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    MamaTo3inNH reacted to bellabloom in Sublingual b12 ?   
    I had no idea! Thanks for asking this I was wondering too!
  2. Like
    MamaTo3inNH reacted to bellabloom in Has anyone had any positive post op experiences?   
    You know, not to be rude, I'm just saying it like it is- a lot of the "bad" experiences I read about on here aren't really that bad anyway. I mean, gas pain, Nausea, bloat, incision pain, tiredness, Constipation, not being able to eat (duh), having to stay in the hospital a little longer than expected, etc... It's all par for the course and should be expected. I mean come on, this is surgery! It's not spray tanning!
    So unless someone had a major complication such as a twisted bowel or leak or ulcer or something life threatening, I would say their experience was that of any typical surgery and rate it as average.
    You gotta go for this. My surgery was all of the first paragraph and I still sooooo glad I did it. I am so grateful I haven't had complications and really sorry for those that have.
    It's tough but worth it. 20 lbs down in less than 2 weeks!
  3. Like
    MamaTo3inNH got a reaction from jess9395 in Has anyone had any positive post op experiences?   
    My mother always told me that, as a rule, people only write (ie: complain) when they have negative stuff to say. They are less inclined to rave about the good than they are to bitch about the bad. (Not saying they don't have a right to bitch and complain - I'm just saying)
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    MamaTo3inNH reacted to aelovelady in Sublingual b12 ?   
    30 seconds under the tongue, then swallow.
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    MamaTo3inNH got a reaction from MisR in First post op battle of the cold season help?   
    sugar free Popsicles? I think they may also have some Vitamin C. I think there are sugar free throat lozenges, maybe give those a try?? Hope you feel better
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    MamaTo3inNH reacted to Djmohr in Caffeine   
    It is best to try to get rid of the caffeine now vs. waiting until you are recovering. You will have enough to deal with at that time.
    Start by going half caf now, then all caffeine free after a week. someone said it earlier but it will be easy to take something for your headaches now. Post surgery taking headache medication is a pain in the pouch! The liquid burns and crushing tastes horrible.
    Also, the narcotics they give you for pain control can sometimes actually cause headaches so I would not count on that to deal with caffeine withdrawal. It's best to try to deal with it now.
    Good luck!
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    MamaTo3inNH reacted to Texas Woobie in Caffeine   
    I will be having my sleeve Dec 22nd.....can you drink tea at all? I know no soda-and no straws-but my dietitian seemed to make it sound as though I can drink tea as long as there are no sweeteners...Tia
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    MamaTo3inNH reacted to TonyaNKy in Caffeine   
    I don't drink tea but they served me hot tea in the hospital. The problem Ive seen with tea and coffee with sleevers is some-not all-have had issues with leaks. The tannic acid in tea and coffee is the culprit. I just drank enough Mio, like literally a shot glass full just to kill the headaches. They were crippling me.
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    MamaTo3inNH reacted to catdaddy in Caffeine   
    I waited three months after surgery and started with hot tea. Now it's coffee and/or tea whenever I feel like it. My doctor said coffee or tea is fine.
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    MamaTo3inNH reacted to TonyaNKy in Caffeine   
    I thought the pain meds would help me with the caffeine headaches and I was SO WRONG!! I was on morphine in the hospital and Percocet after and STILL had caffeine headaches. When I got home I started doing small shots of Mio Energy mixed with Water and that was the only way I could kill those awful headaches. Caffeine is considered a drug for a reason!
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    MamaTo3inNH reacted to anaxila in Everyday app for iPhone   
    I have recently started using the Everyday app on iphone, and thought some of you might enjoy it as well. The app prompts you to take a selfie of your face every day, enabling you to make a time-lapse movie of your face over time. I got the idea from watching this:
    It seemed like fun to see how my face changes over time with WLS, and thought you might enjoy it too. You can read more about the app on their website (http://everyday-app.com/) or in the app store.
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    MamaTo3inNH reacted to ThreeCrows in Everyday app for iPhone   
    That's pretty cool. I hope none of us end up like he did, though. No slash attacks here! Just beautiful faces.
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    MamaTo3inNH reacted to tamg26k in 4 months out today!   
    It has been 4 months to the date since my surgery. While at the gym this morning I weighed myself - 95 lbs. lost since surgery! I feel so much better It would have been really great to hit the 100 lb. mark at 4 months but who's complaining. The support I get from family and friends, and especially here has been awesome. Here's to the next 4 months!!!
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    MamaTo3inNH reacted to shmily in TA DA!   
    This was for our Corvette Club Christmas Party last night. Clingy dress size large, has been hanging in closet with tags since 2009.......
    I felt so pretty!!!
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    MamaTo3inNH reacted to StabMyFinger in Delaying Surgery   
    I have decided to delay my surgery till April. I have a busy winter and am going on a cruise the end of March, so after a lot of thought, I am delaying. The nurse told me to call her when I'm ready and she will submit my paperwork. She said its only good for a 30 day approval. This way I will be able to give my full attention to me.
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    MamaTo3inNH reacted to dmaddox1 in Going thru Withdrawal! Any helpful ideas?   
    Well guys&gals...I am on Day 8 of the pre-op diet and it has finally gotten easier. Still tough, don't get me wrong...but it is better. I finally found a Protein shake I can stomach. It is the unjury brand powder. I make it myself with 1/2 cup milk and 1/2 cup Water and a few ice cubes. strawberry sorbet is not too bad. My stomach is still growling through even as I type this...nasty ole tummy...hehe. Plus I am retired and found if I find me things to do and keep myself busy I have less time to have a pity party. I did get back on my Lyrica and I got myself some Tylenol for my withdrawal headache and those seem to be working. Thanks again for all the support!
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    MamaTo3inNH reacted to dmaddox1 in Going thru Withdrawal! Any helpful ideas?   
    I want to thank everyone for the encouraging words! They helped a lot! i decided I have to look at it as just one day...I just have to get thru this one day! And I do have to keep myself busy! I got up from my pity party...took a shower, and went to Walgreens & got my flu shot! Then made myself some baked cod & green Beans & sat on my patio & enjoyed the afternoon! Thanks again everyone...you guys helped a lot!
  18. Like
    MamaTo3inNH reacted to meyouus in I weigh too much? *cry*   
    I can lose it, yes I can! Because I want and need this surgery so bad! Again, thanks!
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    MamaTo3inNH reacted to sh1211 in GERD . . . Which Weight Loss surgery is best option?   
    no acid reflux . . . wouldn't that be nice!!!
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    MamaTo3inNH reacted to pinkbunies in Regret   
    I started thinking tonight about a lot of things and I was wondering if it was regret. I started feeling bad because I can't eat two large pizzas anymore in one sitting. I can't fit into my size 38 pants any longer. I can't wear a 2 Xl t shirt any longer.
    I can't eat a whole double cheese burger. I can't drink soda. I don't know if I can drink alcohol as I've been afraid to try.
    I then realized that all the things that I think I gave up I really needed to give up but I couldn't do it without the help of surgery.
    I wanted to change what my future looked like. If we go off of our family history, I was at major risk for Diabetes, high blood pressure, cancers, dementia, seizures etc. I watched my father die of brain cancer, diabetes, dementia etc. My older brother is having seizures and he is huge. I want to tell him I'll pay for his surgery if he'll do it but haven't approached it yet. I am sure his response will be that he is healthy etc and he doesn't need to lose any weight. He's shorter than me (I'm 6 7') and he weighs 380#.
    My father was bi-polar and unfortunately I followed that path. He would never see a doctor or get help. I sucked it up and wasn't afraid to see a doctor or take medication for it. After Surgery, I've noticed I'm not depressed and I don't have mood swings any longer. I take no anti-depressants or bi-polar meds any longer.
    So I realized that once I looked at the over all picture, I think I made the right decision and I think it was for the best. I'm only 7 weeks post op now, and of course things can change. I might have mood swings again, but hopefully they stay away. Research that I've found suggest that a lot of bi-polar symptoms are related to the food we eat and all the chemicals in the food.
    I didn't do this to simply look good. I did it for the health reasons. I can admit, I wanted to be thinner again, but it wasn't the only reason why for the surgery. I didn't want to have ED at the age of 32. I didn't want to be embarrassed every summer when we go on a family vacation and I'm afraid to take my shirt off due to my size. I'm looking forward to Cancun again in 2015.
    I would do it all again if I had to.
    No regrets. If your feeling regret, look at the whole picture. Think about why you did it. Think about what you are gaining in terms of good health. Think about your spouse/bf/gf/better half etc.
    I also found out that the acid pill I needed was available over the counter. I feel so stupid for not finding this out sooner. Amazing what one little pill can do.
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    MamaTo3inNH reacted to Rovobay in Caffeine   
    my doc said no caffeine for a month. I made it to that month just fine. after that I just drink 6oz of caffeine on work days and that is all. Had to sleep at work last night, didn't get off until 12:45 in the morning and had to be back at 6:30 so I just bought a double espresso and poured it into a premier Protein vanilla shake (damn good). I feel that I need that little pick me up after these long nights. I also have a 3 week old boy at home too so sleep has been in very short order...
    best wishes.
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    MamaTo3inNH reacted to edpsych78 in 8 Months Out - First Before & After Pics   
    So I am now officially 8 months post-op and today I took my first "after" photo. I was very proud of the outfit and shoes I wore to work today - definitely something I've never worn in my life. I thought I would share with all of you. The first one was taken the day I came home from the hospital after having surgery. The second is 8 months post-op. I am so happy I made this decision and life change!

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    MamaTo3inNH reacted to bobbyswife in Your dream outfit   
    I can't wait to be able to wear boots that go to my knee!!!
    What do you wear now or what do you want to be able to wear one day that you couldn't wear as an overweight person?
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    MamaTo3inNH reacted to SoCal Sleeve in 25 day update with pictures   
    So I just wanted to give a 25 day update to help people like myself who almost backed out of surgery. I am feeling pretty good and I am only on the soft food stage of my post op diet. I eat brocolli cheese Soup & yogurt daily along with powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury chicken Soup Protein.
    I have lost 35lbs. as of today and have dropped from a 54" waist to a 48" waist already. I am a big muscular guy so my weight was 384 at surgery and today 349 and already getting compliments.
    The 1st picture was the final straw that made me look into gastric sleeve & the 2nd picture was taking today at work.

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    MamaTo3inNH reacted to InspirationMySon in Fat apron/belly hangover question   
    I was a belly fat carrier as well & getting down in weight the only issue I am really having 3 months out is the area around my csection scar. I do notice my skin on my belly is smooshy. However Maidenform's self expression line is only $22 for a tank top that brings it all in where it needs to be, they also have underwear at a decent price. But it's true moisturizing will help with the overall elasticity & appearance of your skin - however it may not suck back in like you'd like, only time will tell.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
