I know this sounds crazy, but, I had my gall bladder removed in 2013 and my ekg and everything came back normal. When it came time for me to have all my testing down for the sleeve, the tests started showing abnormalities. I have good, kinda low b/p. Tuesday when I went for registration and labs, it was 97/62. I don't have diabetes, the only medication I'm on is birth control and synthroid for my thyroid. I am confused as to how my heart was normal last year and is enlarged this year. I haven't seen a cardiologist because no one had made me aware of this situation, until the anesthesiologist was concerned yesterday. I know that obesity will cause the heart to work harder so I guess now, I have to wait test results, and go from there on Monday. I just feel that I've been through so much the past few months to get approval and ready for the sleeve, and now two days out from surgery, something else has came up.