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Everything posted by 80s_chick
OK, I need to get with the program. What doesn't taste nasty???
Hi there! I am posting in a few different groups here to see which ones I fit into best. I was banded two days ago. I am looking forward to becoming healthy again!
Hi everyone...I would just like to share what happened to me in hopes that nobody else has to go through it. I am humiliated still. I started having problems eating and drinking on Thursday, and by Friday, I couldn't eat or drink at all. I was so nauseated. I left work early and called my surgeon, because I didn't know if something was wrong with the band. His nurse was concerned that I might be dehydrated, and she didn't want me throwing up, so she advised me to go to the ER. She said they would probably give me some IV fluids and send me home. I am leery of the ER, so I told her I didn't want to go. I was really weak anyway, and didn't want to drive. I told her I would wait until my husband got home and discuss it with him. She said that I shouldn't wait. I told her that I was going to wait anyway. When hubby got home, I was basically lying in bed totally lethargic. I felt like my eyeballs were dry. I had no appetite and no interest in drinking. And now, I was in a lot of pain. We decided that I should go to the ER. I went, and they started an IV. They called my surgeon, and he said based on my bloodwork that I should be admitted. He ordered a CAT scan while I was still in the ER. I had the test done, and was given some IV pain meds and nausea meds, which helped me tremendously. I got moved to my room at 3am. I was unable to sleep through the night. I was still hurting and felt like throwing up. I was moved to radiology where I met my surgeon at 1030am. He was apparently in a bad mood. I was really shocked because he was real abrupt and abrasive with me. He checked the placement of the band, and it was fine. He inserted the syringe to make sure there was no fluid in the band. He had numbed the area so that was okay, and there was no fluid to be found. He just said, "OK, I'm discharging you. Stay on liquids." I told him I couldn't stay on anything because I couldn't eat or drink. I kept trying to ask him what was wrong with me. I started to cry because I was afraid. He just said all of the tests he did were normal and that I should go home. I asked about a GI scan and he said he would not do that. He refused to listen to me cry about being in pain. He said he would prescribe some Protonix, which is like an antacid. I still tried to plead my case...and he just walked out on me while I was talking!! I couldn't believe it. I did a lot of research on doctors because it is important to me to have a doctor with a good bedside manner, and I was completely shocked by his sudden attitude change. I cried all the way to my room. I begged the nurses to talk with him. They had witnessed that I was in pain. They said that they would talk with him and they left the room. A few minutes later he came back, and he was angry! I was crying a lot now, I told him that I was scared, and he was saying that there was nothing wrong with me. I tried to tell him I couldn't keep anything down. He said he just watched the contrast fluid go all the way into my stomach. I told him I felt sick and it wasn't going to stay down. I started to tell him again how awful I felt, and again, he just walked out of the room! I was sobbing. I didn't have anyone with me so I just sat there alone and cried. The nurses came back and said they talked with him again and he said I could stay another night, but only with fluids and no meds. I asked how I was supposed to eat or drink? I couldn't put anything in my mouth. I started to feel sick from the contrast. The nurses said they would call him because I was so upset. I also demanded to see another doctor. I told them that I didn't feel well and I was not comfortable and I just wanted to know what was wrong with me. They said they would get their supervisor. I asked them if he didn't want to prescribe a narcotic, I was fine with that. I just needed something like Toradol that would go into the IV. I told them I didn't need Dilaudid or Morphine, just something for the pain that I didn't have to swallow. This horrible, horrible woman came to my room. She was a supervisor of some sort that was on-call. She immediately started to tell me that I must have done something wrong, or eaten something to get myself sick. She starte to lecture me about the Lap-band. I told her I didn't need a lecture, that I wanted to see another doctor that could help me and I didn't bring her there for a lecture. She started to go on about me having psycho-social matters and that I needed to change my ways. I got VERY mad and told her that I didn't need her insinuation that this was in my head. I told her that I am an educated woman and they were treating me like some thug or junkie off the street looking for drugs. I told her that if I needed drugs that bad that I could ask a few people and get them on the street and it would be a lot cheaper than coming to the hospital. She laughed at me and told me she doubted it, which right there tipped me off that they really thought that I just wanted pain meds! I told her that I wasn't going to accept this type of treatment and I demanded to see a doctor. She told me to call my primary doctor to see what he said. I told her that he wasn't going to do anything since another doctor had me admitted. She said that if I wanted another doctor that's what I had to do and she, also, walked right out. I was distraught. I couldn't believe they were treating me like some drug addict. I called my primary doctor and the answering service said that they wouldn't even put the call through because I was in inpatient. I was just crying my eyes out. The nurses came back and tried to comfort me, then they left again. During the time they were gone, I got very ill. I had to go to the bathroom and throw up in the toilet. It was so painful. I had a lot of dry heaves because there was not much to throw up. I was so weak I couldn't get off of the floor. I called for the nurses and they had to help me up and back into the bed, where I continued throwing up. The nurses left again, and I while I was throwing up, I got a sudden, sharp, terrible pain in my right side. I literally screamed. I was screaming and screaming. I screamed for help and nobody came. I screamed for a doctor and nobody came. I screamed for anybody and nobody came. I thought I would pass out, but the pain was so intense all I could do was scream. Finally my door opened, and it was some techs. I guess it was three or four of them. THEY WERE LAUGHING AT ME. I begged them to get help and they just stood there and giggled. I was hurting, and embarrassed. I heard the intercom turn on in my room a minute later. I could hear whispers and giggles. I was completely mortified. I was asking for help and they were listening in on the intercom to laugh at me! Finally one of my nurses came back and asked me if I was okay?!?! I yelled at the top of my lungs, "GET ME A F***** DOCTOR!!!" She said that she tried and couldn't. I asked her to call my husband and please get me to the ER. I said something was terribly wrong and I needed to go to the ER. She just kind of looked at me and left. I was a mixture of crying, throwing up, and being humiliated and embarrassed. After about 20 minutes, my nurses both came back. They said I was disturbing the other patients. I was just in disbelief. They had some liquid pain meds the doctor finally ordered. I said I couldn't take it because I couldn't keep anything down. They said if I needed the pain meds that was all the doctor would give and I had better try to take it. They also had some pills. I asked what it was and they told me it was Xanax. It was two pills that didn't look anything like Xanax that I would know. I told them I was not going to take the tranquilizer because I wanted a doctor and I wasn't going to let them drug me. They said I had to calm down and take the Xanax. I told them I didn't want it! They said nothing was going to happen and nobody would help me until I took it. I was finally so beat down and sick that I took it. It was a huge dose because it put me out for twelve hours. I woke up feeling worse than before. I was so mortified that everyone who heard me suffering. I was embarrassed that I was taken for an addict off the street. I was distressed that I was still sick and not allowed to see a doctor. I said nothing to nobody when I woke up the next day. I was completely defeated. My doctor did not come to see me when I was discharged. The nurse apologized to me. I told her it was not her fault and I know that she did everything she could to get me help. She honestly felt bad for me. I am still sick today. I have a lot of pain in my side. I don't have a gallbladder there anymore, but it seems to be lower than that, and I have a history of intestinal problems. I cannot believe that they wouldn't even get me checked out! I talked to an attorney today. One thing that you have to understand about me is that I am a very passive person. I am non-agressive, very shy, and it is not like me to stand up for myself. I normally take the answer I am given and just live with it, even if I know I am right. I am certainly not a litigious person, but I feel very violated at this time. I am too scared to see a doctor now. I am really afraid of going through this type of thing again. All of my doctors are based out of this particular hospital, so I am going to need to find another GI to have these tests done. I am also dropping my surgeon. He is a great surgeon and I will not take that from him, but the way he treated me is unacceptable. I almost do not want to pay him, but I am not like that. Also, he works out of this hospital where I was treated so poorly. I have consulted Dr. Carter's office and they said that he would be happy to continue my after-care. I do not know what the attorney will tell me once he reviews the notes. I do know this: if you are ever in a predicament where you do not feel that you are getting the care you need, tell someone. Get the highest person in the hospital involved. I read my patient rights, and it clearly said that I had the right to proper assessment and pain management! If the supervisor doesn't resolve your issue demand a transfer to the ER, and if they don't give it to you, discharge yourself and go the to ER. That's what I should have done, but instead, I took the tranquilizers they forced on me. I was too weak to get to the ER myself, anyway. PLEASE don't let this happen to you. If you must be admitted into the hospital, KNOW YOUR RIGHTS! Read the book they give you, don't just throw it away! If you know that you are going to be admitted in advance, discuss pain management with your doctor, and find out what you should do if an emergency arises and he/she is not available. I am still reeling from this. Please excuse this long post.
OMG! I wish my doctor sent me home with dilaudid!!!! I took liquid Lortab and it helped...a little. I swear the pill form is more potent. My doctor wouldn't refill the Lortab for me, and gave me a joke of a pill called Ultracet. It was like taking candy...did nothing for me. I do have a suggestion for gas pain that really works. I did this after my c-section and the band and I was very surprised. Drink only lukewarm liquids. Don't chew ice or drink cold Water. I swear it worked for me!! I don't know why, but it did. I had mimimal gas with both surgeries and it certainly wasn't painful. To Leisalips in CA...I was terrified to go in for my fill. I begged them to numb the area but they said there was no need for it. The nurse said that I needed to find something else to worry about. So, I laid there on the table, was breathing heavy, and...felt nothing! I didn't even feel the needle go thru my skin! It hurts much worse to have a shot in the hip, or an IV, because the port is under the skin and the needle doesn't have to pass thru and muscle. As far as band slippage, I have only heard of that happening to a couple of people, and it seems to be the early bandsters, or people that didn't follow the appropriate diet and vomited a lot. I personally know several people that have had the band and none of them have had severe problems. On the other hand, I know three people that had the RNY bypass, and two of the three have had serious complications and continue to have them. It seems as the long-term research is coming out, the band seems to be the better and safer option. Personally, I highly recommend it! Some people may disagree with me though. Don't be scared. Research the options for yourself. I did over two years of research before I finally committed to the band. :thumbup:
I don't have much energy to be honest with you, but I have some other health issues that might be contributing to that. I eat a lot less carbs these days, but I do find that when I walk on my treadmill at least three times a week that my energy level does pick up.
How supportive was your husband??
80s_chick replied to LookingForMe's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Please don't take this wrong, but I have to disagree and I think you are being a bit harsh on the young lady. I went thru basically the same thing she did, but I did talk to my husband beforehand and we discussed that while I couldn't eat that it would be best for him to do meal preps, just to make life a little easier on me. He thought that me having the surgery was a drastic measure to start out with, but since I went thru it, he wanted to be as supportive as possible. It was hard on him to have to do all of the cooking for a few weeks, and he did complain at times, but ultimately he understood that it was helping me by not having all of that really good food right in front of my face. I have made up for it now by cooking healthy food that the whole family can eat. I understand that one has to have willpower and self control, but it is hard to manage that if one has a poor support system. I am the queen of losing will power and breaking my diet, but hey, it happens. None of us are perfect and we may have a bad day, or even week. (I have decided that on one weekend day that I will allow myself a REAL milkshake in place of a meal. Cheat days are helpful for me, but they don't work for everyone. By allowing myself a little treat, it keeps me more motivated during the week to continue small, low-carb meals and get on that darn treadmill!) I would also like to add that I think subliminally in some cases, perhaps our husband's don't want us to get all skinny and sexy! Maybe they can be a bit insecure and are afraid that when we lose weight, other men may start looking at us again, and they fear losing the best thing that ever happened to them. I mention that because my husband's cousin had the bypass and when she lost a significant amount of weight, she was telling all of the girls at the family reunion how she used to be scared that her DH was going to leave and now she didn't care because she was getting thin and other men would want her. Her hubby got really angry that she was talking that way. He was a great guy. She had kids with him and he adopted her oldest child upon marrying her and raised the girl basically from birth. Ultimately, my husband's cousin had an affair and left her family. She gave up custody of her kids to her now-ex. I am by no means saying that this is common, but I think our husband's might have some scenario like this in the back of their minds, and they might do a little rebelling here and there because of it. If it were me, I would just talk to your DH, kind of just tell him that you understand that this is life-changing for him also, but explain that you want to be healthy and that him cooking is only temporary, and that it will help you tremendously to stay on track. Tell him that you will make it up to him by cooking a fantastic meal once you can eat solids, or perhaps make a dinner date to go to your favorite restaurant. :thumbup: -
Does anyone know how many cups of food your stomach can hold after surgery?
80s_chick replied to missrach's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
I have started measuring my food and I eat about a cup at a time. I will eat less if I snack thruout the day though. -
When I stare at the "116" on the monitor here, it seems like a very large number! I never thought I would get to a point where I would have to lose 116, but here I am. I really hope that I can get through this. I am trying to have a very positive attitude. My husband is even getting me a treadmill, and I intend to use a pedometer everyday. =D
Hi everyone, just wanted to share my stupidity with you. I seem to be posting these "learn-from-me" novels every few weeks. I just want to help people avoid doing the same things that I do. :w00t: I got my first fill a few weeks ago, and I have done well with it. I was eating a lot less, and as I added foods I enjoyed, I didn't seem to be having a problem. My issue is that I enjoy a lot of food.:eek: My body has been trying to tell me to stop! I have never been "stuck" nor had any unpleasant problems, but over the past week, I have had stomachaches. I generally ignored the problem. Two days ago, I had not eaten all day and had to go to the grocery store. I didn't want to impulse-buy, so I stopped at good 'ol Jack in the Box and got a 99 cent chicken sandwich. The sandwich was really big for a value menu, and I was full after about a quarter of the way thru. But it tasted so good...I ate it. All of it. I had a lot of discomfort for hours after that, and I cursed myself and made a note to take off the bun next time. Today I made a new recipe for my family. Skillet pizza. Yum, right? I thought, okay, I can control the crust on this so I will make it very thin, no problem. It was a quick crust recipe and so the dough didn't have to rise, 1/3 cup of beer was used. It also had very little cheese and was topped with tomatoes. Healthy, right? :confused2: I sat down with the fam and the pizza was indeed tasty. After about three bites I noticed it wasn't doing down well. After the fourth and fifth bites (well chewed) I HAD to stop. I started to have quite a bit of pain! I didn't let on to DH something was wrong, so I went about my chores. About two hours after I ate, I was miserable. I thought for sure the food was stuck. Nothing seemed to be going down, and nothing was coming up. I was crying I was in so much pain. I called my doctor and he wanted me to go to the hospital to check for obstruction. I took myself at 10 at night. They wouldn't give me any meds until DH could make it. He wasn't planning on coming up, as he was staying home with our 17-month-old. I was in so much pain that he finally called his 82-year-old mom to come and sit with the sleeping baby so he could come to the ER so I could get some pain relief. He looked like this when he got the the hospital: :w00t: After three failed IV attempts (painful) :thumbup:, an XRAY, and finally some meds, they determined I wasn't stuck. My upper belly, however, was very swollen. How embarrassing was it when it finally occurred to me what the by-product of yeast (beer) is when it ferments. Say it with me...G-A-S! :scared2: I had gas in my pouch that was going nowhere fast. The pain meds didn't help, and they won't help with G-A-S! So, I was sent home, humbled and ashamed in front of my (thin, never overweight) DH, afraid that he thought I was a pig, unable to control what I was eating, even being banded. He says he doesn't think I am a pig, but clearly I have been out of control on my portions and what I have been eating. :thumbs_down: In conclusion, I am sitting here still bloated, my husband will only get four hours of sleep tonight, and I am ashamed that my elderly mother in law had to get out in middle of the night in order for me to cope with my bad choices. I will NEVER, ever, ever, ever eat doughy bread again, if I eat bread at all. :wub: The moral of (yet another) story from me is please don't be overconfident like I have been. I am lecturing myself when I say pay attention to your body! I know everyone is different but I am still learning how to live with this band and I am learning truly the hard way that it is a lifestyle change. I love having the band, but I have to take care of it or it won't help me. I hope I have possibly helped somone. God bless. :thumbup:
So, I just got back from the hospital: A Lesson
80s_chick replied to 80s_chick's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
I didn't know that I would still be hurting two days later. :scared2: I guess I probably have some inflammation or something. I am just trying to take it easy... -
So, I just got back from the hospital: A Lesson
80s_chick replied to 80s_chick's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
I don't weigh or measure my food either. I am taking a hard look at how I have been eating. I am just going to start over...LOL. -
So, I just got back from the hospital: A Lesson
80s_chick replied to 80s_chick's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Thank you all for your support! I am still having problems today. I ate a banana this morning. It was soft and I chewed it to nothing, but I was in pain all day long. This evening I ate a couple of bites of a peeled, soft plum and a couple of bites of mashed potatoes. The pain is a little less so I am going to stick with the soft stuff here for a few days until I get back to feeling a little better. Now I know what it is like to have food problems, I will not have to go back to the hospital...although I am really going to try to prevent this from happening again! -
So, I just got back from the hospital: A Lesson
80s_chick replied to 80s_chick's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Do a lot of people go thru these type of trials or is it just a few? I am still a relatively new bandster, and I really hope I don't have to go thru this again, but how am I going to know what I can eat and what I can't if I don't try? -
So, I just got back from the hospital: A Lesson
80s_chick replied to 80s_chick's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
You are not beating me up! You are helping me, which is why I come here for support. Your advice is good. I am actually three months post-op, which really isn't that terribly long of a time. The thing is, I know better. I was making horrid choices and I pushed it too far. I have been so bloated that (right now) I feel sure that I don't want to put myself though this again. I have put myself back on soft foods and am going to keep that up for a little while. It is nobody's fault but my own that this happened. It is very hard to break the old habits. I think a part of the reason for my overeating lately is because I am out of work for another medical reason, so I am home all day. Usually while I am in the routine I do a little better. I am just going to pray and try to do better tomorrow, and take it day by day. :wub: I really appreciate the friends I have made here. I consider all of you my friends, and I am so glad to be here. God bless. :thumbup::thumbup: -
So, I just got back from the hospital: A Lesson
80s_chick replied to 80s_chick's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Well, the doctor in the ER was pretty limited in her band knowledge. She called a surgeon who basically said that the best I could do was take some pain meds to try to relax and "let the body take care of it" to use her words. I will have to check with the doc about stretching the pouch but I should be more worried about the chicken sandwich I ate the other day and other foods stretching. :wub: -
Hi everyone. I have been away dealing with some personal issues but I wanted to let you know that I finally, finally, FINALLY got a fill today! I have lost 28 lbs so far. Not too bad. I had 4cc put in, and the barium went right on through. They told me to come back in a month.
I think it would be wonderful if we could get a group together!
I'm in Arlingon. :biggrin:
I don't usually like to give the name of the doctor that did my surgery. As a surgeon, he is great. I would recommend him on those skills, but I had serious problems after my surgery with him as a person. I feel that it is important for a patient to have an excellent rapport with their bariatric surgeon, and it just didn't work for me in this case. I would be afraid that it would happen to someone else. I highly recommend Marsden, or Snow, who works in the same practice.
I really like my new doctor. His name is Dr. Marsden. A lot of people here use him and think he is great. He has really helped me a lot and I highly recommend him!
Hang in there honey! I know it seems like it takes forever but you will be there soon!
You did the best thing for yourself by getting the band! Congratulations! That's wonderful! Jorge, I think we all have gone through periods where we felt defeated. I know that I have. A lot of my posts on here display that. I was able to eat and eat. After I got my fill, it helped me and I have a lost a couple more pounds in a week. You can DO this! Please see your doctor for a fill and come back and tell us how you feel. We are here for you anytime you need us, okay?
I went to a restaurant and couldn't fit in the booth. Everyone was staring. I was beginning to waddle and kids at the mall were giggling at me. Here is a story about how people can be just so damn mean. My husband's very good friend had a party and was "play fighting" outside with some of the girls. Like, he would pretend to push them, then pick them up and set them on the ground. I wanted to play also. I went into the group, and he just pushed me and shoved me to the ground. I fell on my butt in front of a group of guys who just laughed. Nobody helped me up, either. I was so humiliated. I went to the bathroom and cried. Later, this same "friend" accused me of wearing low-cut tops around him because I wanted to sleep with him. I was sick and offended. I wore low cut tops mostly because none of my clothes ever fit right! I told my husband and they are no longer friends. What a jerk, right?
Dear LBT friends, Please do not tell my doctor I have been to Starbucks. Yours truly, 80s Chick
Hello, friend!