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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 80s_chick

  1. 80s_chick

    Tolerable/Intolerable foods?

    I can eat almost anything as long as it is chewed VERY well. The only beef I cannot eat is anything that is tough like fajita meat or any fatty steak. I did good with some lean BBQ brisket. I haven't really had any bread since my fill last week so I can't give you an honest answer on that. Stay away from those carbs, tho! :tt1:
  2. Hi everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that I am officially under 230, even if it is only by .5 lbs! I have been working out 3-4 days a week on my treadmill, and it seems to be paying off. Also, I saw my new doctor, and he is wonderful. I am getting my first fill next week! I hope to lose 5 more lbs by the end of the month. :cornut::wink5::hurray::thumbup::biggrin2::party::party::hurray::thumbup::party::party::party:
  3. I just wanted to give an update about my new doctor. His name is Dr. Marsden. I wish I would have seen him to begin with! I told him that I didn't want to take any credibility away from my previous surgeon, because I believe that he is a great doctor overall. I would probably still recommend him as far as surgical skills are concered. I just told my new doctor that I felt that my previous doctor blew me off when I had serious concerns. Dr. Marsden actually gave me an explanation for why I was having pain. He said that the type of band that I have always has a small amount of fluid in it. He said that a lot of the younger doctors seem to overlook that. He said that since I started having pain right about the time that I was eating solids that the band was probably too tight! I told him that the previous doctor actually tried to remove fluid. He said that it is likely that he probably didn't access the port correctly. He said it makes sense because the pain went away as the band became looser. I felt so happy to finally have an explanation for what I was going through! He is a wonderful doctor with many years of experience. I am very glad my friend recommended him to me. The message that I would like to get across to bandsters old and new is that if you are having problems and you know something is not right despite what you are being told...get a second opinion! It is your RIGHT. Do not let doctors or hospitals bully you. I will NEVER be put in that position again, and I hope that by sharing my story I might save someone from going thru what I went thru. I just want to thank everyone for their support and encouragement thru this tough time for me. It really means a lot!
  4. 80s_chick

    Protein Supplement Suggestions

    I ordered from samples from Unjury. So far I have tried the Chocolate and the Strawberry Sorbet. They are not too bad, but definitely not filling!
  5. How many bandsters here can manage to eat these foods? I know several people who have had the band. Some of them are able to eat a couple of bites of a slice of pizza, and some are able to eat some steak. Most can have ground beef. I am optimistic that I will be able to eat steak. Even one bite! Pizza...I'm not so sure. I will be sad if I can't have one little bite of my favorite pizza when I visit my hometown!!!!! If you are able to eat these...how do you prepare them?
  6. 80s_chick

    Protein Supplement Suggestions

    I have tried the EAS and I didn't like it. I didn't like the price, either. LOL.
  7. 80s_chick

    Recovery Time

    I went back to work on the 7th day after my surgery, but I still felt bad so I took the 8th day off again. I underestimated my recovery time. I thought it would be very easy but I was in a lot of pain for weeks after the surgery. I am almost 2 months post-op now and have had some issues but I am now pain-free. It has been totally worth it!
  8. 80s_chick

    Protein Supplement Suggestions

    Anyone else??
  9. 80s_chick

    Pizza, Steak, and Ground Beef

    I am going to be seeing Dr. Marsden now! My friend was banded by him and he is nice enough to take me on a patient. I go to my appointment on the 12th. I can eat bread just fine since I haven't had a fill. I am eating oat bread, but I am trying to stay away from it. If I want a sandwich I will eat turkey on a wheat wrap. I was able to eat some thin crust pizza, but not the top of the pizza. I tried to eat some fajita meat...no no no. It was bad. I shall NOT do that again!
  10. 80s_chick

    High risk of pregancy

    I have had virtually NO risk of pregnancy since my band. :smile:
  11. 80s_chick

    No more weight loss

    We are in the same boat. I was banded on 4/16 and have not had a fill. I had hit a plateau there for a while, but I have lost about a pound and a half since I started working out. I am seeing a new surgeon next week and hope to get my fill ASAP. I really need one!
  12. 80s_chick

    I am really struggling

    Judy, thank you for the very encouraging words. I am definitely going thru a rough spot now. I am working out so hopefully that will help some until I get my fill. It is just hard to see so many people, here and people I know, losing and losing and I am barely losing at all. I think it will be better after I get a fill. Hopefully I will eat a little less. I am taking phys ed as one of my summer courses so I have to workout three days a week now. I am also trying to focus on healthier food choices but it is really hard. All I can say is that I am trying, right? I have been going through a depression but hopefully working out will resolve that and I see the new doctor next week!!
  13. Hi everyone. Sorry to whine again. I am really thinking that I made a poor choice getting banded. Maybe I am just one of the people that it will not work for. I have gone into a deep depression. I am still able to eat just about anything. I am frustrated because I fired my surgeon and no other surgeons in the Arlington area will give me a fill for three months. Three months? Why did I get the band if they can't adjust it for me? I am having a terrible time controlling myself. I eat something I shouldn't, then get guilty and ashamed. I am really thinking I made a terrible, terrible mistake. Does anyone have any advice that might be helpful? I am really depressed.
  14. 80s_chick

    New to this board

    Congrats and welcome all new bandsters!
  15. 80s_chick

    Mushy vs. liquid

    I was on liquids only for two weeks, then mushies for two weeks. You are doing great!
  16. 80s_chick

    Weight Loss?

    I have lost about 19 lbs and I am about 7 weeks post op. I need a fill though.
  17. 80s_chick

    What to do before pre-op diet?

    I am also the wrong person to talk to about the pre-op diet. The only pre-op diet I followed was nothing to eat or drink after midnight on the eve of the surgery. LOL.
  18. 80s_chick

    New guy

    Drink some warm liquids and try to avoid cold liquids until the gas has gone down. It really works! Congrats on the band!
  19. 80s_chick

    I am really struggling

    I had to fire my surgeon because he was not properly treating me and after the ordeal that he put me through at the hospital I don't want to see him anymore. I really hope that things improve after the fill. I am currently eating for the wrong reasons. I know better but I am making the wrong choices. It is hard to "catch" myself in the moment. I almost always make the bad choice and feel guilty later.
  20. 80s_chick

    I am really struggling

    Thank you for the kind words. I found another dcotor that will do a fill for me on 6/11. I have to pay $250 patient fee. He charges that for having to pick up for another doctor. I have heard good things about this doctor. He did my friend's surgery. I do suffer from depression, and I am treated for it, but I wasn't really prepared for this feeling of defeat. I think that all I went through with the doctor didn't help. I just have to try to think positively about all of this.
  21. 80s_chick

    Dr. Richard Carter - Arlington, TX

    I was going to see Dr. Carter for fills, but he will not to ANY fill for three months post-op.
  22. 80s_chick

    question about gas pain!

    Warm liquids really helped me. I used this same technique with my last c-section. I saw a video about it, and the doctor swore that if you drank warm liquids as opposed to chewing ice or drinking cold liquids the first few days that it would stop any gas buildup. I had no problems with gas with my c-section or this surgery using this method. It is really amazing. I do burp a lot now though. How ladylike!
  23. I was banded five weeks ago today, and I still have port pain. It was a long recovery for me as well. I didn't go back to work for 8 days, total. Take the time that you need. Your body will tell you what you need to do. Don't be afraid to take your pain meds. They really do help.
  24. 80s_chick

    Going CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!

    I was on all liquids for two weeks also. I have to admit that I snuck in some mashed potatoes. I shouldn't have done it. It is hard when everything on tv looks so good. I cried when I was hungry. It is normal to go through the emotions. I would advise not eating anything with texture. There is a possibility that you could hurt yourself. Don't do anything that your doctor doesn't advise. Sorry if I am not much help.
  25. 80s_chick

    Eating too often

    I really need to evaluate my situation. If I am still eating poorly after my fill, I am going to have to look into something like OA. I quit smoking three years ago, and really started eating. I need to really do something different. I am not eating just when I am hungry. I do recognize that. I also recognize that I am not drinking all of the water that I should. I am trying to stay positive and say, At least I am not drinking soda anymore, or, at least I am not eating a whole pizza by myself! I am also about to get a treadmill, so maybe that will help. Ugh.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
