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Everything posted by wombatski

  1. wombatski

    Australia - Melbourne

    In the morning I managed half of the European equivalent to Wheet Bix with actimil but was so full I didn't manage a snack. At lunch I managed 150mls spinach soup but really struggled. I had some plain yoghurt for an afternoon snack but then was so full I couldn't eat dinner. So weird. I was so looking forward to eating real food bit then coukdnt manage it really. I'm also a bit worried. The first week I lost 4.3kg (not a lot when you consider I spent half of it vomiting and the other half on a few ice cubes a day) and the second week I lost nothing! In fact I think I've put back on the .3 bit it was only fluids apart from the day I cheated and had pork. I'm worried ill put weight on again now I'm eating food. But how is that even possible? Surely my body needs to burn more calories just to stay alive? Did anyone else experience this?
  2. wombatski

    Australia - Melbourne

    Thanks @@steveelea
  3. wombatski

    Australia - Melbourne

    Oh I made a typo. I was 12 days not 17. I start mushy food today. I didn't call the Dr. I was too embarrassed. I put a heat pack on my tummy and drank lots of hot tea. Seemed to work. Fingers crossed I haven't messed anything up in there :-(
  4. wombatski

    Australia - Melbourne

    Hi ladies. I messed up today and now I feel sick. Not tummy sick. Guilt and feeling bad about myself. Supposed to be on fluids only for two weeks. It's only been 17 days post op and I ate. At first I had a mouthful then spat it out. But later in the day I ate from my kids plates after they'd finished. Just a few mouthfuls. ..but still. Cheating is cheating and I hate myself for it. I just don't understand why I did it? Why I was so weak when I want this so bad? It's put my head in real spin. And now I'm paranoid I've messed up my stitches (mines plication not sleeve - so stitched not cut). :-( did anyone else experience this? How did you bounce back and pull yourself out? I like to achieve in work and study. It's killing me that I'm 'failing' myself already :'(
  5. wombatski

    Australia - Melbourne

    Thanks ladies. I'm looking forward to being nausea free :-( my Dr still hasn't said how much I should lose. I'm afraid to ask. I'd need to lose 70kg or more to be the right bmi. But I'd settle for 50 - 60kg. I'm worried they will give me a figure of much less than that. I know 20-30 is better than nothing. But it seems a lot to go through and still be obese after. The 'brochure' says 30kg in the first year but it doesn't mention height or start weight. What are your goals? Is it possible to lose more than 50-60% of the excess weight?
  6. wombatski

    Australia - Melbourne

    Thanks. I'm still struggling. I was done Tuesday around 2 pm. It's now Friday morning and I'm still in hospital because I haven't managed to keep an ice cube yet. This part is tougher than I thought :-(
  7. wombatski

    Australia - Melbourne

    I had my surgery yesterday. I feel like death. Was feeling better until they gave me an ice cube then I started vomiting and now in pain. I called for the nurse, bit she didn't speak English so she left to get someone who does and hasn't come back yet. :-(
  8. wombatski

    Australia - Melbourne

    Congratulations @@steveelea
  9. wombatski

    Australia - Melbourne

    Ahhh silly autocorrect. Sorry. Typing on a tiny phone keyboard and my old eyes can barely see the screen!
  10. wombatski

    Australia - Melbourne

    I don't know anyone who's had if done. Right now I'm too ashamed to tell my friends I'm having it done. They are all slim and beautiful. I've told my husband of course and my mum. But my mum is in australia.
  11. wombatski

    Australia - Melbourne

    @steveela yrs it's plication just on its own. I don't know the statics here bit I know the clinic is the best in Europe and has won awards etc for being a centre for excellence and that people come from all over the world to have if done here both because of the price/exchange rate and their reputation. They told me to expect 40-70% as most people average 60% bit that it was only a tool and not a miracle cure and that my success is up to me. They said if I follow their instruction then definitely at least 60% but I need to expect bad weeks. They said that most of the people who fail do so because they have a bad week of two of three and then get too embarrassed to call the clinic and asked for help then it snowballs. The aftercare seems good. I will have regular follow up appointments and gave been told to call the clinic for support anytime I feel I've gone off the rails or need nutritional advice etc. They've also given the number for an English speaking psychologists who specialises in nutrition if I want psychotherapy. I think I need it, but I have 2 yr old twins and nursery doesn't start until 3 and babysitting us very expensive for me so I'll have to see how many sessions I can afford. I have no family here and no one to help with these kinds of things so it will be tough :-/
  12. wombatski

    Australia - Melbourne

    How do I reply to people by name? :-/ I'm new to this whole forums thingy.
  13. wombatski

    Australia - Melbourne

    @"dislexicon" I'm in Prague. I know it's my head that needs the most changing. This worries me as I don't speak Czech very well and my husband isn't much of a talker. I wanted the sleeve but my health insurance only covers a clinic that offers plication.
  14. wombatski

    Australia - Melbourne

    @steveela thanks for your reply. My surgeon said pretty much the same as you 'it's only a tool, you need to not eat chocolate'. Plication is when the fold the stomach in a sew it. It's very similar to the sleeve in that it's vertical and leaves a punch of 150mls. In a fantasy world I'd like to lose 70kg and be super slim like my sister but I know 50kg is most realistic and would get me to "healthy". I know the statics are an average of roughly 60% lost. Does anyone ever lose 100%?
  15. wombatski

    Australia - Melbourne

    Hi Everyone, I'm new to this forum and forums in general. Have never used one. I'm not in Melbourne, I'm in Europe. But I'm originally Australian and looking for a support group which is in English. I'm getting plication November 18 and a little terrified. Not of the op. Of failing or not coping afterwards. I'm a full time mum of 2yr old twins with no family here or child care so I work part time at night (often until very late) and I'm also an MA student writing a dissertation so I have a lot on my plate (no pun intended). Normally I turn to chocolate when things get too much and I'm stressed. I dig at my desk until 3 am writing assignments of working devouring whole blocks of chocolate and copious amounts of strong milky sugary coffee. I desparately want to change my behaviour but I know the surgery won't do much more than make it harder for me to eat large quantities in one sitting and the rest I need to do myself. Half of me is self talking saying 'come on, you can do this, you have to'. The other half is saying 'but what if you put your family through all this and still stay fat and it's your own fault because you end up doing something stupid like eat chocolate'. Did you suffer from this kind of self doubt? How did you self talk and motivate yourself to get through. My husband bless him isn't the most supportive. He says things like 'I'll still love you fat or thin, I don't care, do whatever you want, as long as you look after the kids and don't involve me'.

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