back and told me that she had also called Dr. Schmitt's office and they were supposed to call her back. Well about 30 minute's later Dr. Schmitt's office called me back saying that I was not compliant according to the machine. I told her that I have done exactly what they told me too and it is not my fault that there was a problem with the card and I was tired of being treated like I was lying about it. She now says that I need to do it for 7 days for 7 hours a day. I explained to her that there was no way with my schedule to get in 7 hours a night (Really there is not - I go to bed around 10:30 if I am lucky and get up at 4am). So she says that its the rules and that is what Dr. Scmitt's wants and I told her that they told me 5 days with 5 hours and now they are changing everything. She said that she would talk to Neaomi and Dr. Schmitt and call me back. I bet they don't call me back. It wouldnt be so bad if I hadn't done what I was asked to do. I guess if they say I am not compliant then they will postpone my surgery and I will be forced to get a 2nd opinion from another sleep dr. Sorry so long, just venting....
  21. Fordgal88

    What Next??!!!??!!

    Okay I have been jumping hurdles and dodging bullets for the last 10 months. I finally get approved, I finally get a date and now shot fired!! Okay as some of you know, I had the sleep study and they decided that I have borderline sleep apnea (really just above the mark). Well they put me on that demon possessed sleep apnea machine. Well it is the kind with the compliancy card, so they know when you are compliant. I sent it in after the first 2 weeks and they said it averaged 4hrs per night. Well they told me I needed at least 5hrs per night for 5 consecutive nights before the Dr. would release me. So I suffered through 5 miserable nights of no sleep and 6 horrible days of some kind of skin reaction to the mask. I sent in my little card before I left for my vacation (I was on a cruise and was not taking that thing with me). Well I get home and got my card back in the mail with a new one. I turned over the little envelope and there was a sticky note explaining to me that the card was blank and that it might be defective so I will have to do it all over again. WTH! So I called Mid-South to see if I could bring the machine in so they could look at it manually. They said no problem. So I am thinking "Whew!" Well I get there and get to the back with my spawn of satan machine and they say, "you know we can only get an average for the last 7 days, right?" I am freaking out and tell her that I was not even in the country for the last 7 days and this was for the reading that was supposed to be for the card I sent in before I left. She didn't care. It said that it had 108 hrs usage for the last 30 days, well HELLO take away the last 7 days and that comes to an average use of 5 hours per night! They wouldn't go for it, like I was lying! I was supposed to have my pre-op appt today, but neaomi said that they will not see me until I have this release from Dr. Kim Schmitt. So now I have to call them to see what to do. I am so frustrated! I had to bend over backwards to get the time off for the surgery (next week) and my mom had to swap her off day so she could be off to take me (she works for the USPS and its even harder for her to get off). My husband just started a new job and cannot take off. If they move the date, I am so screwed! Sorry I just needed to Vent. The only good thing is the home health place did agree that this was a little much and Dr. Kim Schmitt was one of their worst Dr.'s to deal with (that made me feel a little better). Thanks for listening (reading), :cursing:Shawna:cursing:
  22. Fordgal88

    Dr. Miles or Dr. Schmitt patients

    So how did it go Wendy? I just got back in town last night. I thought about you on Thursday! I am freakin out because when I got in and checked my mail I got my card back from my sleep study and it had a note saying that the card was blank!!! I dont know what I am going to do. I only have 8 days until my surgery and they want at least 5 days of data. I am worried that I wont have enough time for 5 days and mail it in and them to get the data to Dr. K Schmitt in time for her to release me. My whole family has made arrangements for this surgery and now what! Okay just a vent! I hope you are doing okay. Let me know. PS my vacation pics are in the gallary of my website 2 Chicks Takin Pics | =) Shawna
  23. Hi there Wendy!

    Well I am off to Mobile today to start my vacation! I wont have much internet access, so I thought I would wish you luck for your Surgery Thursday! Let me know how everything goes. Did you have your pre-op appt? What all did that involve? I cannot wait to hear how everything went!




  24. Fordgal88

    realize v. lap-band: recent article

    This is the same practice and hospital that is placing my band. I was in my nutrition class last week and they told us that Dr. Schmitt would be giving his patients the choice of the 2 bands. I am using his partner Dr. Miles and he has not yet had the training for the new band, so this is not an option for me. But I am kinda relieved that I wont have to choose... =)
  25. Fordgal88

    Does it make you CRAZY??

    I know how you feel. I was that way at first. As soon as I found out that bcbs started covering it, my life revolved around it. I talked about it all the time. Once I had my initial visit with the surgeon and had a couple of the supervised visits out of the way, things got back to normal. In fact I had several people as me if I was still doing it, because I hadn't said anything about in a while. Then once I was approved, my life started revolving around it again...LOL! Now I am driving everyone crazy again. It will get easier.... =)

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