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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by BLERDgirl

  1. BLERDgirl

    Tough Tome Eating!

    So far I'm not having any difficulties eating out. I would suggest that when you eat out you keep the food simple. Baked chicken, steamed lobster, etc... You may have to ask the wait staff to tell the chef limits seasonings. Heavier foods like mac & cheese may be too challenging.
  2. BLERDgirl

    Hot fries?

    No. Beside it being empty carbs, it was fried in oil. Fried foods are not our friends. Then there was the fact that you're introducing spicy food to a healing tummy. That fry was simply not a good choice. At 2 weeks post op you really need to focus on Water & Protein.
  3. BLERDgirl

    5 weeks post-op

    Sparkpeople has a good youtube home workout. The Walk Away series is also good.
  4. BLERDgirl

    Is TOO much protein a concern?

    As mentioned too much Protein can effect the kidneys, however as @tamg26k mentioned you can tolerate higher levels if you are working out frequently, especially if you are lifting weights or body building. You doctor will likely check this as part of your bloodwork. I keep my protein intake between 65- 75 with one protein shake and 2 meals a day.
  5. BLERDgirl


    I tooted like a brass horn the day after I came home from the hospital. After hearing of everyone's experiences with painful gas I'm glad that's the worse thing that happened to me.
  6. BLERDgirl

    Never Hungry

    Are you taking a PPI. Often it's the build up of acids in your tummy that give you that heavy feeling. Try prilosec, the generic omeprazaloe. I take 40mg of omeprazaloe in the morning and that usually gets me through the day. if not I take 2 tums chewables.
  7. @@GenaW828 - since you can eat the greek yogurt why not mix 1 scoop of protein powder with greek yogurt and a bit of fruit? Depending on your brand of greek yogurt and protein powder that should give you at least 30gms of protein. That's half you daily requirement. Do that once in the morning and once in the evening and you've hit your protein goals. You can then drink your water in between.
  8. BLERDgirl

    I Made It!

  9. BLERDgirl


    What are you doing for Water now? Do you buy bottled? I've never experienced foamies or frothing. I don't use artificial sweeteners because I am allergic. On the few occasions I have coffee or tea I still use either organic sugar or raw honey. I just don't use a lot of it.
  10. BLERDgirl

    How to stop?

    Will you have an annual follow up on check up with your program? You need to speak with the nutritionist so she can help you plan how to eat on maintenance.
  11. BLERDgirl

    Dismorphia raised it's ugly face

    That's what dysmorphia does to us. It's good you recognize it.Just take it one day at a time. The holiday's will be over soon enough.
  12. I like FAGE0% greek yogurt. It's 18 gm of Protein per 8oz. mixed with fruit you can get a pretty decent protein boost that way. If it's too think for you, add some lowfat milk and mix in a blender. As a vegetarian there are some organic protein powders out there: Biochem, Vega , Orgain organics to name just a few. There are also great unflavored Proteins that can be mixed with food. GENEPRO, Procource, Isopure and the infamous Un jury. FYI- you may want to talk to your doctor about the gummie Vitamins. They are complete and may not be giving you all the mineral and nutrients needs. My doctor said even flintstone chewables were better than gummies.
  13. BLERDgirl


    I'm not sure what you are asking. Couldn't you just drink a bit of hot water? I thought frothing came from eating too fast. Have you tried eating slower?
  14. BLERDgirl

    Viviscal Hair Growth Program

    I did a comparison of a few hair Vitamins. Should have made a chart, but I actually just googled. Bottom line is pretty much all of them are a combination of Biotin and a multi-Vitamin. Biotin needs a mult to work effectively. These just put it in one pill. The only difference is that some also include collagen in the mix. Personally I think they are over priced. Biotin by itself is fairly inexpensive. Most of us are already on Multivitamins as bariatric patients. Save yourself some money and just buy plain biotin. The other thing is diet. Hair needs Protein. Bariatric patients sometime lose hair because we need higher protein levels. Make sure you are getting your protein requirements in as well as your Water. I've been taking biotin for some time now. I am menopausal and that's another thing that can cause hair loss. I've seen some improvement pre-WLS. I was experiencing thinning at my temples and my roots were starting to feel thinner. After taking for biotin for over a year, my temples are no longer thinning and the hair there appears to have grown back. My roots feel a little stronger, but I also think that's do to being gentler on my hair. I'm 3mths post-op and so far haven't experienced any hair loss.
  15. BLERDgirl

    One Week Post OP

    It gets better as you heal. It's one of the reasons why you have to sip sloooowwly. It the spasms get too bad you can ask your doctor to prescribe something but try and remember to be gentle to your healing tummy.
  16. Here's another weird thing since some one mentioned body image. I had to look at myself. I mean *really* look at myself. I have never been a shrinking violet. I always thought I was cute. I dressed nice, kept my hair done and wore cute clothes. When I admitted I needed to loose weight I had to look at myself and allow myself to see those fat thighs and giant belly. I had to admit that I simply was carrying around far too much weight on my 5'3" frame.
  17. BLERDgirl

    Post-OP Liquid Diet Phase

    Hang in there guys, Those first 2 weeks are the hardest! Once you start adding food back it gets easier.
  18. BLERDgirl

    Cravings issue

    It will subside but you're going to be uncomfortable for a while. I'd suggest anything you get rid of anything in the house that might tempt you. You don't want to sabotage your surgery.
  19. BLERDgirl

    When did you return to the gym?

    I was cleared for water aerobics at 3 weeks. I only had to wait that long because the last incision took a little longer to scab. After that it was anything else as tolerated.
  20. BLERDgirl

    gas x questions

    Have you talked to your doctor? I didn't have to bring anything because they started me on omeprazole in the hospital and discharged me with a 90 day prescription.
  21. BLERDgirl


    I think we told you it would come. Glad to hear you're doing well!
  22. BLERDgirl

    One week buyers remorse

    You can have some of it soon. Once I was on soft foods at 6 weeks, I would add a bit of salsa and dices avocado to my eggs. I'm not ready for chips just yet but that's just a personal preference. I've been cleared to eat whatever I can tolerate.
  23. I started changing my relationship with food before surgery. I contracted facial shingles in 2009. Shingles are painful, shingles on your face where the skin is thinner is even worse. Then you have to worry about then getting in your eye and making you blind. That was my wake up call. I was approaching 50 and even though I had always been fat, I had always been active. Shingles sat me down like no other. Worst pain in my life. I literally did nothing but lie as still as possible for days because the pain was that bad. I really sick from one of the pain meds and ended up in the ER with anaphylaxis. They wanted to keep me but I was uninsured and begged them to send me home. I spent 10 hours in the ER before they would clear me to go home. Once the shingles cleared up, I was left with nerve damage called trigeminal neuralgia. Basically the side of my face where I had the shingles is permanently numb from the nerve damage. The nostril on that side does not work so I am constantly congested. I realized then, if I didn't change things I would always get sick. My body just didn't have any resistance. I promised myself I would do what I could to get healthier. I joined a gym that had a pool and started taking Water aerobics 3 -5 days a week. I stopped drinking soda, I gave up my daily coffee habit. I drink it occasionally but not daily. I no longer "need" coffee to start my day. I started eating as clean as possible. No processed foods. I started eating Breakfast every day. I started juicing. I found I could eat breakfast and workout so I found a plant based Protein powder an started making smoothies. I started practicing portion control. I learned not to bring anything in the house I couldn't have without binging on. I started reading food labels when I went shopping. I wish that had been enough. However my health caused me to yo-yo with the same 35 -50 pounds several times. I would do well with my eating and exercise, then get sick and regain it again. The surgery has somehow helped with my other illnesses. I think the habits I developed in the few years prior WLS helped me follow the program post op. I was already practicing portion control and doing things like drink water when I thought I should eat and making sure I didn't nibble mindlessly. I started food journaling. My relationship with food changed in that I became a conscience eater. Keeping that diary makes me look at not just calories, but sodium, carbs and sugar as well and how it would effect my body. I even started doing things like taking a walk when I was stressed instead of eating my feelings.
  24. BLERDgirl

    Feeling so good! Too good?

    I felt fine from day one and so far I haven't had any difficulty with foods. It took longer to drink at first, but was never not able to drink. The only thing that has changed is the desired to over eat. Enjoy feeling good.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
