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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by planningband07

  1. planningband07

    Lapband with plication

    I have had a BM for the last 3 days, and have been using a stool softener to make it happen. I hope I'm not becoming dependent on these things! The directions said not to take over 5 days, so I'm gonna try to go the next couple of days without using the suppositories.
  2. planningband07

    Lapband with plication

    Thanks for hoPing it didn't make me sick, it didn't! Thank goodness. The protein shakes are disgusting to me now, too. And the Popsicles are the best, but it sucks that's all you can keep down! Hoping you have a better day and I have a BM before long! Lol still haven't had one yet!
  3. planningband07


    I had my surgery less than a week ago, just curious why the foods I am allowed to eat are sugar free or fat free? I learned before in a nutrition class that modified food is usually not as nutritious.
  4. planningband07

    Lapband with plication

    I'm feeling so much better, thanks! ...but I'm afraid I may have made a mistake. I think maybe because I was so sick before, and am not now, I was so hungry today! I ate some soft serve ice cream and just now a little canned spinach with garlic salt! Listen to me, I sound pregnant! Lol. Anyway, I didn't eat near as much of either of the foods that I could have or that I used to eat. I'm hoping that I haven't damaged anything or will not have a horrible night. I just wanted something that tasted like real food! ????
  5. planningband07

    Emotional eating lately

    This is another attempt to remove my redundant post ????
  6. planningband07

    Emotional eating lately

    I'm new sorry for posting too many times! Lol
  7. planningband07

    Lapband revision

    Did you have a hiatal hernia or plication?
  8. planningband07

    Lapband revision

    I had lapband with plication and a hiatal hernia done last Thursday. The first 3 days were miserable, but today I'm feeling better. The only thing is I laid around in bed and my kids didn't do anything but get the house messy, of course! Anyway, for whatever reason I have a very short fuse this evening and have yelled at my kids like 3 times already! Lol they are 10,12 and 16. I started looking up feeling anger after surgery and it does seem to be a consequence for some of us. Hope I can get more back to my normal attitude when I am upset, and not feel like I could pick up this trailer and throw it! Lol
  9. planningband07

    Lapband revision

    I've heard of erosion, but this doesn't sound the same. How long ago did you have the band put in? Any idea how it happened? One more thing for me to worry about! Lol seriously, hope you're feeling ok.
  10. Sylvia 45 is exactly right! Having had no other WLS than the band with plication, I can't be sure if what I'm experiencing is due to both Procedures, or if I would have felt the same way with only the band. I feel okay for a few hours and then suddenly sick to my stomach and it's very uncomfortable in general. I am sure I've lost weight, but I don't even care to know because I'm literally praying that I can just get through each day without throwing up. -4 days post op
  11. Trying to decide now between lapband or lapband with plication. I'm 210, 5", 42 BMI, will be happy to be 145 and still able to eat kind of normal...Not excited about having to get fills, but also don't want extremely invasive surgery. Basically, I want my cake and eat it, too. That's why we're all here, right? Haha I would appreciate any feedback on your opinions of lapband vs. lapband with plication... And aetna approval process, time frame before surgery, or any other tips!
  12. planningband07

    Had surgery 6 hours ago...

    Thank you for giving me hope that it will get better, it actually is already! Thank goodness, I went to a little church service tonight and managed to sit there about an hour. By the time we were leaving, I begged my mom to get me home ASAP to the suppositories for nausea. I would also like to say that I'm much happier being at home than in a hospital, the way I moan and groan and twist sometimes would be embarrassing! lol
  13. planningband07

    Getting Started

    I agree it's not the easy way Out! I had my surgery this pAst Thursday and laughed a little this morning as I remembered hOw my old boss used tO say "getting a lapBand is taking the easy way out" if only she could see how horrible this has been! And the fact I can't eat like I used to ever again! Lol I was thinking right when I woke up from surgery, why didn't I just find some other way to do this? Cause it hurt so bad! But I'm finally feeling better! Thank God!
  14. planningband07

    Pre opt diet starts today

    Yes the sugar free jello and the sugar free Popsicles are a lifesaver!
  15. planningband07

    Lapband with plication

    I am so glad to hear that it has given you hope. I honestly thought about getting the surgery so much that I never even worried about afterwards and it was really rough! But now I'm on day 3 and with friends and family praying for me, I am finally seeing the proverbial "light at the end of the tunnel!" Please let's keep in touch! Also, be sure you get the suppositories for naseau, I didn't have them for the first 24 hours and I vomited 6 times, so gross! Not any food, but even a sip of water! I was so scared that I had made a huge mistake. So my best advice is if you are feeling horrible, it will Pass! Lol
  16. Wow! That's awful! Your poor woman! I think any surgeon who doesn't want you to get a second opinion may be hiding something. Go somewhere else, please! I've read a lot of people talk about vomiting up something black, don't know what it is, but it can't be a good thing. Take care of yourself, especially with those 3 babies need you. ;-(
  17. I have heard so many people say the band didn't work or causes problems down the line. But I've also heard mortality rates are higher with the sleeve and the risk of a staple coming out is very dangerous. I'm glad I finally settled on lapband with plication. I wanted something that could be reversed in case of emergency. I also realize a lot of people have issues with the band, and I would certainly consider the sleeve if the band doesn't work for me in the long run. I just chose to start with the safer route.
  18. planningband07


    It took my insurance Aetna, about 10 days to approve mine. I had the surgery Thursday which was the quickest I could get it done. From start to finish, my first appt in February, 3 months diet, didn't lose two months enough, which stretched out my surgery for another 1.5 months. The place I went through you don't have to meet the dr, unless you want to, but I was afraid he would make me lose more weight because I really didn't lose much at all before surgery and I even gained some months.
  19. planningband07

    Had surgery 6 hours ago...

    I just had lapband surgery with plication on Thursday and I feel pretty awful! The first day I got home, I threw up 6 times, yesterday was 2 and today I've only gagged a couple of times. I have only managed to keep down about 1/2 of a sugar free Popsicle and small sips of water.
  20. planningband07

    PTO, vacation or leave?

    I'm going to my last appointment before insurance approval paperwork is submitted. I am planning to have the lapband in July. I have two weeks of vacation and some sick days, should I request sick days or vacation or ask for a leave? My company does not know I am doing this, although my insurance covers the procedure. I work from home so I don't see my co-workers or my boss very often. I don't really want to rock the boat by announcing I'm having WLS. I have a feeling they will talk about it and may even decide to let me go (this is a fear I always kinda have, not necessarily substantiated! Lol) What did you guys do? Or what would you suggest I do? By the way, I am relatively healthy, no comorbidities, but I realize there are risks and complications that can occur. My BMI is 41 and I am 38.
  21. planningband07

    Nsv 4 weeks in!

    I agree you could use a haircut! Seeing your face will help! Lol jk
  22. planningband07

    Nsv 4 weeks in!

    Wow! You look awesome! Good job, I'm going to my appt Friday and fingers crossed I've lost enough weight for them to start the approval process! How long did your approval take? I have a BMI of 40 for 3 years straight, but no co-morbidities.
  23. planningband07

    Dating after Weight Loss Surgery

    I totally agree with this comment! Lol Guys who fish can be very calm and Patient, what lady doesn't need that? lol
  24. planningband07

    My story

    You're doing great! Just keep plugging away. Which surgery did you have by the way?

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