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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 80s_chick

  1. 80s_chick

    Hi, fellow thirty-somethings =)

    I feel like a shell of the person that I was was. I feel like being overweight has taken years of my life from me. I just want to be able to walk up one flight of stairs without being totally out of breath. Most of all, I would like to be able to play with my kids without getting worn out after five minutes. I don't know who I am anymore, either.
  2. 80s_chick

    Hi, fellow thirty-somethings =)

    I am so glad to see everyone posting! I really look forward to making some friends here. I am in Arlington, TX. Lots of bandsters around here. :biggrin2: Well, today is four days post op. I am still really sore. I bruised really bad. I mean, I bruise easily anyway, but these bruises are enormous. I am supposed to be putting ice packs on them. I am having a lot of pain at the port site. I am still taking pain meds, although a lot less. I do feel a lot better today. I have been able to get around fine, it's just this bruising that is making things a little more challenging. Have any of ya'll noticed the amount of food commercials on TV? I have never really paid attention to them before. Now that I am on all liquids, all I SEE is food on TV! It's weird though, because I am not hungry when I see the Pizza Hut (my favorite) commercial, but when it is on my brain says, "PIZZA! EAT PIZZA!" I told my husband that I am starting to see that I was psychologically addicted to food. Those commericals are designed to get you to eat, even if you are not hungry! One could judge by the size of my hips and butt just how many times I have fallen for it. :thumbup:
  3. 80s_chick

    Can I lose 116 lbs??

    I think the "ten pounds at a time" way of approaching this weight loss is an excellent idea. I keep trying to remind myself that it took years to put all of this weight on, and it is not coming off overnight. I also love clothes, and one of my mini-goals is to be shopping in the regular ladies clothes isle. I am so sick of the ugly plus sized clothes, and then because they say "plus size" or "woman" they are $20 more! No more polka dots or ugly flowers! :thumbup:
  4. 80s_chick

    Can I lose 116 lbs??

    Thank you for all of the encouraging words. I feel more optimistic today as the post surgery pain is getting less and less. I am looking forward to getting my new treadmill and putting in 30 minutes everyday! I KNOW I can do this...that's my new attitude~ :tongue_smilie:
  5. 80s_chick

    Hi, fellow thirty-somethings =)

    It is nice to meet you all! I am three days post-op and starting to feel a little better. I have had doubts that I could lose all of this weight because I seemed to be hungry at first, but I am learning how to manage liquids now and keep the hunger at bay. =)
  6. 80s_chick

    Hi, fellow thirty-somethings =)

    Hi Robin! It is nice to meet ya!
  7. The bariatric coordinator from the hospital just called me to check in. I told her that I was having a lot of pain and not sure what I should be eating. She believes I am dehydrated. I haven't been taking in enough liquids, if you can believe that! I am also really swollen so I have to get an ice pack. She told me to take my pain meds too. I really hope that I feel better by Monday. I was hoping to feel better by today, but I think I have been asking too much of myself. I'm not 18 anymore!!
  8. I am really trying to get all of the liquids I can! I am starting to get a better idea of how I feel when it is time to sip some more. I have been doing well with broth and Jello. I started popsicles today, and Slim fast tmrw. =D
  9. 80s_chick

    DFW Area Bandsters

    Where are all the DFW bandsters? =) I was banded by Dr. Jason Harrison in Arlington. Awesome doctor, awesome staff!
  10. 80s_chick

    C-section vs lapband

    Hello, I have had two c-sections, and this surgery is totally different. I am having a lot of pain with this procedure, but I also have a lot of swelling and I have not been taking in enough liquids. I have to note that the pain is much different than the c-section pain! I have seen a lot of people say that this surgery was easier than the gallbladder removal...but it hasn't worked that way for me.
  11. In my case, my BMI is 45 with comorbidities. I had previously filed an insurance complaint about Cigna regarding a short-term disability issue. I don't know if that had anything to do with them being so nice to me? My doctor's office was adamant that we not send in the paperwork until we have every last "t" crossed and "i" dotted. It took seven months (which seemed like forever) but it worked. Don't give up!
  12. 80s_chick

    After surgery check in for Avengers!

    I am having some issues! I was practically screaming earlier I was hurting so bad. I guess the port is sewn into the muscle? Well I was having some sort of spasms that took my breath away. All I could do was cry! I took my pain medicine earlier than I should have, and that only relieved it some. I might be trying to do too much at 1 day post op... Anyone else having pain like this?
  13. 80s_chick

    After surgery check in for Avengers!

    I am so happy for you! I am glad that you are feeling okay.
  14. My doctor submitted my paperwork on March 10, and Cigna "pre-determined" me by April 2, I think it was. I had my surgery yesterday! During this process, my employer sent incorrect info over to Cigna telling them that I was no longer employed. (Yikes, right?!?!) It took about a week to get things straightened out. Cigna actually did NOT make me start over again. I was really surprised that Cigna didn't give me the runaround. I fully expected to be denied after seven months of pre-requisites. Hang in there!
  15. 80s_chick

    I'm a bandster! YAYYYY!!

    I am sending dh to get some protein water. I was told I could do Slim Fast like four days post op. I am trying to drink water now. I am in a good deal of pain. I was doing better yesterday! I am trying to take the pain meds every four hours now to "stay ahead" of the pain. :tt1: It seems to be a working a bit. I have been able to take quite a bit of broth and jello. I take some, then a few minutes later the gurgles start...LOL. I really think I need more protein though!
  16. Hi everyone! I had my surgery today. I was in more pain than I expected, but I am doing better now. My surgery was at 11AM and I was home by 4PM! I managed to take some Phenergan (chopped up...LOL) and Lortab elixir. I took a nap, and woke up hungry! I have taken a little broth and water, and I am going to take some more. My hubby is making me jello and will get me some popsicles. I am still groggy from the meds, so I am going to go now. I am going to try a little more broth and settle in to watch American Idol. =D
  17. 80s_chick

    After surgery check in for Avengers!

    Hi everyone! I am one day post op. It seems like all of you ladies are doing so well! Surgery day went well for me. I didn't get stuck my usual five times for the IV. She got it on the first try, and even used some numbing meds. I was really nervous in the holding room. I watched too many horror stories about anesthesia, so I asked the doctor a million questions. My friend from work, my husband, and my pastor were with me as I was wheeled in. They gave me some "forget it all" medicine (I think it was Versed) and I was on the table. The strapped me down, said breathe three times into this mask, and next thing I knew I was in recovery with my brand new band! I got some Toradol in there, was only in for about 30 minutes when I stood up. They moved me back to my day surgery room, where I sipped some water and finally peed. Apparently I had a catheter in surgery, so peeing hurt. :tt2: I got a little nauseated, but they gave me some Zofran which helped. I was home by 4:30. I started on broth and Jello right away. Yesterday it didn't seem like I was getting enough, but this morning I could feel the "tightness" of the band. I drank some broth and the gurgles started! I am not drinking any water. I am going to have dh get me some protein water. I am doing well with the broth and Jello. I have to tell you that I am in some pretty good pain today. I have five incisions. He used at least one previous scar from my gallbladder removal. The port site is bothering me. I am a side-sleeper, and sleeping on my back is hard. I am trying not to take the Lortab elixir because it tastes so bad, but it really helps. I have not needed any Phenergan today. Overall, I am just taking it easy. I am having a little gas pain, but not too bad. For those of you who haven't had the surgery yet, I have a post-op tip for you about gas! I had my second C-section last year, and I read about drinking luke-warm liquids post op instead of cold ones, like ice chips. With my first son, I had terrible gas pains! With my second son and the luke-warm method...I had next to none. I was amazed. I didn't think it would work. I did not have any ice chips after this surgery either, and it seems to be working. :tt1: Anyway, I am hurting from sitting here, so I am going to walk for a while. God bless everyone, and I am looking forward to keeping in touch!
  18. 80s_chick

    I'm a bandster! YAYYYY!!

    Thank you for the well-wishes everyone! Good luck to everyone who is still waiting. PS...the Lortab is extremely nasty...LOL :tongue:
  19. 80s_chick


    Wonderful! I heard horror stories about Cigna, but after I went through all of the pre-req's...they approved me in about 22 days!I thought for sure that they would play the "denial game." I was banded today! Good luck to you, and hang in there! Time passes quickly. :rolleyes2:
  20. I was just banded today...and I am having some hunger pains. That's insane! My doctor told me I could have anything that I couldn't chew. I have had some beef broth, water, and I will be having some Jello and popsicles. I can start having slim fast in a few days. If I am just starving, I may have some apple juice. I have only had very, very little broth. I am going to try to take some more. I am taking it in small quantities, because praying to the porcelian god would hurt A LOT right now...LOL. Shame on the meanie from earlier in this thread. I think it is wonderful that we are all taking steps to getting healthier. We're only human...aren't we allowed to be hungry?? Anyway, I am going to take some broth and see how I feel. :rolleyes2:
  21. 80s_chick

    It?s official!!

    Congrats to all! I was banded today, too! We share an anniversary!
  22. Thanks, Trisha! I am happy for you that you got your surgery date set! Yay! Is that Jem in your Avatar? I have done everything the insurance requires except finish out the duration of this diet. I was really hoping that they would approve the surgery with only four months of the diet, but from reading this thread, that idea doesn't seem feasable!
  23. OK, let me try this again! I have been looking for a place to discuss my upcoming surgery. I have not told many people I know about it because I do not want to "jinx" the insurance process! I am in the final stages of the six-month-physician-supervised-diet at this time. I could have my surgery as early as January. I need to lose about 100 lbs or so. My doctor is Jason Harrison in Arlington, TX. Hope to make some friends here.
  24. I am so glad that I found this forum! I am in the middle of my 6 month diet. I am fortunate because the insurance coordinator at my doctor's office is also the doctor's wife, so I would assume if the insurance company needs a talking-to that she can have him do it. I have had everything done that I needed to. I have to see a cardiologist because I do have a heart problem, but that should help me get an approval, along with the high blood pressure and high cholesterol. My doctors office is going to submit the paperwork for the first time in December. That will be a little over three months into the diet. I guess they do that so Cigna can send their little denial letter saying that I haven't been on the diet long enough. So when I reach the end of the six months, they won't be able to stall and deny anymore! I really hope Cigna doesn't give me too much of a problem. The insurance coordinator doesn't think so. She knows how they work! I really need prayers!
  25. I'm sorry, I posted this in the incorrect forum!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
