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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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BLERDgirl last won the day on December 9 2015

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About BLERDgirl

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    Bariatric Legend

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  1. I know  I don't post often. Year 2 is where the real work comes in. I've gain, 20. lost 15/ Had a cancer scare and am now dealing with the flu. Overall I'm doing well, just taking these few hiccups as they come.  The challenge is rebounding and getting back to the gym after each hiccup. It just doesn't leave much online time.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. _Kate_


      Nice to see you posting here again. You have done amazingly well and we all have setbacks at times... that's the reality of all of this. Now here's to looking to a good future. You CAN do it !!!!

    3. Groovymom


      Hi, i am 3 years out now , I began at 287 , after the sleeve I got down to 165. Now 3 years + I am at 181 and going nuts! I can't seem to stop snacking and noticed my meals are getting just a little more bigger... any advice from you or anyone reading this.

    4. talking mountain

      talking mountain

      Good to see you again BLERDgirl! IGlad to hear you are sticking with the gym.

      The real work does indeed start later. I'm at 18 months now and really have to work at not overeating and snacking... all the old habits have been lying in wait!

  2. BLERDgirl

    TMI - forewarned - constipation

    I never had constipation. My doctor starts all his patients on stool softners post op day 1 as a preventative measure. I had surgery on a Thursday, came home Saturday. Had my first BM Monday.
  3. Just a quick drive by. The second year has been much harder mentally than my first year. I've bounced between +/- 5 10 lbs of my current weight, in large part due to stress. Not an excuse, just a fact. Dealig with a new & hopefully minor health issue at the moment. i'm just focusing on surviving 2016., and moving on to 2017.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. heidikat72


      good to see you. you've always come across as a logical determined woman, so I have no doubt you will work through this

    3. her1981


      I was wondering about you. I'm with you. Year 2 is a struggle. Hope things work out for you.

    4. heynowkc


      Thanks for checking in. My second year has been hard as well. Rebooted yesterday. Gonna try to make this worth it! Still over 200 lbs down, just have had a bit of a setback. I won't use the word stall. I think 10 months without losing because I've let my lifestyle out of control does not equal a stall! This is all on me! Hoping to ring in my 2nd anniversary right! (12/17!)

  4. Hey! I'll be back soon. Dealing with a few real life issues.
  5. ME! SO far I've lost 117lbs and 90% of that was by doing water aerobics. I started at 2 days a week and now go 4 - 6 days a week. Your doctor is grossly misinformed. Not everyone is a runner. Weight lifting is could for firming up, but as long as you move, and do it consistently you will lose.
  6. BLERDgirl

    Will I eat good foods again?

    Everyone is different. Some do and some don't. I can eat spicy foods with no issues.
  7. BLERDgirl

    sick after eating

    It could be all kinds of reasons. Perhaps she needs to eat slower, the texture of the food might be too dense or not moist/soft enough, she might be drinking too close to eating, or she could have an internal issue. I would give the doctor or nutritionist a call. If eliminating all the external factors doesn't resolve things, then it may be time for a check up to make sure nothing internal is happening.
  8. BLERDgirl


    To the OP: Call your doctor! You may have a stricture or something else going on. I never threw up post op. I also never had the slimes either. I had a super easy post-op experience and kept down everything I attempted to eat. My practice had me practicing eating slow before surgery so I was super careful not to eat too fast post -op. I also completely agree with @VSGAnn2014 - I have never heard of anyone not being allowed chicken for a full year. That's usually the second animal Protein allowed.
  9. BLERDgirl

    Choosing a Hospital

    Why not call the hospitals and ask if they can give you a pre-surgical tour? They are more common in pediatric hospitals, but I don't see why you can do one. You can then use that as an opportunity to see where you will be going/staying, etc... and get more info on how post-op management will be handled. Personally I would lead more towards a dedicated babriatric unit, but Grosse Point might surprised with the ability to give more 1:1 care because of it's smaller size.
  10. BLERDgirl

    What Are Your Fast Food Faves?

    Dunkin donut egg & cheese wake up wrap. I peel back half the tortilla, but it's pretty much just a single egg with cheese. That and a cup of coffee and I am good to go.
  11. BLERDgirl

    New "addiction"?

    I'm a bargain shopper so I was always able to get steals like this. I just like shopping and I'm still trying to make myself shop my closet. I have no idea why I held onto clothes I couldn't fit, but it sure is fun getting back into them again!
  12. Sorry you had such a negative experience, but this surgery will not magically make you fit into this world. There will always be a place where you are out of the norm whether it be being the lone female, too short, too tall, the wrong race, age, ethnicity, etc.... It's important that we learn to love ourselves for who we are, rather than some what we imagine someone else thinks we should be. Focus on being the best you there is and the hell with what everyone else thinks.
  13. Once a week I take an evening class. If I have eaten well throughout the day I won't eat before but I will have a Protein bar or some nuts after.
  14. Yes it does. My typical workout day is wake 7:30, drink 8 ounce of water. 8/8:15 ish protein shake. I prefer to make my own in the nutra bullet w/ unflavored protein powder ¼cup plain, greek yogurt and bit of fruit or sometimes a little bit of raw honey. I do water aerobics from 9 -10. I count my protein shake as breakfast. I cannot workout on an empty stomach. My biggest meal of the day is usually lunch. Dinner is often a salad or soup. If I don't eat before a workout, not only don't have enough energy, I get ill. Post workout I'd have an ounce of nuts. It's my recovery food/snack. I then have lunch. 2 days a week I also do a low impact aerobic class at 11. On those days I typically drink water in between workouts and then have a protein bar after that. What I have found is I don't need large quantities of food, but I do need nutritionally packed food.
  15. I don''t vary between types of workout. My aim is protein before and after any workout. Typically I make a protein shake in the nutrabullet and have that at least 30 minutes pre-work. Post workout is usually nuts like almonds or pistachios. If I am feeling really hungry, maybe a protein bar.

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