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Everything posted by vzghj3
Hi all! I am still out here and haven't been on the site in quite awhile. I must of had this thread flagged because all of the sudden I got all of the updates from today. I am doing well and yes it is hard to believe it is all most 3 years! I don't even think of the Band and have just gotten used to the new way of life with eating, etc. I did recently have to get my band loosened. It got so tight that nothing was staying down. Dr. said the tightness could have been stress related. Now it feels like I can use a fill...so fickled. I am happy to report that I have maintained my weight loss and I too would do all over again. Apples I had to laugh, I had no idea what a "panni" was and had to look it up! Good luck with that surgery. Nice to hear from you all! Take care!
Happy New Year! Just checking in. It's hard to believe it's been 1 1/2 years since we all had our banding. I had to have a slight unfill for the first time right before the holidays. OMG what a relief! It was like opening up a clogged pipe, I could not get anything down and what little I did was coming back up. Dr. said that some times once a person looses a large amount of weight that the band can some times tighten, even though you would think it would be the opposite. Has anyone else experinced this? I had 7.5ccs in my 10cc band, he really did not tell me how much he took out. I have my follow up on Monday and am going request a little fill. I've been able to eat too much and for the first time have gained a few pounds. But much of that was due to the way too many goodies I ate and the lack of excercising through the busy holiday season. Other than that all is well, just starting to look into my options for PS. Targeting April, by then I would have given my body & weight 6 monts to stabalize from reaching goal. And most importantly be ready for swimsuit season! Would be nice to hear updates from all of the old regulars of this thread. Hope all is well.
Long yes there is hope for the calves! I started working out on pilates machine almost 5 months ago and lost 40 pounds since. That is what really kicked my final weight loss in gear, plus really toned me. Sorry your mother has to be so negative, she's just jealous. There is no way you look older. Keep the faith and don't let her get to you.
hey there long....hang in there my fat calves finally shrunk and I am loving the boots! I think I am enjoying shoes now more than clothes. My feet were so fat that I was very limited to shoe styles. How's the recovery coming along? allie...I'm in a size 6 now, unbelievable. I can't remember ever being a size 6. 5 pounds shy from loosing half my body weight since surgery. My weight is at 136 pounds now, getting comments that I'm too thin now from some. But the doctor says I am good for my height of 5' 7.5" and time to focus on maintaining. Then time for PS! Anxious to hear how yours goes and what advice you'll have after going through it. Everyone have a great day!
Hi all...it's been a very long time since I posted. Last time I checked this thread it had been pretty dead. Was a nice surpise to see some current posts, so nice to catch up with how everyone is doing. Long I am so happy to hear your knee surgery went well. And Allie how excited you must be for the PS. I started pilates a few months back and wow did that sculpt my body and kicked in the final weight loss, blew past my goal. I am going to give my weight and body maybe 6 months to stabilize and then will check my PS options. The extra thigh skin is just grossing me out and the girls need a lift! Have a great night!
Wow! Just checking in and see this board is dead...Where did everyone go??? Allie, Long, Apples, Teach, Lucy and everyone else...hope you are all well. I'm doing just fine, still happily slowly loosing and enjoying the summer.
hey some how my ticker got reset to 0...I'll need to fix that when i weigh myself....I really don't step on the scale any more...how strange it is after all those years of the love hate realtionship with the scale, that that number does not mean anything to me any more..
hi all! Allie and Great(aka Long) ~ Congrats on reaching goal, that is fabulous! Jen ~ you are a beutiful girl!! Not much going on with me, just enjoying summer and slowly loosing, but every pound counts and am just so happy with how active I am this summer. Still working on mastering slalom skiing, but for now enjoying skiing on two.
Hi Long ~ No bears, but have had a few run ins with them in the past...however at one point we came up over the hill and there was an animal party in the road...standing there were 3 deer, a family of racoons and a cat and kitten...i think the racoons and cats were fighting..was quite a funny site to stumble upon. I could also use a little bit of a fill, but am afraid too that I may end up with reflux again...my last dr visit has been awhile and it was for an unfill...be patient and the weight will eventually come off. I find that excersize always is what kicks it in. Allie ~ good luck with finding a dr....I'm going to give my weight and body a little while to stabalize and will start researching. Will be good to learn from your experience. Please keep us posted. Have a great day! :thumbdown:
hi everyone! from what i've ready everyone has been just a busy as i am with vacations and work, etc. My daughter came in from Orlando and spent the 4th of July weekend with us at our cottage and i just returned this evening and then back to work tomorrow...ugh. I'm three pounds away from hitting 100 pounds and only 15 from my targeted goal weight of 150! Unbelievable! Almost time to set a new target. good night
Apples Happy Bandaversiary!!!! I do totally accept the size that I am and try not to get hung up on the number, just found the size differences interesting. Just imagine one year ago I was a size 24 or 3X!!!!! I'm planning on packing up too and heading to the lake tomorrow for the week. Yes I just started a new job and already have vacation. I negotiated a great salary/vacation package as part of the deal. Everyone have a great day!!!!
Hi everyone...Tried to read back through all the posts from when I last posted....Seems like everyone is doing well. I did not get a new bike, however last week my husband bought me one of those big cushy seats for my daughters brand new bike that she left behind. Now I can ride forever, my butt was killing me after 2 minutes on that old hard skinny seat. Besides bike riding I've started walking a lot more now that I am spending more time at our cottage and I am on my second week of Pilates. Oh and I went water skiing on Sunday! I had not been able to lift my fat butt out of the water for the past 5 years. I got right up the first time and every time after. What a difference not having to lift an extra 80 pounds up. My doctor made me give him one goal besides weight loss that I wanted to achieve and I did it. :wink2: Now my next goal is to Slalom Ski by the end of the summer. This will take lots of strength, so we'll see. It's interesting to me to see the big difference in clothes sizes some of you are wearing that are near the same weight and height as me. I'm wearing 14's, I definitely carry my weight in the hips, butt and thighs. I still don't know how to shop. Keep buying things a size to big and turning around and exchanging for a size smaller. Just think it's a mental thing. Bra size has gone way down, had to buy some more new bras yesterday..just shrinking away much faster than the rest of me..ugh the girls need a major lift. Well I better stop rambling....good night
Thanks Apples...and yes I love the new job. No more big corporate BS...working for a small company in the Healthcare Industry, about the only thing left in MI with the Auto Industry wiped out! Long...I'll be taking Appless advice too regarding PS...working on toning now and getting to goal, which is why I've started the pilates...once I get to my goal weight and maintain it for awhile I will decide. Not even sure yet what my goal weight will be, I have a number targeted, but who knows where my body will land.
Thanks Allie...I actually meant to comment to you that I can totally relate to the roller coaster seatbelts not fitting. We were just visiting the Mouse a month ago and it sure was nice to get on those rides and actually be able to tighten those straps up or be able to close the bars. I've experienced those humiliating moments just a little over a year ago. You're going to have a great trip. Isn't life just grand!
Hi! Tomorrow is my 1 year bandiversary!! Wow what a year it has been. I am sooooo happy I did this and I am a brand new person 85 pounds lighter now. Tonight I did my first pilates session with a personal trainer. And OH BOY am I sore! Would never have been able to do these pilate machines a year ago that's for sure. So I guess this is my gift to me. I really do need to get toned up. The really only saggy parts are my upper arms and of course the girls. But there are so many bras that can do wonders and only so much you can do to hide the arms. Not really doing anything special tomorrow to celebrate, but I do happen to have a hair cut appointment. So heck maybe I'll go wild and get some highlights! I've been blessed with no gray so far. Oh and I have not been on much lately because I've been so busy working, yes working! I finally got a job after almost 6 months. Been crazy getting back into the 9-5 routine. My old job I had such flexible hours and worked mostly remote from home or my cottage. So it's been many years since I've gone to an office every day. Not complaining at all, I actually love it. Happy Bandiversary to all you Junies!
Hunzi ~ I trypically eat nothing 2 hours prior...good luck with your first fill. Angel ~ I can't recall if there were issues which is why you only have had 3 fills/4cc's. If not, I'd get on your drs. case. Good for you for hanging in there. I've had so many fills and one unfill that I've lost count. I believe I got 4cc's by my first fill and I currently have 7-7.5 in a 10cc band. I'm heading to the cottage this afternoon for the weekend and may just stay for the week. Summer temps have finally arrived in MI, been in the 80's most of the week and mid 70's for this weekend and no rain! Can't ask for more than that. Apples ~ There was a list kept by Snuffy or the one Cathy had too. Would be nice to hear from everyone. Everyone have a great holiday weekend!
Hello out there...any body home? This board sure has been quiet. I know I've been busy and I am sure you all are too. Heading to the cottage tonight for weekend. Allie & Cathy ~ I too am a FarmTown addict! What a game to get addicted to. I had to make sure I planted crops that wouldn't be ready for harvest until Monday since I'll be gone...LOL! Everyone have a great weekend!
Happy Mothers Day to all the Moms out there. Livn ~ I would love to work at Disney too. My daughters major changes every semester, so this was a perfect thing for her. She already has a certificate in broadcasting and now she wants to become a Vet Tech. The Disney College internship applies to business credits. She is working at the Magic Kingdom Main Street Bakery. It sure was nice to be able to fit on all of the rides. A few years back when we went to Cedar Point in OH it was so embarassing not to be able to fit on some of the rollercoasters. Cathy ~ Sorry to hear you were ill and had to have an unfill. Hope you are feeling better. Lucky ~ Welcome to the board. Everyone have a great day!
Greetings....Just returned from visiting our daughter in sunny Orlando....What a great experience she is having interning at Disney World. Looks like all has been quiet here the past few weeks and you all are doing well. I managed to actually loose a few pounds which totally surprised me....I drank too many of those fruity cocktails at the poolside, all the walking at the parks must of cancelled out those calories. Well back to reality now.
Hi! Just got caught up on the posts since I was on last. Susan~Nice to hear from you again, been wondering where you've been. Hopefully your issues are minor and you are feeling better. I was scheduled for an appt this past Monday and chose to cancel it. I don't think for now I want another fill. The last one had given me so much heartburn and reflux that I was afraid I end up in the same situation and have to go get it unfilled again. I am slowly loosing weight, but the inches are still falling off faster. Clothes are getting bigger. So I went shopping yesterday to get some summer clothes for my Florida trip next week. So sad all the clothes that I bought when I went in February no longer fit, good thing, but sad about the money because I only wore them once or twice. Would you believe I pulled my neck shopping, bent over to pick up something and owwww! I am in so much pain, hopefully it will work itself out. So will just stick to walking today and no weights. Allie ~ Sorry to hear about your husbands job. Good for you for keeping the good attitude. And smart decision waiting to move until your daughter finishes school. We moved when my daughter was starting Middle School and 10 years later she still gives us grief about it. Iteach ~ Glad your fill went ok. Hunzi ~ Happy to hear all is well with your new band. Apples~Too bad you did not get to the lake last weekend. My husband took this Friday off so we are going up for a long weekend. Supposed to 80 all weekend after we had snow last night! Hi to everyone else. Have a great day!
Long ~ how exciting, good for you. I put volunteer applications in for two hospital today. Figure I should be contributing some how to society while I'm out of a job. Cathy ~ Was so nice to hear from you. You sound like me with all of the remodeling. Seems I finish one room and then I start all over again. I love it and have thought about going into it as a business, but timing right now is not so good with the economy. Strike Congratulation on the job! Hi! Lucy Iteach ~ Great job on the weight loss, keep up the good work! Hi Allie! Hunzi how are you feeling? Apples ~ Did you pick out that tanning bed? I'm so jealous. Enjoy the lake this weekend. We are headed back up this weekend, weather will be 68 all weekend. Time to get that boat in the water. I'm hoping I can actually get back to water skiing this year. I have truly missed it. I have not had enough strength in my arms to lift my fat a$$ out of the water the past few years. Have been lifting weights to build those arm muscles back up and hoping being 75 pounds lighter will do the trick. I have felt so left out of the party the past few years. There are about 6 couples on our lake that go skiing together every morning and evening, we even have a slalom course on the lake. Any way I was the only one that no longer participated, hoping to join back in this summer. I went for a vigorous 5 mile walk today, my legs are so sore right now and going to soak in the hot tub. Everyone have a great evening.
Interesting discussion on the target weight. When I started all this a goal of weighing 150 pounds was just a good dream number. I never really focused on what my range weight really was. I actually just looked it up and the high end of my weight range is 163, so if I take that into consideration I am much closer to goal too. Long mentioned about her weight as a young bride. Well 25 years ago when I got married I was 135 pounds and I thought I was sooo fat. I was a perfect size 10, did not even need the wedding gown altered one bit. I some how though have lost almost an inch in height over the years, ugh. I know it's nice to have a goal to shoot for, but in the end it all comes down to how you feel and that you get to a healthy weight/BMI range and to not get so hung up on the number on the scale or the number on the clothes tag. Don't set your goals unrealisticly to where you will beat yourself up for not achieving them.
Good Morning! Just popping in real quick to say hi and respond to the most recent posts. Just returning from a long Holdiay weekend. Husband and I went to the lake to open up our cottage for the season. Now if Spring temperatures would just get here. Allie ~ I agree with Apples that it does sound like you are at your sweet spot. That is how I feel right now with hunger every couple of hours. I know I pushed it last month and ended up having to get a little unfilled because of the reflux and heartburn issues. My dr. also suggests eating every 2-3 hours hungry or not, just to avoid getting hungry. I find that hard to do some times when I'm just not hungry. My docotor bases fills on how much lost between fills, hunger and how much you can eat at a time. He states 1/2 cup is too little and that is what I was at before I got the unfill. If you average a pound or more per week, no fill. So yes they all have some type of method to the madness. Well I have to run to a meeting. Have a good day.
Hi all, Just checking in....I've been busy looking for a job, no luck yet, and also been going to excercise classes a few evenings a week. I've also hit the 75 pounds lost mark!!! 100 here I come! I've been stuck a few times and am curious on how quickly those papaya enzymes work. I have found that toothpaste works wonders. I just happened to stumble on this when I brushed my teeth a few of the times I felt stuck and I got relief fairly quickly. So now I carry toothpaste in my purse in case of emergency and just put a dab of it on my tongue when needed. Not sure if it is the mint or I do use the type with baking soda & peroxide. What ever it is, it works. I was at Macy's this afternoon bathing suit shopping...ugh...and as I was wandering through the make-up dept I got pulled in by one of the Dior people and got my face fully made over. I now know how to do "smokey eyes". I've always tried to learn that from watching "What Not to Wear". Any way from talking to this Dior guy, he was in town from NY and I guess he does make-up for a lot of famous people. So was a nice treat and my husband actually noticed and said it looked nice. Snowing here the past 3 days, where is Spring? Oh well leave for FL again in 3 weeks. Have a good evening.
Allie ~ Sending you hugs...I know it's got to be rough. And by the way, just because we are all banded it does not mean we can't indulge in chocolate every once in a while. So don't beat yourself up over it. Long was right in her comment about the pre-banding out of control eating. The difference now is that we've all learned to respect our bands and learned control and moderation. Actually I have a chocloate Dove bunny along with some other Easter candy sitting on the counter that I bought today to send to my daughter and it keeps calling me. And speaking of indulging, I had my dinner at Costco tonight. To my surprise all those samples were quite filling...on the menu was Salmon, mashed potatoes, fresh mozzarella cheese and for desert a bite of cheese cake. I kind of chuckled at myself, thinking who knew all those little sample bites was enough for my dinner..LOL! I'll have to time my trips to Costco at dinner time more often. I did buy some of Salmon I sampled, it was quite good. Long ~ Congratulations on the size 10! I think I may be able to get into 14's now, all my 16's are getting loose.