Ok - after Federal BCBS PPO swore up and down that the lap band
absolutely was not covered and they would only pay for Gastric Bypass
I have now found FOUR people that did get Federal BCBS to pay, despite their clear exclusion (The following are excluded from this plan: Services, drugs, or supplies for the treatment of obesity, weight reduction, or dietary
control, except gastric bypass surgery or gastric stapling procedures)
I may use these four cases of people to appeal - I am looking for more
also ---
PLEASE HELP - Please email me if you have had federal BCBS PPO
approve or pay for your lap band procedure. Please provide your
name, your doctors name, the state you live in, your surgery date,
and the hospital where you had surgery.
If they are approving some people and not others and its a national
plan I think I may have grounds for appeal !!
PLEASE PLEASE HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!