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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LangleyGirl

  1. Mine started the day after surgery and still flares up at least once a day. Sometimes it will wake me out of a sound sleep! When it's really bad, It's difficult to move my arm..... when I try, it seems like the signal from my brain to the shoulder muscle isn't working properly. Weird!
  2. LangleyGirl

    November Surgery Dates

    Can you add me too? I was banded on 11/6. Thanks!
  3. LangleyGirl

    If you have the AP lapband please respond

    I just got the APS band on 11/6. I can't wait to start getting fills because my appetite is starting to come back full force!
  4. LangleyGirl

    Appreciate feedback

    Congrats.... it's sounds like you're doing well. I was banded on the 6th and went through the same thing about difficulty telling if my rumbling stomach was gas or hunger. Taking gasX helped and sipping broth or flavored water helps if my stomach is still rumbling.
  5. LangleyGirl

    Just banded 11/6

    Sorry tara-b..... I live in Virginia and Dr. Moazzez did my surgery.
  6. Hi everyone! I'm so glad I found this forum. I was just banded on 11/6 and this site has been a tremendous help. I'm looking forward to learning more and losing the weight.
  7. The gas pains are what made me feel the worst. As some of the previous posters have recommended...... the gasX strips are wonderful and will make you feel like a new person!
  8. LangleyGirl

    Help Needed

    That is a long time to wait for an appt. with the doc. Mine wanted me back 7-10 days after surgery.... no exceptions. I'll definately let you know on Thursday what he says. I'm still trying to figure out the gas vs. hunger pain thing. I started taking gasX yesterday and that has really helped. Before I'd be so bloated thinking I was full but my stomach would be rumbling like crazy and I'd think I was starving. When in doubt....drink water, lol, it helps a little bit.
  9. LangleyGirl

    Off 2 meds today

    Awesome job! I can't wait to get off my BP meds.
  10. LangleyGirl

    Catheter? Weird question...

    I had one that they put in after I was asleep and took out before I woke up. I would have never known if they hadn't told me preop, lol!
  11. LangleyGirl

    Help Needed

    Hi Holleyberries, I'm exactly a week postop today too. I've been having the exact same symptoms you're describing except on the left side. My right side (port side) is just tender because of the work they did there but I have the sharp pains you describe and the shoulder pain. The shoulder pain started the next morning after my surgery. The nurse and doc told me it's just the gas they use to blow you up for surgery. Since it can't escape, it migrates up in your body until it dissipates. I think the sharp pains that are lower are just gas pains.... taking the chewable gasX has help me with that alot and I'm feeling much better, but it hasn't gone away totally. I'm going to ask my doc about it on Thursday when I see him.
  12. LangleyGirl

    Big Day Tomorrow

    Congrats and good luck! The worst part for me was waiting to be wheeled back to the operating room (I was scheduled for 12pm surgery and they didn't take me back until 5:30pm). It's over before you know it. You'll hurt... but the pain is very manageable. Just take it easy when you get home and do exactly what your doc says. You'll be feeling better after a couple of days. Let us know how the surgery goes.
  13. I love to sew and I'm working on my first quilt right now. I mostly sew custom children's clothing. My favorite thing is applique. I used to sell alot on ebay but have been so busy with "real life" stuff that I've slowed it down to a few custom orders from repeat customers. Here's a link to see some of my work. eBay View About Me for stinkybunzbabyboutique
  14. LangleyGirl

    Just Banded 11/12

    the protein shakes are starting to get to me too. I'm going to GNC later today to see what other flavors interest me. Right now i just have the chocolate which I love! It takes me awhile to finish it but I just keep sipping on it until it's broth time, lol.
  15. LangleyGirl

    Just Banded 11/12

    Wow! Congrats on doing so well and for a successful surgery. I can't believe you were home so quickly and helping your son with homework. My surgery wasn't until 6pm so they kept me overnight which I'm thankful for. My morphine PCA pump was my best friend that night! Just remember to rest and to not over-do it. It's been a week for me and I'm still trying to get my strength back.
  16. LangleyGirl

    Just banded 11/6

    HoneyB...... what's up with the staples? My surgeon put internal stitches in and butterfly closures on the outside.
  17. LangleyGirl

    Just banded 11/6

    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! Jelbel..... the first couple of days the gas was bad. It took me awhile to figure out that it was gas and not the band or hunger. A couple of tums during the day does the trick. HoneyB.... I'm also very tired like you. I'm used to running around with my kids all day and doing things around the house.... I was not prepared at all for how much the surgery would kick my butt. I am feeling much better now though. I see my doc on Thursday and will hopefully get the OK to start on pureed food. Thank god because I've started to get hungry again!

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